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Posts posted by Phantom

  1. Average song time (pop music in general) is somewhere just under 4 minutes.  I dont think they would be playing any extended versions at strip clubs based on their payment structure.   So if they get a guy for a dance for 1 hour (barring specials) that's roughly 14-15 songs, so $280-300.  Just for a lap dance.  No "Extras".  No Tips. Based on those numbers I dont blame them for thinking that asking higher dollar per hour to go to a hotel room and offer much more than a lap dance is certainly reasonable for them.  They are in a position to build up demand with their customer.  Much easier to say no to a price when the guy is a home scrolling through a website looking for an SP than when a naked girl is on their lap and has just teased them to the point of near release. 

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  2. Although TiffanyMarie has amazing reviews already, I'd just like to add she is a true professional and is certainly not the one who is getting these bad comments.

    I have been on Cerb/Lyla since it's first year, and although frequently read the boards, I do no post much and dont do reviews typically.

    Had TiffanyMarie not already had so many positive reviews, I would have made the exception and written one for her.  I enjoyed her hospitality last month.  In near 15 years of hobbying, when comparing looks / enthusiasm / massage ability (a major factor for me) / location and simply overall experience, she would certainly rate as the best SP I have seen. 

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  3. So... considering you pay for bumps. 

    If I owned a website where you post advertisement. 

    Where you pay extra to remain at the top. 

    So you pay more if there is more traffic....  

    And the industry is notorious for fake ads.....

    and I happen to be out to make the most money (which all business are) ...

    (and I'm not very honest)..  

    I would flood it with fake ads...  (within reason.. otherwise customers stop using it entirely)

    Makes it look popular (thus must be worthwhile) plus forces real advertisers to pay more to remain relevant.  

    Not saying LL does this... but certainly would be something they have considered unless they have no strategic vision.

    • Like 2

  4. Well I wasn't expecting such an amount of replies to my observation.  Glad everything is now cleared up.  I was posting partly to warn clients that there might be a fake one out there but also to protect Stephany in case someone was using her pics for a scam.

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  5. I've never placed an ad on Leolist, but I would not be surprised if there wasn't some "recurring" feature. (Place ad each day for a week type options)  Could be an older add with old phone number.   You'd think if someone was trying to impersonate her for a scam, they would be smart enough to wait until the person was inactive for a little bit.

  6. Not sure if there is a fake one out there or if Stephany has two numbers, but there are 2 ads posted on the same night (Tuesday March 26th)  not long one after the other, with same photos and name but a different rate and a different phone number.  (1 is the one posted above the other 802 7424)

    • Thanks 1

  7. Just a few comments from a VERY long term member with practically no posts on the boards.

    1. Some of us read, but dont openly comment.  Someone with a lot of posts is less likely a fake as it would be a long time building a rep and not worth the effort unless you were an agent with multiple girls spanning years.  But having little post count is perhaps a yellow flag... not a red one.

    2. A relatively new account always posting  / relying about the same SP is not a true indication of a fake account.  Many members start out, find this site, find an SP, have a good time and return to the same SP rather than risk a new one.  If they dont go often they could easily go a year+, only knowing that one SP.  Thus any comments / experience wise would be about her.  This would not be a rare scenario.

    3. Faking accounts would not require mutiple PCs  / ISPs to go undetected from the "accounts from same computer" tracking.  A simple VPN service which many people use would be all you need.

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  8. I might not have been clear enough. I said if you followed the "links" they were sometimes bogus accounts. But that's just the result of BP requiring some form of account. Many regular posters that have previously been identified as legit SPs have posted those fake Instagram accounts and such. So it's not any indication of a fake ad. I'd actually not even bother with those social media links, because you may be sending a message to something they never check.

    • Like 3

  9. Last time I spoke with her about someone looking for her (December) she said she "didn't really work anymore" with regards to this industry. She was always a very active poster on the advertising sites, so if she does decide to work again, people looking for her will know. :)


    PS. Don't pm me about contact details. I will not provide in respect for her privacy. Like I said, if she wants clients, we will know.

    • Like 1

  10. Meaghan,


    You might not have a virus. May I ask what email you saw that said it looked like you were sending out emails?


