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Posts posted by Joyful_Jillian

  1. Folks,


    Further to my earlier announcement, situations have resolved and I do not have to leave the business afterall.


    You can't imagine how happy this makes me.


    Please get in touch to arrange visits - it is business as usual.


    I will however be moving from my big uptown house to an apartment (with a security buzzer!!!) -- this takes place Dec 1st.


    I am only moving a few blocks away and my new place will be just as nice as the mansion, just easier for me to manage. I don't really need 3000 sq ft for myself - when you guys aren't around I just rattle in it!


    Hugs & kisses,



  2. Hello chaps,


    Despite my announcement to retire, I have managed to sort out the complications and I am still available for real girl friend experiences in Old Saint John.


    Please get in touch to arrange a visit either by emailing through this site or check out my ad on Escorts Canada under Saint John SPs.


    Please be assured my ad is not a scam, nor do I practice these tactics. My recommendations speak for themselves. I deliver what I promise - being with me is like being with a real lover; all I ever ask is that you allow me to take my time.




  3. Yes Narman, excellent points.


    The system in Cuba is set up to try and thwart prostitution by limiting access by Cuban nationals to all hotels and resorts, unless they (a) work there, or (b) have special permission to enter the hotel, in which case they are watched carefully by secret police the entire time they are there.


    In Cuba there are more secret police who don't wear uniforms than those who do. So, if you do decide to risk it and get caught, expect to spend a few nights in a Cuban jail (not pleasant), pay a lot of money, and ultimately be deported.


    How do I know all this, you ask? In "another life" I worked there for the Cuban government on a development project. I had to be sure to plan my events at public buildings rather than hotels so that all my Cuban volunteers could attend.


    I also watched carefully the neighbourhood where our project staff had us staying. I soon noticed that Santana, the mild mannered guy who just seemed to hang around the square all day changed into a police uniform at night and stood guard outside our casa. Everyone who goes to Cuba is watched carefully, whether they know it or not.


    And yes, you do need to worry about STDs in Cuba. If a man or woman in Cuba tests positive for HIV, they are shipped off to an island and spend their lives with the rest of the HIV positive population. They can never leave, so there is a lot of motivation if someone is in the sex trade to NEVER GET TESTED to avoid detection.


    Want some real good advice from a lady who knows a little about this sort of stuff? Don't cross-border shop when you go south, especially not in Cuba!





  4. Cape Breton in general, and Sydney in particular has a widespread and well publicized problem with prescription drugs (ie oxycontin) and street drugs (ie crack cocaine).


    Accordingly, the sorts of activities that go along with drug-seeking/procuring such as prostitution are common, but not advertised or organized, at least not in the way we ladies choose to organize ourselves in this realm.


    I'm not certain that gents up that way are not able to afford us, I think it might be more a case of there being ladies who don't advertise but are simply "known about". If that is the case, it wouldn't attract a lot of gents from Sydney to our site, nor the ladies they are seeking.


    Just a hypothesis ...

  5. Yes Drlove -- totally agree; it's more fun when people participate!


    What's that saying ... power lies with those who show up? Lol!


    Gentlemen, you empower yourself <in your hobby> and assist others when you "show up" -- if you're satisfied, don't be shy. It helps raise and elevate "your hobby" if everyone plays and participates. Don't be shy to post recommendations.


    Recommendations <as opposed to "reviews"> are most helpful, not only for we SPs, but also for you gentlemen. It's just one person's objective opinion -- an endorsement of whether the lady's advertising matches her delivery style.


    When the topic comes up in conversation with my guests, I say "if you enjoyed the experience, I have no objection to an endorsement that my service, as stated in the information provided to you, is accurate." That's all I'm really interested in, as someone who offers a "service".


    What a gentlemen is mainly interested in when approaching this "hobby" is that it is going to be safe, discreet, and "as advertised". Anyone who writes to me in a respectful manner as befits a lady, ie. more than one line, properly spelled, with a polite introduction and request for information -- receives a lot of detail describing my entertainment style.


    In a recommendation, therefore, what I ask is that the gentlemen confine their comments to my "service delivery" rather than the very intimate details of our encounters.


    Every experience is different. What I do with one guest might not occur with another. It all depends on the personality, chemistry, and ... the day, moment, and second of that interpersonal passion. There's no formula; no "tricks" I perform, no "scripting" -- I don't have "a routine". I'm a courtesan; not a performing monkey in a zoo. My style of entertainment is more mature and gentile. Confining recommendations to issues of "service" in my opinion -- and it's only my opinion -- is more appropriate.


    I always hesitate a teeny bit when opening a "review of joyful jillian". There is always a slight fear I am going to have to endure one of those "too much information" treatises which recounts every detail. I'm sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings, but guys -- are you bragging or recommending? Sometimes, I have to wonder. I would rather have no recommendations than one that replays what is, for me at least, a very intimate experience.


    Just my .02 cents at a very late hour. Over 'n out.

  6. <nodding in agreement with Charlotte>


    Yes indeed; CERB has standards I value.


    The guys I've met through CERB and Escorts-Canada are, without exception, high calibre people.


