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PKjessica (PK is now PKJas

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Posts posted by PKjessica (PK is now PKJas

  1. Thanks so much for the reviews!! I passed on the message to Brianna, she saw them today and is super happy.



    I think this is definely one lady not to miss, I am sure there will be many more reviews of her.


    Thanks again guys!!



  2. Just to shed a light on this situation, she only is available one day a week. I think it is better for everyone in this situation. It was frustrating as her schedule was really hard to work with when we had clients calling to see her and we always had to tell them she wasn;t working.


    To be honest we havent had much feedback from clients either way so if you wish to see her, give her a call on a sunday.. TOFTT and let ppl know what you think.

  3. Just to respond to the comment, the pic is 100% her as we do not post Bait and switch pics.. they were taken with a cellphone and I changed the color tone so the pic was a bit easier to look at.. By no means was it meant to mislead anyone,, that is her, and her lingerie.. LOL

  4. This was a definite Sting, as the "client" was on the phone with the agency, while standing outside in the parking lot of the hotel talking into the window of an unmarked Cruiser.


    Again, the reason why the client was outside of his room is obviously to trap the lady into saying something that could be used against her.


    We are actually dealing with a situation or this sorts regarding a driver on the quebec side. 5000 in legal fees and the driver has had his car impounded since Febuary, and the situation has still not been relsoved. Professional agency or not, there will be many Stings like this one going on this fall as there was an article a month ago in the sun that talked about funding for police to go after "sex escorts".


    Anyways, this was something I wished to share with Cerb community especially the Sps and agencies. I spoke with a couple of different agencies last evening, and one of them had recieved the same call same cell number just before we did.


    I propose that any LE stings or info be posted up for the benefit of the Cerb community.


    I am interested in getting more info.. Please PM when you have time. I think that I should point out that just because a client wants to meet you in the lobby or the bar doesn't mean he is LE. I often have ladies meeting clients in the lobby or at a bar for a quick drink. As long as the lady doesn't discuss money or services in the open, there is not much they can do.


    As for pressure, they can do that all they want. Its easy to lay a charge for anything but its hard to make it actually stick in court. You would be surprised at the amount of charges that get thrown out of court for all sorts of technicalities. As long as you run a safe and professional agency, you shouldn't have any worries from LE.






    Nicole King

  5. We caught one last night trying to book an outcall, the client was calling from the best western in the westend. Undercover in the parking lot and wanted the lady to meet him in the lobby. Always a bad move. Anyhow without giving away everything in the open, just be aware and VERY careful. I am sure someone got popped last night.


    PM me for more info.. Again outcalls are no guarantee of safety for an agency. They can arrest the driver, and pressure the drivers or ladies to turn against an agency. Take care and be safe!!

  6. We are actually trying to put one of these together as we speak. We have some new Sps coming in next week, as well as we have been adding new members to our roster the last few weeks, including Natalia, Bella, Chelsie, Lacey, and our newest addition as of yesterday..Lilliana.. Rumour has it that Jenna from Toronto will be making an appearance next week as well so we will try to have a CERB appreciation day to give a good opportunity to you guys to see the ladies at some amazing prices as well we should be seeing LOTS... of reviews which is good for us.



    Stay tuned for more details, as the dates and times haven;t been set in stone yet.

  7. Again, this is an example of common sense, and the fact that you were polite and gave notice. No probs.. these things happen. When someone calls and cancels an appoinment, I always thank them for calling.


    But someone who makes an appoinment for 30 mins from now, and then after45 mins we call them back to find out they changed their minds and didnt bother. Well that is grounds for blacklisting. Simple..



    I would be interested in knowing what criteria you use to put people on a blacklist. I had to cancel a Monday appointment because I became sick on Thursday evening and do not want to give it to the lovely woman.


    I gave her lots of notice and will compensate her with a great gift (of her suggestion) when we finally do get together. Is this grounds for blacklist - or should I show up coughing and hacking.


    My goal has always been mutual benefit and I try to be as respectful as possible.

  8. Well part of the reason why I threw this out there was to get some feedback from the cerb crowd as well.


    For sure discretion would have to be used, and secondly the list would be only available to Sps that have a proven track record of being Reputable.


    No shows IMHO are not a grey area, they are absolutely a blacklist worthy category. By wasting the time of the sps and agencies they block a serious client from getting service. They make it harder for ladies to earn a living, they often spoil their mood which will affect their attitudes which will reflect on their service which again hurts the industry.


    The idea of a Blacklist will make things better for everyone if it is implimented properly. And common sense needs to be used of course. If someone missed an appoinment and called us back to explain then all is fine. But if we have to call the client back, only to have them say they changed their minds or something came up and they didnt both to let us know. Its game over with us. Treat us with the same respect that you would with any other type of service and you will get exactly that back.

  9. Hey there,


    This is for the Sp's and agencies that wish to participate. We have always kept records of people that are No-shows, or show up with no money, or try to bargin or are aggressive. But lately we have been having more than regular, probably to due to the fact that we are busier than usual.


    That said, we are wondering who would be interested in sharing numbers and details of ppl that they have had issues with and we of course would do the same. Addresses of fake calls, and even possible LE sting operations or surveillence situations.


    Even though this is a competitive market, I really think there is a big need for all of us to stick together on this one and keep the industry safer and stop the time wasting calls from these ying yangs that just play games or like to window shop, or even worse are rip off artists.


    I propose that we PM the info to each other or call each other directly to discuss the info and situations, that way it is still kept discreet and if there was any potential lurkers catching the info posted.


    Let us know, as we have approximately 250 blacklisted ppl at the moment.



  10. I think if Jason is trying to lead you in a direction he probably has a better insight than you. Perhaps the lady you would have been inquiring on may have been turned down 3 times in a row and is not looking up to par, or is in a shitty mood. Maybe there were other factors involved that he was polite enough not to mention.


    Honestly with an dickhead attitude like that, you probably aren't getting Blown much..



    Jason "We have X, Y, Z but i recommend Z because she is just so hot."


    Me "I would like to inquire about X please"


    Jason "Ok but Z is really hot, so its your loss buddy"


    Me "Blow me"

  11. I am not too sure what you mean by that? Can you give me an example? I know that Jason is usually quite polite with our clients.


    One thing to keep in mind, he might have gotten off the phone with an A-hole and his tone may not have been adjusted. Honestly I really dont know what to say.


    Folks, we are averaging 300-400 phone calls per day (honestly) so there is a bit of a time constraint per call so perhaps he was in a bit of a hurry.

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