    The reason I ask is that there are spammers that use fake "From" addresses to fool all the blacklists out there. Essentially they randomly grab "[email protected]" and can trick the email systems receiving the email to think the email came from it. What happens is after using one for too long the email gets associated with spam and then gets on a blacklist.


    Once on a blacklist, some systems will email the sender saying something like" This email account has been tagged as being spam...blah blah blah... and that your email was returned. When in fact "you" never sent it. They dont need your account password nor did it ever get sent from your account. It would be like putting your friends name in the top left corner of a regular mail enveloppe and the postman doing a return to sender bringing it to him rather than you.


    There is unfortunaltey no fix for this, because changing the password does not stop them.


    If you send me the wording in the email that let you think you were sending something out that "you" hadn't I can tell you for sure.


    Additional Comments:

    The thng to look for is if it is in your gmail outbox or not. If it is then yes they had access to your account , if it's not they "may" not have and it might be the fake "from" issue I mentioned. (virus could be smart enough to clear itself from outbox as well so not a guarantee if it's not there).

  11. Just a heads up, there are 2 "Lexi"s advertising in Moncton area on bp at the moment. one is in Moncton, has been for what I believe is a while (Location does not appear temporary) and just recently created a website. The other is from Dieppe and listed as "newly arrived". She might be the one Jody thinks is from Ottawa. (I could be wrong) Just wanted to be sure the original poster was aware so he could ask further from the posters who vouched for them.


    I have met the Lexi from Moncton and would certainly recommend her.

    • Like 1

  12. Never hurts to add options you are comfortable with to your services. If someone isn't interested it wont turn them off, they just wont ask for it. And for those looking for it, you've just added potential clients.


    I would suggest though, since you mention "light" dom, that you CLEARLY let the client know what is within the boundaries of your comfort zone. ( and of course always use a safe word)

    • Like 1

  13. Problem will be people doctoring photos. It does not take mad skills to take a picture of a car near the curb, come back 30 minutes later after the car is gone and take the same picture (lighting conditions) with the meter expired and make a fake photo that would fool everyone. I'd do it for some cop cars and show it in court if ever I was given something like this. I don't see how this could be enforced honestly.

  14. .......


    I would suggest getting a reputable photographer. Do some research, ask lot's of questions about what they offer. For added ease of mind, make sure you are provided all the images, have ownership of them and they are not watermarked. That way they are your property to do what you want. Without the watermark you don't run the risk of having them traced back to the photographer and getting them involved in "guilty by association" like society loves to do.




    Halifax I agree to find a reputable photographer but there are a few points here I would suggest might not be accurate.


    Asking for all photos is wrong. Any photographer makes a couple of shots for each pose, some just testing lighting during shoots, sometimes, the person blinks etc... (check out beyonce superbowl shots her agent wants yanked) Many reasons why a photographer would NOT give all the photos. I'd suggest if he/she agrees to this that it shows their lack of experience actually They should only want the best out there representing their work. Besides, they would still have all the copies (its a digital age) so there would not be "piece of mind" like the old days when you could ask for all the negatives. (If you don't trust the photographer not to share the photos, find one you do.)


    As for the watermark. Having one on or not DOES NOT have anything to do with who'se property the photos belong to. It' has some uses (advertising, limiting printing so you have to go through them to get prints ($$) and such). Unless a contract is written stating otherwise, they remain the copyright of the photographer. Should you opt to have them submitted to some magazine or contest you would be in some legal problems. They would probably tell you it's ok to print them etc... but they ultimately still own the rights to those photos. (You can ask for full rights, but they would then typically charge more for that level of rights. More so with the professional photographers, less likely with those starting out.)


    As for them not wanting to be associated, I would agree and I'd guess most photographers would not watermark them anyway for that reason.

  15. I would like to express a very sincere thank you to all the lovely ladies who offer their services on this romantic day. On a day when those who are alone often feel even lonelier, itâ??s nice to know they can find someone to share some time with, to make them feel special.

    So to all you wonderful ladies, I hope your valentineâ??s day was as exquisite as you no doubt made it for others.

    Happy valentineâ??s Day.
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