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Posts posted by bucky501

  1. This is a tough one. There could have been many different MA/SP ladies and then one day you may see someone new and `whack`!!! Right out of the blue. when you are least expecting, certainly NOT looking (like this is the last place one should look for anything but what it is) ---- and SHE appears. You "OMG" and she does the same----immediate attraction/connection. You both go WTF??? It has happened. Things happen that aren`t supposed to happen. Both of you try to keep in professional--but to no avail. You text more/talk more/ see one another a lot more.It becomes intimate in very real terms. talking, feeling, sharing ----- it goes beyond `business`. this is like a `twilight, danger zone`. You ask: Could this work? No way you say. But IT is still there. And you fall in love--OMG. But she continues to be in the business. Now this is stupid--how did i let this happen? And she loves you!!! Crazy!! Now--what does one do with that? it can`t work--can it?

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  2. Whether the SP or MA has a SO or not I have often wondered how they keep the business/personal sides separate. That must ( I am guessing) be tremendously challenging when it comes to all levels of intimacy with the SO. I am single--and have been for many years. I am just not sure how challenging that would be to the MA or SP.

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  3. To me, sexy is many things--the least of which is the physical appearance...although I find fit, intelligent women to be quite the `turn-on`.

    I just turned 60 and--if i do say so myself...I am sexier today than in the past. It is all about intimacy ... the heart, mind and soul connection; the gentle touch, the kiss on the back of the neck, the warmth of breath...; it is not about getting off; it is about the journey that gets you there. Exploring ones another`s bodies-slowly, gently, ...is so very arousing. I always enjoy pleasing the woman first and foremost for that gives me pleasure and makes our time more sensual, erotic, arousing and fulfilling.

    That is SEXY to me!!!

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  4. I met Layla for the first time yesterday. The long wait was worth it!!

    If you enjoy a mature, intelligent, beautiful, sensual & sexy woman...Layla is perfect.


    The atmosphere at VIBE only offers to enhance an otherwise/already HOT encounter.


    No details--I respect her privacy--AMAZING!!!!

  5. I am in recovery. I have done a lot of work spiritually and working the 12 steps to be in such a great place right now. I am wondering who may be on the same path. PM me if you wish to keep your anonymity. I'm looking for new sober friends to share the joys of sobriety.


    grateful to be sober today.




    If you woke up before me today then you have more sobriety today than I!!

    My sobriety today is for today and today only.

    I will be 16 years sober (God willing) this October.

    For me, getting sober was one long and winding road; full of personal, family amd financial loss. When I hit my `bottom` it was not only one hard fall but several.


    Once I came to the realization that my life options were limited if I continued on this path I made a decision (sitting in a jail cell) that I would get sober'''one day at a time.


    Upon making THE DECISION life became clearer and more manageable.


    I once heard a young lady speak at a meeting and she described herself as `living life with a broken coper`; she could not cope with anything in her life; whatever life dished out --good, bad or indifferent'''she could not deal with it and got drunk.


    Being sober has allowed me to develop better life skills--no more broken copers!!

    Sobriety has allowed me the opportunity to nurture a level of spirituality that I otherwise could not have experienced while still drinking.


    Today--life is good; but not without its` challenges.


    But one thing that I do believe today'''and I say it every time I speak'''God will never put more in front of me than I can handle

  6. I have often seen how tough it can be for the SP.


    In most respects it is `easy` for us guys. For me, being single, I don`t have to `steal away` time;I just go with the flow, if you will. I fell for an SP one time--wonderful lady--would have been a terrific peron to be with in all those non-sexual ways. But it would have been terribly complicated for her.


    I understand all that today;--but did not back then; many of these posts drive that point home on just how tough it can be for these fine ladies.


    My hat is off to you women;each and everyone of you that I have met are derserving of that special someone in your life; now or when you are ready.

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    Does make you go "Hmmmm"; and the tangled web we weave in these types of things; these politicos (as we all know)are only out for Number 1'''they will buy their way in '''-and shed what they don`t need on the way out'''-that is often personal and financial collateral damage. There is likley no "victim" here but there might still be a human tragedy unfolding. Some of the Seven Deadly Sins are working overtime::Pride,Lust, Envy, Greed'''-and it is mans` own hubrus that is ultimately the downfall.

    Beauty & Sex lures Money & Influence'''-my oh my hasn`t that played out in incalculable ways over the centuries?????? And it usually isn`t a Disney ending!!!!

  8. This woman must be going through hell right now. This `political operative` she got involved with already has the battle scars of his `profession`'''-she has just learned in the most difficult way.

    Being aware of the manner in which funding/scams and First Nations operatives work, all of this is very plausible. And there is always collateral damage on the way through. That damage is to her and the fact they will likely never see that contract brought to fruition.

    At this point it does not matter if the allegations are true or not--the damage has been done to her.

    Politicos like him have 9 lives'''they just move on to other `opportunities`

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