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Posts posted by Philander39

  1. Just wanted to do a quick message saying that I just recently had a lovely visit with Kathryn Bardot. I have seen Kathryn many times before but it has been a year since my last visit. As usually, Kathryn was a most excellent host and I wondered why in god's name did a wait over a year to see her again. Needless to say I won't be making that mistake again.


    As you can see from the many reviews, Kathryn is well worth the time and energy (and you definitely will need your energy !!).

    • Like 1

  2. Sorry about this late review. A mix of computer problems with my "philandering" computer, holidays and plain laziness are my lame excuses.


    I met Rebecca Winter at the end of November 2016 when she last visited Ottawa. I had been following her on twitter (@iambeccawinter). I found her tweets to be very interesting so when she announced that she was coming to Ottawa, I quickly inquired about a possible meeting. I used the contact sheet on her website (http://www.beccawinter.com/) and she quickly responded. Making arrangements for our meeting went quickly and required little back and forth. I should note here, that Rebecca works on the premise that people are trustworthy. Please do not abuse that trust my being a no-show or a last minute canceler.


    When we finally met it was a grey and rainy day. Rebecca's in-call location required her to meet me at the door to the building. Needless to say she had no problems getting me to follow her. She was oozing sexuality. I was blessed in the fact that we were the only two in the elevator as she passionately kissed me while we rode up to her room. We got to her room, things went even further on the passionate front as she consumed me with sexuality. During the lulls, we had great conversations which added to the experience.


    My visit with Ms. Winter was the perfect antidote to a cold and wet November day. I felt greatly relaxed and my mind was in a very very good place afterwards. I will say that Rebecca spent quite a bit of time taking care of my feet and hands. I don't think my feet have been ever handle that way in my lifetime - it was heaven.


    Definitely recommend if you get the chance to experience a meeting with Rebecca.

  3. I'm worried if I actually went full bush I'd lose all my clients! Ha


    Like all things, you may lose some clients but you probably gain others. As they say "every pot has a their lid".


    Personally, I like to see something down there. Completely clear is just not as attractive to me - of course that doesn't mean I still would not partake. I guess my lid fits every pot ! ha ha

    • Like 2

  4. As a luddite who has a god awful cell phone with a pain in the ass text function, I always prefer email bookings. I have an email address that is solely for SP related conversations which makes things easier on the discretion front.


    I will say I also tend to book days in advance so email exchanges are more practical since there is more time for responding. I regularly confirm my meeting the day before via email.


    On the day of the meeting then I start to use my cell phone (and that god-awful text function) as per the instructions of the lady that I have made an appointment with.


    This system works very well for me and I assume it works for the ladies as I have had no problem making appointments.

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  5. I have no problems with the lady knowing my real name, but I think it should also go both ways.Not saying that the name should be upfront in her ads, but its kind of silly to call the lady by a name that we all know is not real.


    I know it may sound silly but as some previous posters have noted that for the lady in this situation there is more to have go wrong then with the guy. Not everyone keeps to the expected boundaries in this industry and for that reason I can easily see why ladies want to keep their names private.


    There are situations where over time if you are a regular client and the trust level is there, you will actually be given the honour of actually knowing a real name. I have been in situations where one SP gave me her real first name (but not here last name) and in another case the SP gave me her full real name. In both cases, I had seen the lady multiple times and had build up a rapport with them.


    The funny thing, was even though the gave me their real names, I still called them by their "escort" names. I didn't think of every using their real names. I only noticed when one of them pointed that fact out to me after I had sent her an email message to check on her availability. I still keep using her industry name, it just felt right.

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  6. Definitely make sure you are clear with your arrangements. A few years ago, I was at a hotel bar waiting for some friends to met up for a night on the town. A very attractive young lady sat beside me at the bar and started chatting me up. Obviously, this is not a situation which normally happens to me. Luckily, for the young lady I knew what was happening and I quickly and politely told her that I think that must be a mix-up. I told her my name and pointed out another gentleman on the other side of the bar who was wearing a similar colour tie. Considering he seemed to be somewhat concerned that she was sitting beside me I was pretty sure he was the person she was to met. She laughed, thanked me for being so understanding and quickly walked over to her "friend".


    I will say her "friend" was a pretty classy guy. A few minutes later, the bartender showed up with a drink from "the couple in the corner".

