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Posts posted by Mademoiselle_Bijou

  1. I think that making sure underage children have access to adult website is the parents responsibility. Just like they have authority over where their children go, they should be just as concerned and involved in making sure the computer and internet connection they paid and provide for their children's enterntainment, doesn't allow them access to adult sites. Aside from actually keeping an eye on what their children do when they are online, there are numerous programs to restrict access to adult sites. It's a very easy action to take to ensure their kids don't have access to those sites. Failing to set up these safety measures, and simply giving their kids free access to anything they may stumble upon, can't be blamed on the gooverment, the adult/porn industry. The parents are the ones who've dropped the ball and are to blame, if they can't take responsibility for monitoring what kinds of sites their kids have access to... on their own computer.

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