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Posts posted by Elle

  1. There was just a little blurb about MrJetztv on CTV news. Waiting to hear what they say about him on the news.


    They showed some clips of his videos including one that looked as though it was filmed by peeping through a window. The police said they were doing a full investigation of him. They mentioned there was a warrant out for his arrest in Florida for living off the avails.

  2. I had a guy complain about my oral skills once in a review - said I used my teeth too much. I guess he was too stupid to realize I was intentionally digging my teeth in everytime he pushed my head down into his groin. My neck was sore for two days after that but at least I had the satisfaction of knowing that his dick was likely feeling the same way.

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  3. You can expect to see more ads like this one in the future. Its no longer legal for sperm banks to pay donors so the number of donors has dropped dramatically. Plus buying sperm from sperm banks is expensive. The description she gave is pretty generic. There must be tons of men out there that fit the bill, but some sperm banks only have 30-40 donors on their roster because no one wants to donate now. Also the donors seem to be older than before they stopped paying for donations. I recently accompanied a friend of mine who is going through IVF, to help pick out a donor. Most of the ones I saw listed were 29+. She didn't find one she thought was suitable and she's now looking at online profiles from international sperm banks. Can't say I blame her, there really wasn't much to choose from.

  4. I prefer the breasts that feel real. That have some softness to them so you can squeeze them amd suck on them. If there the hard type there a complete turn off. And if you want kids in the future saline is safer as saline is a natural part of the body , if you want to breast feed. Also silicone has a higher breakage rate .


    There is no hard or soft type of implants. What determines whether they turn out soft or hard is the presence and degree of capsular contracture, and it relies upon a number of factors.


    1) The patient.

    Each individual varies to the reaction of a foreign body being placed inside it. A person's tendency to form keloids and adhesions in the healing process would have a major affect on this.


    2) The implant used.

    The old type of liquid silicon implants were the worst, due to the reasons I stated in my previous post. The new cohesive implants available now have less capsular contracture than the available saline implants.


    3) The surgeon placing the implants.

    Some surgeons just have a knack at making a great rack. (Yes that rhymes and if I see that line in some surgeon's ad after this, I am going to expect royalties. ;) )


    4) After care.

    Good care if the implants while they are healing also contributes to good results. If capsular contracture does form, it can be broken up manually.


    I'm sure theres other factors I'm forgetting here, but its like 2 in the morning here. Another factor in the resulting feel is how much tissue there is to cover the implant. If there's enough natural breast over the implant, the implant can barely be felt at all. If a woman has small breasts to begin with, I would recommend placing the implants under the muscle just so theres more tissue to cover it. If she has little breast tissue and little muscle, gaining some weight before getting the implants could help as well.


    As I mentioned in my previous post, the silicon implants do not have a risk of rupture now. As far as breast feeding goes, the placement of the incision would lend a greater concern to it. Some surgeons use an incision that goes directly thru the areola border to insert the saline implant and then fill it with the saline after its in place. This incision line is the most likely to impeed breast feeding as it cuts right through some of the milk ducts. This incision is not used with silicon implants as these implants are prefilled. Going through the inframamary fold or axillary incision sites is less likely to disturb the mamary glands.

  5. So I was planning on getting my breasts done after the new year to about a large C small D and still undecided on whether or not to go with saline or silicone. I was hoping fellow sp's who've had it done could voice their opinion and anyone else who wants to chime in, feel free. Whats more natural feeling and looking, cuz im not looking for perky balloons on my chest under my chin you know, as you can see im pretty petite.:boobies:


    .In the early 1990's it was reported that silicone breast implants were responsible for connective tissue diseases in some women.

    You should look into this!

    Some surgeons feel that silicone implants have a more natural look and feel than saline implants because silicone gel has a texture that is similar to breast tissue.


    Saline implants have some advantages over silicone implants. Silicone implant ruptures are harder to detect. When saline implants rupture, they deflate and the results are seen almost immediately. When silicone implants rupture, the breast often looks and feels the same because the silicone gel may leak into surrounding areas of the breast without a visible difference. Replacing a ruptured silicone gel implant is more difficult than repairing a saline implant. Silicone implants also have a higher rate of capsular contracture and a higher deflation rate.