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  7. Appearance is usually one of the reasons you first see a specific SP but in all likelihood if someone is repeating seeing the same SP there is other reasons. I have seen SPs who over time have added more and more tattoos or have a different hair style or colour every time I see me. There have even been a few where there was changes in weight - nothing too extreme may be 10 to 20 lbs. At no point did I think I should not see this person anymore. I visit them because of their personalities, the way they treated me and there services.


    Of course, there might be some deal-breakers for some clients but I`m guessing that would be a very small portion of the population.

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  8. My favourite drink always depends upon the situation.


    - A nice cold beer on a patio in the summer

    - A smooth ale or porter in the lounge of the curling club after a close game

    - A good glass of wine (white or red) with dinner

    - A single malt whiskey in the evening in my big comfty chair

    - A nice port with some cheese in the late evening

    - a new cocktail that a friend recommends

    + a million other situations


    The most important thing is that there is someone there enjoying the moment with you.

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  9. I always find that my most memorable experiences of an intimate nature almost always involve a serious round of kissing before, during and after the main event. Wouldn't say it is mandatory but I find when someone is fully involved "necking" like high school kids on the couch that usually means a most excellent time will be had when events move up to the more adult side of things.

  10. I just recently met Ms. Rosalie Seck. Making arrangements was relatively easy. Although, I imagine you will probably need to be flexible in your schedule as it looks like school will always be the priority for Rose.


    I was not having the best day on the day I was to met with Rose. First, I was a really stinky file was dumped on my desk at work - not cool. Then I missed my bus that was supposed to take me to Rose's neighbourhood in sufficient time that I would not have to rush to get to her location. Therefore, I had to rush only to discover that as I got closer to the location that my cell phone had died. Luckily, I found a pay phone and was able to call - even more lucky for me was that Rose actually answered.


    Needless, to say when I finally met Rose, I was haggard, frustrated and a little bit sweaty. That all melted away within a few moments of seeing Rose's bright and shiny face. After my brief description of my day, Rose simply said "Well, let's get you in the shower and do you mind if I join you ?" - my bad day just turned into a damn good day ;-)


    Rose is incredibly cute. But when the clothes come off, she quickly goes from really cute to "oh my god !!" gorgeous. I still smile when I think about her there standing all naked. She had a very comfortable way about her. Everything that happen during my visit just naturally flowed. She treated me like a good friend. She was very genuine.


    I won't got into exact details of the more intimate aspects of our meeting. Suffice it to say, I was a very happy camper afterwards. One thing I should note is that Rose is an incredible cuddler. So be warned ;-)

  11. I just recently had a fantastic visit with Kathryn. I noticed that the last time I saw her was about a year ago. For some reason, I had thought I had seen her more recently than that. The memory of my last visit was so vivid that it stuck with me for almost a year ;-)


    The great memories continued with this latest visit. Kathryn looked as lovely as before. Her laugh was as genuine and contagious as I remembered. The more intimate aspects were again very memorable. She is a fantastic kisser. It was a total joy using my limited DATY skills to help her create a rather large wet spot on her bed. She being the gracious host showed me her appreciation by taking me to dizzying heights - I still cannot believed that I could cum that hard in my old age.


    I will not wait that long again.


    I also should also note that Kathryn was very helpful in dealing with my short notice request for a meeting. She was very accommodating.

  12. I would say on average about once every 5 or 6 weeks but if I could I would be definitely be on a weekly rate since I find it is such a great stress reliever, especially with the many lovely ladies here on CERB.


    The main reason why I do not see SPs weekly is mainly due to time and money. At the same time there is also the whole issue of your schedule lining up with the SP's schedule. I notice availablity can be pretty limited around university and college exam times.

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  13. I really don't think you will have any luck on your search. May be if you had seen an SP fairly regularly then you might get some thing extra, like a slightly lower rate but highly unlikely. More like you would get a cupcake or cookies (both items I had received as birthday gifts) but that was only with SPs I had seen regularly over the past few years.


    Another question, is how were you planning on "proving" your birth date. To really prove the date you would have to show some id. The only reason I received my birthday cupcakes and cookies was that in previous meetings I had mention which month I was born. No exact dates just the general month.


    Hopefully, you really are looking to celebrate your birthday and are just trying to see if you can swing a "deal". Lots of SPs hate that stuff. I would recommend you play the long game and start seeing some of the fine and generous ladies here on CERB and see what happens in a year from now.


    Happy Birthday and good luck on your search.

