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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/09 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    All you had to say is that you were talking to your penis.......hehehehe..... after a great wild time of sex....I did slip....."well..that was pretty good"........you think you got slapped..I said that with my SO.........:-o
  2. 1 point
    This just gave me a flash of a potential call from like, a guy from Greece in town on business. Might turn out to be confusing... Greek Client: So, you like a the Greek? SP: No, sorry hun. GC: What's the matter, why you no like a the Greek? SP: Well it's...ew, it's just gross! GC: I put curse on your vagina! SP: That's included - you can call my pussy whatever you want...but just don't call me a cunt... GC: Arg, women in this country are too strange...(click)
  3. 1 point
    I have met with Michelle for more than once. So much have been said about her and I'm not going to repeat the same things again. I just want to point out: (1) The opening shower is always lovely (so go for it even if you have just washed!). Talk about a "happy opening" (2) She has those special touches that will make you scream (in a good way :D ). She loves to tease. Oh, those goosebumps... (3) The body slides... very slippery very stimulating (4) She responds to you: if you are happy she is happy ;) (5) You will aways have good conversation with her... I have never repeated a subject with her so far. (6) Her suite is nicely decorated with a warm and welcoming atmosphere - just like her personality (7) You will go away smiling and all relaxed after each session, I promised
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