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Posts posted by Loki318

  1. Just a general question... I am starting to use Tor fo all my "sensitive" browsing I have yet to try this site, I'm a slow learner.


    Can this site be reached from the TOR network?



  2. I look for it all the time especially this time of year. as to hot or gross ?? i guess it depends on the individual sporting it LOL Hot would apply to the whole package .... Hot isn't just a "look" it is the whole package the twinkle in the eye, the sexy grin, etc etc right down to body language and pheromones





    Just curious......do guys actually find this hot or gross??

    Things that make you go hmmmmm

  3. Wow man!!! I know what its like to be out of action for a time due to health.


    Take your time do as the Doc says and all the best to you. Hope you are back in the saddle soon:)





    To the few ladys of cerb that I have met and to the many more I hope to meet I have to take a time out for A few weeks [12] as i have just had trible bypass surg done Hope to see you all soon

  4. A few years ago I had the "guy operation" (prostrate) and it cam back a bit and was getting better when I developed some complications that required another surgery. This time after the 2nd surgery the ability to get a complete erection or even hold what little there was not there. I tried for 18 months!!! The Urge, Desire, Want NEED was there and as the op says it grows and soon you can think of little else! No matter how much the SO or Fave SP says "it don't matter We can do other things" Let me tell you IT Dose! matter ....

    With the help of my Doc I tried All of the ED pills even some strong ones some PPL never hear of, and they just gave the worst kind of head ache! so bad that I didn't or couldn't even think of sex.


    Now having said all this ..... it is possible to have an O with out an erection BUT it just isn't the same.


    But there is a happy ending :) there is a 100% cure that I have used (mentioned elsewhere on the board) for about 6 years now and have had much of the best sex in my life both at home and abroad ;)


    So the short answer to the op's question was 18 months!!! and yeah you do get Cranky!



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  5. hi all ;) Another board member recently brought this thread to my attention and thought some my appreciate and up date.


    Its four years later I'm still using, pun intended ;). As to the listed problems:


    Pain, very minimal and the reward way worth it IMHO


    4 hour Erection ..... it has happened with no ill effects, Ice pack and extra strength antihistamine will bring it down easily; you very quickly learn the proper dosage for your self. (4 hrs = MSOG!!)


    Thickening around the base yes some thus far, all of my partners to date rather like this; plus yes that little curve UP really dose "hit the spot"


    Bruising; has only happened when the needle is moved or twisted during the injection like looking for a vein when they take blood, and so far only when i have been slightly inebriated and should NOT have been playing with it any way LOL ...


    Swelling (other than the good kind), Lasting pain or Soreness NOPE not yet.


    I have helped a few guys locally with info and my experiences and advice

    and I have referred some to my Urologist. .... If you want any further info LOL Pm me.



  6. Mod or some other resident techie :)

    I have noticed that the software seems to leave a user's id as "on" long after they have closed their session?

    Is this because of some way the close and leave, or maybe a bug?



  7. I have three that compete for the Most memorable:

    My very first on Oct 14 1981 I closed a strip club close by (in Mane actually) and one of the girls agreed to a $50.00 Date after hours. We found a room and partied till the sun came up (Literally)


    The second was a girl from an agency in a nearby city. She walked into my room and we hardly spoke she was in my arms and we undressed each other standing, whispering to her that was about to pick her up,the only reply was a sexy hmmm and a submissive nod of acceptance. I slipped my arms under her knees and lifted her .... her arms around my neck my hands on her cute bum and ...well you know or you should. That date was about 15 years ago this Feb. We still see each other occasionally


    The third most memorable was NOT a good date it was OMG BAD and I will not relate the detail as I already have on here a few years ago


    Now to all those that I have not mentioned! it not that I have forgotten or that you didnt measure up ...... I have not enuf space here or the time to compile the list.




    Oh my I can't forget the only girl that used a vibe on "us" and has promised to introduce me to her strap on next time we meet!!!


    I may be an old Dog but I'm willing to try new tricks.

  8. When I started reading this thread I was Straight hetro

    Then I thought I might be Curious

    Then maybe I was Bi-

    I never got to Gay ....Yet


    I have now decided I am Sexual "Very Sexual" ;)


    Like the old Bull that I am, I have jumped he fence a few times and occasionally walked on the Wild Side ....


    Labels just peel away with time and changes; If we could not change then we would be very boring and life should not be allowed to become boring :)




    The Norse God of Mischief & Mirth and Wine Women and Song ...

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  9. Ok I'm a bit heavy 210 at 5' 11" ....


    I have found, during a time of "ED" and other times that if the Lady lays on her back, guy is beside roughly perpendicular, slide right leg (if on her left) under both her legs, swings his left leg up between her legs, it all lines up :) :) Lady can grab his left leg and pull him in deep.


    As I mentioned this will work for a "softie" too ....... although the condom can be a problem if T0oo soft.....



    I should write a book ..... maybe not



  10. I follow a few for a while than I'm followed by a few others >>>

    Never was much of a leader ;)







    PS just noticed my yahoo thingy up there ... i never check that

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