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  14. As a married person, I wear the ring. I never had an SP ask me about it. Also, I don't think anyone noticed. It definitely did not affect the service I received ;-)

    I'm guessing that if this was a concern to an SP then the probably wouldn't be involved in this business to begin with.


    The main reason I kept the ring on was the same point that Katherine made. If you are taking if off and on all the time you are more likely going to lose it.

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  15. One question I have is what happens when you have SPs who are part of the duo but they have different standards in regards to their services. I am assuming that the are SPs who offer duo services with each other and thus there is chemistry. I guess my question if more directed to the situation where one SP will provide BBBJ services while the other would only do CBJ. How is that handled ? Is it assumed that in this type of situation that you would only recieve CBJ or would the SP who only provides CBJ services change her standard for a duo situation ?

  16. I prefer the 10 am to 3 pm stretch. I always try to tie it in with my lunch hour as I usually have to make up the hours at a later date. I have had some very memorable visits earlier in the morning (Cleo Catra was my partner in crime on one - she will be missed when she leaves at the end of the month). When I travel for work I do sometimes do outcall later in the evening. If given the choice I prefer the afternoon sessions as it is a nice break in the day.

  17. Unfortunately, I was away when Nathalie made her announcement. I'm not sure if she will read this post but you never know.


    I have met Nathalie quite a few times over the past couple of years. Every meeting was an experience. Somehow, Nat could bring me to a calm place. Her giggles were absolutely adorable. Our conversations cover so many topics that most times I left her place much smarter than when I showed up. I guess she was my tutor !!


    Anyway, I always knew that Nathalie would go on to bigger a better things. I have been greatly honoured in meeting her. There are so many memories - sipping tea on her couch while she sat beside me wearing a lovely green dress discussing by-laws and their affects on sex workers or her in you yoga outfit giggling at some stupid thing I said and then kissing my with such passion that she took my breath away.


    I have been truly blessed. Good luck on your future endeavours.



  18. I sent a fantastic afternoon with Savannah on her most recent visit to Ottawa. I cannot compete with the previous reviews but I feel I need to add my voice to the previous posters who sing praises to Savannah.


    I will add that Savannah is a beautiful women with striking eyes. Her laugh is contagious and her easy going manner will make you feel at easy. She is also damn sexy. After exchanging some travelling across Canada stories, things quickly progressed to a make-out session on the couch. There I discovered that Savannah is an awesome kisser and she was not wearing any underwear - both great things ;-)


    After an extended period of necking on the couch we progressed to the bedroom where the fun continued and Savannah showed me her extensive seduction skills - although to be honest she had me once I heard her laughter and taste her lips. At the end of our time together, I was completely relaxing with a huge smile on my face.


    I definitely hope that Savannah comes back to our great city in the near future. I still smile when I think about our little "visit".

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  19. Any prior reviews really can't be used against you because what you were doing at the time was not illegal. There might have been illegal aspects, for example visiting an SP at their incall location or if you and the SP discussed services on the street or in a public spot before heading off to "the party room".


    After the law is passed then things can change but as people have mentioned in this thread there is lots of wiggle room that it would be really difficult for the police to have any charges stick. Then the question comes down to is it worth their effort ?


    Personally, I think the police will focus more on the street level stuff first as they will get more bang for their buck. Street level stuff is what most people think when they think about prostitution. It also tends to get the most vocal complaints as it is noticeable. Anyone who has spent time along the stroll in Vanier definitely knows that there are women there who need help with their addictions so the 20 million might be useful for that type of stuff. Since it doesn't sound like the government is going to be giving money to the provinces for more policing services, I really don't see them focusing their limited budgets on places like CERB.


    Saying that, if the law stays in effect for awhile then there is a possibility that the police will start focusing on places like CERB. The question is how long can the government keep this thing on the books before the Supreme Court rules against the new previsions.

  20. I recently saw Malika on her latest trip to Ottawa. For a multitude of reasons I have never made the effort to see Malika, even when she was based here in Ottawa. Of course, after spending a lovely afternoon with her, I'm kicking myself for not meeting her earlier.


    I'm not going to repeat all the glowing reviews given by previous members of CERB. I just want to confirm that everything that has been written about Malika is 100% accurate. I knew things were going to end up well when as soon as I entered the room, I was making out with a gorgeous French girl wearing yoga pants and a nice top. The two hours flew by and I was completely drained.


    Malika is very flexible. We did not need any of that flexibility for what we were doing but it was really neat to be chatting with her after our first round and then have her suddenly touch her head with her foot.


    Great time with a great lady.

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