    Ladies, it doesn't hurt to use our SPs toll-free customer care line just to tell those folks -- the whole team who toil behind the scenes on our behalf -- thanks, you're doing a great job.


    I interact with the owners of this website and EC on a fairly regular basis. When I phoned in a blind panic recently from New Brunswick, needing changes to my ads, and no computer access to get my ads updated, the folks at CERB/E-C had my changes made in no time flat.


    Not only is this an exceptionally informative and well-managed forum site, but the "other side of the house" -- the advertising and design work which pays to support a quality website like CERB, is also equally well managed and easy to work with.


    Well done!

  7. Darling Dr. Love, the pleasure was all mine. <kiss>

    I loved every second of our afternoon together; from the delightful and tasteful decor of your home to our delicious, intimate lunch ... corner table at ... you know where <wink>.

    Your gracious hospitality was appreciated, and I can't wait to see you again before I leave Halifax.

    Don't forget the open invitation to visit me at Princess Manor, my new home in Saint John.



  8. Hey guys,


    I am wondering about whether I should visit PEI this summer to test the waters and maybe visit more regularly in the future. I realize there are some agencies over there, but I don't see a lot of responses when guys ask for recommendations, so maybe it's time to mix things up a bit....just to keep things interesting...


    Does anyone know anything about the hobbyist population on the island?


    Would a tour over there fly? If I could find a nice little cottage somewhere....hmmmm....?


    I seem to have bitten by the travel bug after my tour to Ottawa!

  9. I like chat rooms with video capability that are attached to forums or websites. In the case of the CERB, and the question at hand, I voted for video and chat capability.


    In my mind, for what it's worth, a chat room attached to this forum could be highly entertaining, educational, and facilitate contact. Those are all things that do nothing but elevate and enhance our fun!


    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a night hawk and I live in the Atlantic time zone. Quite often, after my day is over and I'm chillaxin, it's nice to chat and with a simple "who's online" query, I can see that others in the Eastern time zone are in the same bout.


    Now, of course, Skype and Messenger and lots of other communications clients are at our disposal, but wouldn't it be cool if we could connect easily with our CERB community in one step? I do.


    So...ya, rock on the chat room. I'm a chatty girl.....I'll tune in...

  10. I'm replying to the original question the gentleman asked about whether experienced ladies such as myself have any problem seeing younger guys in their 20s.

    When I first entered the business I initially had quite a negative bias against seeing anyone younger than 40. Fortunately, Cat and Dummpy straightened me out on that issue pretty quickly, and I began to decide on a case-by-case basis whether I would like to see the guest or not. It was a wise decision because to date I have only good things to say about the younger men I've seen.

    Until I came to Ottawa last week, the youngest guest I'd ever seen was 28. However, last week I was approached by a 22 year old who came to me for instruction and tutoring. He told me upfront that he was inexperienced and wanted to spend some time with an experienced woman who could give him the opportunity to try some things in a laid back and unpressured way.

    I must confess, when I saw how young and fresh-faced he looked, I needed to take a long moment before deciding whether we could have a mutually satisfying visit. So I told him - look, we're going to do a lot of talking first, and if you can be patient and go with the flow I'm sure we'll have a wonderful evening. I was more nervous than he was, but after a few cold Coronas and a long question and answer session, we moved to try all the things he wanted to discover. He had such an open and willing attitude that this will go down as one of the most pleasant visits I've had so far. We found our chemistry and passion gradually - it was pretty sweet.

    To answer the original poster's question, I wouldn't hesitate to see a much younger gentleman again, depending on his attitude and the reason he wanted to see me. If someone is inexperienced and wants to learn a few new tricks, I recommend to schedule at least 2-3 hours to ensure some time to uh....practice.

  11. I'm just getting caught up, after an exciting week of kibbitzing in Ottawa.


    Jughead - I was so glad to hear you were given consideration for this position. As someone with advanced human resource training, I'd been reading this thread with an increasing sense of outrage at the way you're being treated by your employer. It was a relief to hear that you have been seen and given the opportunity to apply and be considered. That was shaping into a very unfair situation.


    In the event you are not the successful candidate, my advice would be to move on. Seventeen years in the same job is too long unless you have a career path mapped out with your employer to enable you to move forward and progress. If you would like some guidance on formulating a new resume and strategy, I would be happy to help you. It's what I am trained to do - human resources and career transition services. We can map your next steps, repackage you on paper - a good resume - then off you go.


    You will also want to brush up on a thing called the "behavioural descriptive interview". This is the interview model a lot of employers are using these days. Since you haven't needed to go to an interview in awhile, you'll want to prepare so that you can compete on a level footing with the other people out there who are used to this process.


    Hope you get the job; it you don't then rest assured that the enormous exit from the work force by the babyboomers who are retiring in droves should guarantee you some options.


    Good luck!

  12. Rocky, you certainly did select some of Ottawa's tastiest ladies to sample darling ... Cat and Paige ? No wonder you arrived home financially challenged!


    I echo your sentiments though that the girls should take a road trip - it makes things more exciting in the community, helps it grow and remain interesting.

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