    This information is so outdated. Liquid silicon implants were banned in 1992 in Canada. A moratorium was placed on them until a study could be done regarding the concerns about the safety of silicon. The study found that the incidence of connective tissue disease among women with silicon breast implants was equal to the number in the general population. However they were not reintroduced to the market because of other leakage concerns. The old type of liquid silicon used in implants was very difficult to retreive once it was in the surrounding tissue. It tended to fuse to the tissue, somewhat akin to the way that crazy glue bonds to skin. Ruptures were not the major source of leaks. Since the outer shell of an implant was also silicon, the liquid silicon had a tendency to diffuse right though the shell. This was also why they had a high rate of capsular contracture. The first attempt at preventing this seems rather silly now in retrospect. They tried to double bag them, with yet another silicon shell outside the first one. Didn't work. Then there was a trial study of a soybean oil triglyceride implant available for a short time in Canada. They found that these went rancid. The saline implants that were available in the mid-late 90s were terrible for leaks. Most of them only had about a 5 -7 year lifespan before they leaked.


    The cohesive silicon gel implants that available on the market in canada now can't leak because they have more of a solid consistancy, they do not leak even if ruptured. Rupturing one would take a lot of work though. If you did manage to rupture one, it'd have to be something along the lines of a car accident where you'd also have busted ribs and possibly a steering column in your chest. Needless to say your implants would be the least of your worries at that point. They also have a lower incidence of capsular contracture now as the leakage issue is no longer a concern and they now have a textured suface on the outside of the implant which resists contracture. they also are not prone to rippling the way saline implants are. The rippling is a particular concern if there is little breast tissue to cover the implant, as it can be very obvious.

  6. Ok, maybe I'm out of the loop on how other girls respond to their emails, but I've been getting a lot of emails that want me to be very specific on what I offer and what my rate is. Since my services are pretty typical, I really dont see the need to ask that, and my rate is listed in my ad.


    Do other ladies spell out what you're going to get and give you a price in the same sentence ? Seems a little foolish to me if they do.

    Just wondering.

    • Like 1

  7. we are almost completed our project to design occupational health and safety training for the sex industry- trade secrets- funded by vancouver coastal health-government- it is nationally viable as i created a resource list that extends from corner brook to yellow knife!!!lol


    as soon as it's availible i will share with you all and people can use it for localized orgainizing. also, we have made great head way in vancouver as fae as plice and government are concernned and if anyone would like copies of what we did and how we did it, i would be happy to share that too. just pm me your e-mail.


    check out stella's web site chezstella.org -look for the XXX guide, very similar to what is being suggested.....


    That'd be great. Check your PM's for my email address shortly. I certainly am interested in seeing what other SPs have come up with and seeing if it would be a viable option to organize something of the same here.

  8. Once again, I agree with you. Other workers are likely the best to advise those in the same industry. But with how vague our laws are, a sex worker advising another could be violating laws on procuring. Aside from that, what works for us, isn't necessarily going to work for them.


    I don't believe that outcalls are really even a viable option to a lot of street workers though at this time its really the only legal route to go in Canada. A lot of street workers are on the street because they do not have the ability to keep up with the day to day tasks of living. Being an outcall provider, includes tasks like making sure their cell phone bill is paid, their ads are up and that they have transportation to and from their calls. For someone with addictions, mental health issues or learning disabilities, its a lot to expect.


    I don't like the idea of decriminalizing brothels either. Even now, MPs are notorious for abusing the rights of workers on a regular basis. And girls off the street generally do not last very long at these establishments either. Showing up for a shift on time and sober is often beyond their capabilities.


    Working the streets as a sex worker isnt much different than panhandling, in someways. No one tells them when they have to show up, how long they have to stay or when they should leave. They work until they have enough money for what they need or until there's no more traffic. Both groups are generally regarded as a nuisance and undesirable, particularly in residential areas and historically have been outlawed, by-lawed or restricted to certain areas.


    Perhaps there is a segment of the population of sex workers who could be counselled into working in a more responsible manner, but are they accessible? There are many young girls who do make enough money to keep a cell phone paid and afford nice clothes etc, but many of those are under the control of gangs and/or pimps. And the pimp certainly isnt going to let her get advice from a seasoned SP, because he knows the first thing we'll tell her to do is to dump his useless butt.

