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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/08 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    i'm a young a man, 25 and i really enjoy to MP scene here in ottawa and apparently so does my father. I was walking out of one (which i will not name) and my father was the next client walking in. Like what the hell do you say in that case? "hi dad, how's mom and FYI so&so has excellent technique, great release." Lucky for me my Dad played it cool and told me to hang on. Pop went up stairs and told them that he would be back in a sec came back and solved the situation. And i quote "Listen son we both know what goes on in there, i like this place it's close to my work and i can sneak in and out during my lunch. To avoid this unpleasantness in the future, stay away from this one as far as you're concerned this one is mine, there are dozens in the city go to one them and I will only go to this one." My reply "this is the only place i know dad and i'm totally green at this." "Go home and google Club Madeline Jae, I will not return there, it's yours now. And never go to #%& ever it's just a dump. We never speak of this meeting again, alright" my dad says giving me the finger point at the end " No shit dad." "watch your language, and for Christ sake call your mother." (i'm not making up the call your mother part, he tells me that all the time, but still as if he told to call home at that point in time) I have to say all in all it was pretty weird but in the end i got a strong recommendations to CMJ a very classy place and became a little smarter at this whole game of ours. And we have not spoken about it since, it's almost like it never happened, but everytime I walk out of CMJ i check over my shoulder. i just really hope that my dad is not a member of CERB or atleast doesn't read this. And dad if you do read this don't worry I got a couple a notchs in my belt now and i'm playing this game well. And if you want to return to CMJ sometime, just go on a weekend.
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