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Posts posted by ekimout

  1. Great thread!


    I love being alone, but I'm not lonely. There are times that it would be nice to have someone in my life. But at this point in time, being single is best. The key for me is to love and feel loved, and I have a great family, and many friends to thank for that.


    It's great to start a day with a clear schedule. A rainy day with a pot of coffee and a couple newspapers is hard to beat for me.


    Although being alone makes morning sex a little bit more of a challenge...

  2. Variety is the spice of life!!!




    The reason I started hobbying a few years ago was for the thrill and excitement of meeting an SP for the first time. The rush of adrenaline when you approach the door to meet someone new for a sensual encounter, is all part of the experience.


    While I love the variety and the discovery of that next SP/encounter, great pleasure can come from repeating with an SP that you enjoyed your time with, and connected with. But I will always look forward to that next first encounter.

  3. Congratulations!


    To everyone that has come forward with their stories, and the courage to meet the challenges of this disease one day at a time. I wish you all continued succes in your sobriety.


    For those who have yet to reach out for the help and support you need and deserve, may you find the strength.


    For those who know someone in need - as I do, whether alcohol or drugs - please look beyond the madness and offer your help and support. And never judge.



    Lost opportunities open the door to life's future possibilities


    Don't wait, the time will never be just right

  4. I'm sure some of you remember the now closed FS SC in Rigaud QC. The CR had doors with latches and some were smaller than others. I usually was in a larger CR but got stuck in a small one this trip.


    I was having an absolute ball with a pretty Jamaican girl from the Thunder Bay area and we were enjoying doggy with much gusto when my ass hit the door and it flew open! Somehow managed to grab the door and get it latched again without missing a beat (or should I say stroke) ...... and no one said a word about it. Either a real stunner was on stage when that happened or everyone was uber polite. :redface:


    Something tells me this must have been a fairly common occurrence at this place but have not heard from anyone else to date.


    Slurp! That was you? haha...


    I saw that happen a few times in Rigaud. The latches on the door we're a joke, it would fly open on many occasions. I remember one night, the place was quite busy, we had to wait for a booth. So the girls would take the guys up the booths and stand outside to be next in line. There we're a couple ahead of us, when one of the doors flew open while this guy was just giving it to this girl. He didn't even notice the door was open until she started to yell at him, and we started laughing. That was hilarious.


    Needless to say they eventually changed the latches, but it took them a long time.

  5. If you all have time, to write about what party you are/might be voting for, try giving this link a click and answer the questions,see the results when completed.



    Then tell us if it has possibly changed your views, on who you are voting for.


    Pete, that's a great post. The CBC was promoting the Vote Compass over the weekend, so I decided to check it out. Wasn't sure what the results would be (Liberals?) but was quite interested.


    The results...it appears I'm closer to the Liberal party. It's what I thought going into the questionaire. While I don't share all of their views, it's the party that I was closest to.

  6. It's disappointing that just over 50% of Canadians actually vote. There are people around the world - currently, by the way - willing to die for the right to have a democracy and the right to vote.


    Harper is an arrogant dictator. He is using fear to shape this election around the opposition forming a reckless coalition. He is power hungry, willing to do and say anything to get his majority. He points out that this is an unnecessary election in a time when our economy is fragile. And that the only option is a Conservative majority. I guess the issues of the day are not important to him.


    Well, what was Harper trying to do in 2004 in meeting with his fellow opposition parties and sending a letter to the Governor General. He recommended to the GG to review all options available if the minority Liberal government should face a vote of no confidence in the house, and lose. A COALITION!!! is what he was trying to create. So, in 2008 when the country was on the verge of an actual economic crisis - that was a good time for him to call an election? But now it's unnecessary? Get real! I think his governing style is unnecessary and reckless.


    The Canadian people have spoken twice now regarding the Conservatives and Harper. And a minority government is what they want. They want the parties to work together on the real issues...Health Care, Jobs, Economy, etc...put aside partisan politics and make it work. They don't trust a majority of any kind. If Harper spent as much time trying work together with the other parties - and actually be a leader for once - as he does trying to get his majority, we might get somewhere.


    Perhaps a third Conservative minority and he'll finally get the message. Be a leader, work together. Sadly, I doubt he will. So bring on change, a Liberal minority.

  7. Do they know? Yes!

    Do we discuss it? No!


    HAHA, we don't have Sunday dinner and discuss my job. Actually I have not really discussed anything I have done since my "first" job as a teen!


    Julia's: I had sorta the same thing happen to me at a local Timmies!


    I was there with my mom, and getting a cup of tea, and a client I had met once before ran up to me calling me by my work name and wanted to book an appointment. I just pretended I didn't know who they were, and made it clear they must be "confused".


    He caught the hint thank goodness, but it still was embarrassing!


    I know this was not the original intention of this thread, but it has brought to light one more time, the issue of discretion. And for that, it's a great reminder. Guys! Please! How would you feel if your favourite SP approached you in public, and left you to explain to your girlfriend, wife, brother, sister, mother, father (although he might like it), co-worker, or even your boss? I'm sure you're excited to see her, but control yourself, you're not a kid. Other people are involved, it's not all about you. Move on with your day, and use it as a reminder that perhaps you should get in touch with her to book your next appointment.


    Now back to the question at hand. No, my family and friends do not know of my hobby - to which I partake from time to time, not on a regular basses. I feel it is a private part of my life that I wish to keep private. It adds to the mystery and makes the experiences that much more pleasurable. I do have a few very close friends that we have discussed, strip clubs, escorts, massage parlours, etc., but as general conversation.

  8. Originally Posted by ekimout viewpost.gif

    Quite a few years back while at Pigales I accompanied a beautiful young french dancer back to the champagne room for a little fun. We spent an hour or so together, had a couple of drinks, it was great! I woke up the next day and could still smell her beautiful sent on me, as well as my clothes. Just one problem, I guess she must have been wearing some tanning bronzer that now was smeared all over my white pants. Oh! And some sort of glitter that now covered the front of my shirt.


    I didn't realize it at the time when I came out of the champagne room but I must have provided quite a laugh for my fellow patrons. Just glad I didn't stick around long. But yes, felt like a dork the next day.


    I used to "fake" tan with a lotion, but then realized it stained everything I went near, so now I just tan in a bed so I know I wont be getting anyone into trouble!


    And the glitter.... Do dancers even put them on anymore?? We used to talk about that in the dressing room, some guys would totally freak out and go to the washroom to try and get them off, so most of us stopped using them! They do look very pretty under the lights, but again we were getting some our gentlemen friends in big trouble!


    It was quite some years ago, so I imagine the girls don't use the tanning lotion or glitter anymore. It's funny to think about it now, but at the time...not so much. Luckily I was single.

  9. Quite a few years back while at Pigales I accompanied a beautiful young french dancer back to the champagne room for a little fun. We spent an hour or so together, had a couple of drinks, it was great! I woke up the next day and could still smell her beautiful sent on me, as well as my clothes. Just one problem, I guess she must have been wearing some tanning bronzer that now was smeared all over my white pants. Oh! And some sort of glitter that now covered the front of my shirt.


    I didn't realize it at the time when I came out of the champagne room but I must have provided quite a laugh for my fellow patrons. Just glad I didn't stick around long. But yes, felt like a dork the next day.

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