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  9. One thing I do think might help is if organizations committed to helping women/children on the streets would offer them sound advice regarding how to work legitimately in sex work in Canada, rather than to try to save them from sex work altogether. The problem isn't that they're sex workers. The problem is that they're on the street.


    Agreed. There already are harm reduction programs in most cities, so this isn't a far fetched idea. Hypothetically, if you were starting that sort of education program, how would you go about it? What would you include ?

    How would you advise them to work? Indoors? Outcall? MP?

  10. She does seem to be down playing it. Personally I find those stats frightening and reflecting a rather blase attitude towards STDs in the industry, considering that the Nevada brothels have at least as much F*#$ing going on at them, and they have never had a single case of HIV transmission since they started testing in 86, and other STD infections are seldom (no more than 4 or 5 a year).

  11. That's hardly an endorsement of their efficacy. According to AIM medical, an org. responsible for maintaining records of std testing, the porn industry has about a 7% HIV infection rate at any given time, and about a 30% infection rate for Chlamydia. The reason they use these condoms is because they are so thin, you can hardly see they're wearing one on camera.



    AIM's website is down right now, so I can't access the page where I got those stats from, but this is a link to an interview with Dr. Sharon Mitchell, AIM's founder where she discusses the STD rates they have http://www.courttv.com/talk/chat_transcripts/2001/0723mitchell.html

  12. If all the emails you sent out were like the ones you sent me, I think that you may have made many of the SPs too uncomfortable to reply to you or scared them off. (ie: the laundry list of special clothing requests, specific questions about specific services, the status of your health, topped off with insisting on posting a review afterwards.) The appointment may just have sounded like more trouble than it was worth.

  13. You've already been given a lot of great advice here. I would add that years of being with an abuser will wear down your self-esteem no matter how beautiful you are. It's not you, you are good enough as you are. He is the one that needs to work on himself. In the meantime, you shouldn't wait around for him to change. If you have the cash to order it, or can find it in the library, this is a wonderfully insightful book on the topic of abuse :


    I like that it not only explores physically abusive relationships, but emotional and manipulative relationships as well. The author has divided them up into 9 archtypes, but you may find yours may borrow aspects from several of the "types". Sometimes with an abuser, it can be difficult putting your finger on exactly what it is he does that's emotionally abusive and/or manipulative. This book lists off common behaviors of abusers and you may find yourself checking them off as you read them. Its much easier to deal with a problem when you can name it precisely.

  14. I am curious...


    How porn stars protect themselves from Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Often they don't use any protection.


    They get tested, but that's about it, and to be truthful it really isn't much of a help. STDs run rampent in the porn industry.


    You might remember Sharon Mitchell from her porn movies many years ago. She went on to get her phd and started AIM a health care foundation for adult performers. This is a quote from an interview she did on court tv:



    albert_300: About what percentage of actors and actresses in the industry are infected with various STDs, such as herpes, HIV, etc.?

    Sharon Mitchell: A very small percentage. Less than 7% HIV, and 12-28% STDs. Herpes is always about 66%. People are medicated with acyclovir for herpes, which is very effective in preventing the herpes outbreaks. Chlamydia and gonorrhea, however, along with hepatitis, seem to stick to everything from dildos to flat surfaces to hands, so, pardon my expression, but we are usually up to our asses in chlamydia.

    Court TV Host: Those are all pretty high percentages, though? Sharon Mitchell: Not when you consider that 700 people per month in the San Fernando Valley are working with each other. Most of these are co-infections. We are a partner notification facility, and all partners are located, detected and treated within one day of the original infected person coming forward. With partners Our statistics indicate that in this business, with first and second generation contact partner tracings, a disease can potentially reach as many as 198 partners in three days. So we have to move very quickly, medicate heavily, and rely on prevention, education and partner counseling. This is what makes Aim Health Care different and special because we're able to do it, and I'm a proud mother.



    Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation



    If you are considering doing porn, I highly suggest visiting the site for info. Aside from health info, she has a lot of advice to offer about the porn industry.

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