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Posts posted by cordsboy

  1. I saw Lovely Lyly there 2 weeks ago, if you like Asian women she's a 10 all around. The place is okay, discreet as you park behind the building and access from the back as we'll. a few other businesses there to camouflage your arrival and departure. I'm pretty sure lovely Lyly was amazing Angela from Angles. Services are on par with other locations. Like I mentioned Lyly is hot so definitely worth going.

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  2. Location while not the nicest part of town or building great if you do not want to attract attention (I love walking into highrises for this kind of stuff), the inside of her apartment is clean, I'm still amazed its an apartment with 2 floors???


    As for the massage, wow is my best description, treat her nice boys shes a keeper. BEST ASS hands down.

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  3. From my experience (professional not pleasure) most hotels near airports offer 1/2 days, you just need to call and ask. I use them to catch a few zzz between flights or just to find a quiet place to catch up on work or rest as opposed to the airport bar. May have a hard time finding one that will accept $$ however.

  4. I can proudly say I've lasted a few minutes to about 15min. Surprisingly enough the longer ones were with Michelle and I think the only reason they lasted so long was that I did not want it to end. As for some of the shorter ones if the MP is not what I was expecting I try and make it quick (think good thoughts, think good thoughts...). I'm a sucker for the special wrist move some of you more talented ladies use (if you've had it you know what I'm talking about) and have a hard time lasting 30 sec (think BAD thoughts, think BAD thoughts...).

  5. In Ottawa Paradise is the place to go, the facilities are the BEST in Ottawa, the MPs are quality as well.


    TO and the Mtl area also offer nice places with jacuzzi, the one mentioned in Longueuil is in the paradise range for facilities, the area it is in is a little questionable but you can park at a stip mall that is a 2 min walk.


    My neighbor has a jacuzzi as well and I'm pretty sure he has received a few massages late at night not sure he is willing to share with others.

  6. I am ashamed to admit that I watched 3\4 of it, including the red carpet.


    Not a fan of Stewart,

    Not a fan of little Billy Ray

    Clooney's Italian squeeze was very hot,

    Was it just me or did Sara Jessica Parker look like an Oscar statue?

    What the hell was wrong with Kathy Irleand?


    Hurt Locker rules, saw the premier in June in NYC thanks to a generous client. Never thought it would have won an Oscar, deserved it but was up against some stiff competition (would have loved to see UP win as well).



  7. Okay I am not a big Quebec fan as I find that my Ontario plated car is somewhat of a target for LE, this applies more to MP's then SP's but still find it puts a bullseye on me.


    Now on the other hand after seeing Cindy's pics and reviews I'm sure I can be persuaded to visit la belle province; worst case scenario I pick up a 24, poutine, joe-louis and a Pepsi all from the same location.

  8. Sick but for some reason the content does not surprise me; weird people out there and most would join such groups simply to feel "cool". Even scarier employers, significant others, LE, insurance investigators use Facebook on a regular basis to gather info on the people they are interested in.


    Just Google yourself, your phone number, address you'd be surprised what comes up. Even scarier those that provide personal info to clients are subject to having their real identity revealed or used against them.


    I've posted it before, I have a buddy that does computer forensics; ANYTHING you access, do, chat, view, etc... on your CPU is retrievable unless you have your hard drive wiped or pay a lot of $$ to install proper cleaning options. (I got my wipe software for free from my buddy...)

  9. Here are my top 3


    1. Oil of oregano

    You can buy it at any health food store make sure it is derived from the proper potent oregano plant, and that the carvacrol concentration is at least 70%. A few drops in a glass of OJ in the AM and your good to go.


    2. Garlic

    This one will sound weird but it works; take 1 or 2 cloves of garlic and swallow hole, I swear you'll feel better the next day. I cannot say you will smell good as the garlic will seep through you; but is an excellent fast acting cure. Pill format is not as effective. Pray you don't fart because you'll clear a room.


    3. Saline flush

    You can but different bottles to help with the flush at any pharmacy. In short you shoot water/saline mixture up one nostril and it comes out the other, must do both. By cleaning out the passage you clear a large amount of bacteria away. As well this is an excellent cure for dry nose in the winter.


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