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Posts posted by drg23

  1. Well I finally had the chance to see Roxy. Gotta say i'm a huge fan, Cato we seem to have similar tastes.


    I'm normally not into cbj but honestly if everyone did it like Roxxy i'd have no problem with it, also thought "Julio" was adorable lol.

  2. Yea I've had a few situations which have been similar to these. Generally, speaking I have just given up my money and gotten the hell outta there. I am far too pretty to risk it all for a couple $$ :-).


    However, once a pimp attempted to rob me for my jewelry (which had been passed down through generations of my family's history). It was the only time I was forced to fight in one of the situations and the last time I ever wore valuables to an unknown date.

  3. Hey Man,


    I think Lili is pretty much the same as always. I happen to adore her, as she is incredibly quirky and hilarious. I dont think anyone has ever made my blush more then Lili, which is quite a feat as I am a darker fellow who rarely, if ever, does.

    • Like 1

  4. A good rule of thumb that I practice both personaly and professionaly, don't answer the phone if you are not prepared to give your full attention. If I am focused on a task or project at work I don't answer my phone until that issue has been resolved, if it's important they will leave a message or call back. If I'm home watching a favorite TV show or movie, or engaged in coversation with company, again I don't answer the call until I'm ready.



    Sagely words CK, kudos :-)

  5. Good Morning Cerb :-),


    A question for the fellas, how does the way in which an SP or her booker answer the phone affect you? For instance, if the phone is answered in a very gruff manner, I instantly get turned off. Also, if I feel pressured in anyway to make an appointment ASAP, even if that was my intention, I get a bad taste for it.


    Most of the ladies do a wonderful job of communication over the phone so I don't mean to insult anybody but in my job I would never be able to get away with some of that towards my customers. My Boss would wring my skinny little neck if I did that lol.


    To be fair, oftentimes I meet the SP and I have no problem with her at all. Its just the initial communication always leaves a hesitancy in my mind. This is an obvious by product of "first impressions" but isn't this a hobby/profession that is/should be more reliant upon first impressions than most?


    A question for the ladies, Do you make a concious effort to answer calls in a particular manner? And what qualities are trying/hoping to convey in these initial communications?

  6. ATH,


    Awesome points. SP's are like anyone else, we all want our platmates to be well-groomed and taken care of. I guess its a respect thing, if you dont respect someone enough to clean yourself up first then you probably shouldn't be seeing them.


    As for your SO related points, I'm just glad I dont have to cover anything up. I am sure I would be rather clumsy at it if I were to try :-)

  7. I was Spammed big-time recently by someone that I have not seen in months.A 6 pack of texts in rapid fire.

    I will not mention any names,such is the policy of this Forum.Talk about Poor Form.BTW that last meeting with the"Spammer" was very pleasant.FYI●●●Ladies,that is a very quick way to lose a "suitor".

    Love to all....




    Hear Hear, I don't know if it was the same culprit or not but I received something similar recently as well. I don't mind all that much although it is somewhat irritating.

  8. I love this thread!


    Personally, I rarely have feelings of "love" for any SP. Deep affection, yes but not love. For me this is simply a hobby that I turn to when I am single and not looking for a relationship. I believe it is def possible to fall for your SP and know it must be a hard situation to be in. Even quite recently, I encountered an SP who had we met under different circumstances would probably be very interested in dating one another. That, however, is one thing I would not want to be involved in to be honest. Turning a client/SP relationship into a dating one just doesn't seem possible to me.


    It actually makes me have a lot of compassion for all of the wonderful SP's I meet as it I realize it must be terribly hard to work in the profession and have a partner who is ok and supportive of it.

    • Like 1

  9. I prefer non-smokers, having quit myself many years ago. The smell on the clothes can be off-putting. But it's more the taste in the mouth. Though if the woman is very hot and sensual, it's not a big deal.


    Occasionally, sticking your tongue in the mouth of a very hot and passionate women whose mouth tastes like cigarettes and beer can be a turn-on in a sort of a slutty kind of way. Perhaps because it evokes memories of some hot high school and college parties during a partly mis-spent youth. Lol.




    Having quit smoking myself a few years ago I actually dont mind an SP smoking at all really. Sadly, I actually still love the smell of cigarettes for some reason. However, if the SP smells like an ashtray that is a lil too much for me.

  10. So I have an interesting update to this thread. Me and the SP who had this whole "age issue" have resolved the matter. I was contacted by her and we are now offically friends lol. So I guess the moral is to carry yourself in a respectable manner and it will benefit you the most in the end.

  11. You did not specify what kind of ladies you prefer and what you would like on the menu for your party.


    If you want 4 ladies - it is possible that there are some of us on CERB who know each other (who are members and/or have recommendations on here) who might just be able to accommodate you. In other words, you don't have to worry about us not knowing each other.


    All you need to do is send of us an e-mail with your enquiry. You just never know...you might be surprised as to who knows who and what surprise might be in store for you if you book us.


    Just ask...,


    Thanks Angela :-)


    Well in terms on a more private party for myself, I have kinda figured that out. Thanks in no small part to the great advice from the other members! Now I'm more concerned about planning a group party like outlined in my previous to previous post ;-) For that I dont really have any types I am looking for as, the surprise will be the fun part lol.

  12. Not a good idea. Although the original meaning of the word "Aryan" is "of or pertaining to a people who spoke Indo-European languages; of or pertaining to the Aryans "


    As far as I know Iranians are Aryans also.... But I still would not recommend it on your bicep, at least not for the next few decades. Stick to the Chinese stuff.


    Very interesting that you would say that. It is true and also Indians are considered to be Aryan in ancestry as well as it is accepted that they were the first to populate the Hindis River Valley or Hindu Kush.

  13. Ok wise sir, explain to me how talking african american ebonics will just completely undermine a SP's security, safety, privacy, trust without stereotyping that anyone who talks that way is obviously a gangster rapper and out to rape you.


    im just laughing at the massive white knights in this forum.


    I understand what you mean but I dont think the "african american ebonics" have anything to do with it other then it is an indicator of young age to the lady. In which case if the lady has a rule about that then so be it.Generally speaking, people who converse in such a fashion are younger people! I do not personally while also having no problem with it. I dont think its so much a racial prejudice as an age one in that regard.


    That is coming from someone for who being a white knight is simply an impossibility lol :-)

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