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Posts posted by WearAJimmy

  1. Hi CERBies,


    I've been a lurker among these boards for years now.. and, lately I've started to indulge in a new fetish: deepthroat. I've researched countless threads and posts but I haven't had too much luck. I figured the best way would be to outright ask.


    Do any SP's provide a real DT experience? Lots of SP's don't outright advertise this on their menus. I know size is an issue..and I am above average (just over 8 inches). Are there any SP's that can accommodate?


    I hope I'm not being too straight forward. I figured this was the most efficient way.




  2. You would think, but in my experience, it's not. I go to some local bars around my area for karaoke etc., and I often get hit on by guys in their late 30's to mid-50s. Whenever I bring up the issue of protection (not that I would actually end up taking any of these losers home), I find 99% of the guys admit they "never" wear condoms. Then they add "why do you ask, aren't you clean" or "you can't get pregnant anymore, or "I'm fixed, so what are you worried about".




    Scribbles has it right. Reflexively, that's just something I asked. I obviously did get tested and thankfully everything turned out okay. But, the point of this is not going through this experience ever again because it was nerve wracking. I had to wait 6 weeks before I was able to get a conclusive result.


    I can't speak for older gentlemen but I'm only 24. I get around A LOT and I always use protection. I always wear condoms, no exception. Even for head. Safer sex protocols involve knowing your partner's status as well as using protection.

  3. For all the people who are saying that one should be responsible for his own sexual health, I completely agree with you. I was taking responsibility for my sexual health and have always used protection, no exception. However, this incident was out of both our control, we were both safe.


    After something like that happens, the next logical step is to ask about somebody's status. Because that's all you can really do. I wasn't about to act like nothing happened. Maybe it was for reassurance? Maybe it was for peace of mind? Who knows? But I had to do something.


    I never expected a condom to break or slip with me because I am fairly experienced with them and know how to use them. So when this happened, I realized that condom failures are a real possibility. I don't want to go through that sort of experience again so that's why I asked the question. I think if anything, I'm being extra responsible, lol.


    Again, I don't mean to be rude to anyone here. I respect what everybody has to say.

  4. Thanks for everyone's contributions. I hope nobody took this the wrong way as I certainly did not mean it in a negative manner. As for the question of whether or not I have proof that I am HIV or STD free, I would gladly provide the information to a SP if she required it. Although I do understand if SP's are uncomfortable providing that sort of information.


    Additional Comments:

    I agree with what Elizabeth has said. I get tested every two months at a free clinic. The test results have no identifying information on them so, while they're meaningful to me, you would never know if they were my results or someone else's.


    Most independent, indoor sex workers are almost rabid about safe sex practices and won't compromise or perform bareback services for additional fees.


    Frankly, I'm more concerned about your experience of condom slippage. This is something your companion could not have known about in advance. Slippage usually happens when a man loses his erection, partially or fully. He may also have decreased sensation when he's softer.


    My very strong advice to you is to use a cock ring from now on. You can find them in adult toy stores. They come in several different configurations. Some are stretchy acrylic. Decide what you think you'll be most comfortable using. When the condom goes on, put the cock ring on next. It will hold the condom in place and it will also help you maintain your erection. However, even if you don't stay hard, the condom won't slip off.


    Don't be embarrassed about using a cock ring! Most of us are very familiar with them and find them to be a terrific accessory to help middle-aged and older men have a complete, fulfilling experience.


    Haha, I'm only 24 and in excellent shape! I have no idea how it slipped off.. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of losing my erection. When I pulled out to finish, I realized what had happened.

  5. To ask an SP to provide proof that she is STD/HIV free?


    Last month I experienced condom slippage for the first time and was "inside" the lady for several minutes before I realized. She assured me she was negative and gets tested every 2 months. However, this didn't put my mind at ease. Thankfully everything turned out okay but this experience had really put me off.


    Any advice from members and SP's alike is welcome.

  6. I have a great desktop that takes care of all of my needs but my laptop is old and takes forever to boot up. I am looking for a cheap laptop (can't justify my desire to purchase the MacBook Air tho I long for it daily!)


    I use my laptop primarily for cerb, email and watching a bit of online tv...oh ya some chat too!


    In today's Sun, there was an ad for a refurbished Toshiba Notebook with windows 7 home premium at $379.99. I am no techie so here is what the ad says....


    P/N L455D-55979

    AMD Sempron

    Feature 2.16HZ speed

    and 512KB L2 cache


    2GB DDR2

    250GB Sata HDD

    DVD Optical drive

    Wireless B/G

    ATI radeon 3100 graphics.


    Is this a waste of money?


    That is an absolute waste of money, Meg. The AMD Sempron processors are virtually outdated now.. and a 512KB L2 cache will not do. Even the cheapest laptops come with a 2MB L2 cache. DDR2 RAM is pretty outdated as well, the newer DDR3 RAM is the standard today, and most new laptops come with a minimum of 4GB. The ATI 3100 is also some of the lower end integrated video cards today. 250 GB isn't acceptable today.


    On top of that, it's refurbished. Windows 7 isn't going to run too smoothly on hardware that outdated.


    Throw in another 20 dollars and get this:




    AMD Anthlon P340 Dual Core (2x 2.2 Ghz)

    1024 KB L2 Cache

    4GB DDR3

    500 GB HardDrive

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    ATI 4250 integrated video card

    DVD Drive/Burner

    HDMI port (if you have a television that supports High Def, you would be able to connect your laptop to the television, and watch movies straight onto your TV from your laptop)

    Media Card Connectivity


    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.

    • Like 1

  7. MOD is correct, editing your registry isn't to be done if your unsure of what you're doing. Backing up your registry is a good idea. To back up your reg:


    Go to File and choose "Export". Save this file in C:\, naming it registry-backup, regbackup or something easy to remember.

  8. Emma, you need to delete the program from your PC's registry. That will solve your problem.


    1. Go to Start, Run, and type regedit.exe in the text box.


    2. Now go to Edit, Find and type the program name in the search box, then press F3 to search. (In your case it would be System Tool or whatever)


    3. You will find various items with the name you typed in. As soon as you find one related to the program (you will have to make sure it is really related to the program, so that you don't break anything), delete it (press the Delete key). Press F3 to search for another item, and stop when there are no more items to remove.

  9. This thread is directed to the SP's, but please feel free to add any of your input. I am an avid fan of DATY/DATO.. and I was wondering if DATO was outside the norm of a GFE experience..


    How do SP's feel about DATO? Is it something that should be discussed beforehand?


    Any input would be greatly appreciated..

  10. Hello all,


    I don't really post much on here, but I've been a member for the past 3 years and check the forum regularly. Anyway, I wanted to see what the good people of CERB (SP's and hobbyists alike) thought about safe sex?


    How important is it? Can you still have fun and be safe?


    I have a particular question regarding DATY/DATO.. I love giving both, but some times I'm hesitant even though it's on the menu.. I've spoken to a number of HIV Specialists who say that cunnilingus is relatively low risk, but that doesn't mean you're 100% in the clear..


    From my understanding, when it comes to oral sex.. The receiver (SP) is at less risk then the provider (Myself) .. The receiver is exposed to saliva, while the giver is exposed to vaginal fluids etc.. etc..


    I would love to do this more often as I really enjoy it..


    Any thoughts on this?

  11. Well, I'm glad that this subject came up. I, for one, am extremely shy. To this day, I still don't have the courage to call up an Escort. I'd love to and I've got the money, but I just can't seem to go through with it. I've read reviews and the people here have been kind enough to give me recommendations but I always think I'm just going to end up embarrassing myself.

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