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Posts posted by dirkgently

  1. Not really sure what you are looking for here. Seems like you have this fantasy fully worked out. If it is truly what you want, get to know one of the fine ladies here on Lyla and enter into the contract. Holding on to a key for a year for a fee doesn't seem like a big deal (and remember to tip your lady well every time you see her). I'm sure there are ladies here that have some experience or knowledge in the sex slave / domination / cuckolding scenario you seem to desire.


    If it is just a fantasy, there are also ladies here that can help you develop it or ease into it.


    Get to know one of Lyla's fine members, develop a bond of trust and go from there.

  2. Hey there,

    Myself and a few friends of mine are heading into Moncton for a couple nights and we were wondering if it is just the one strip club there still?


    Also, are there any girls that would do a show for 3-6 guys at a hotel?


    as far as I know, just Angie's on Champlain St

    • Like 1

  3. I'm game! ohhh...and let's all scratch the cars with our keys and than run away!


    That. Would. Be. Aweeeeeesome!

    I've had cars in car shows. I know you are joking but there are actually people that do that - the reason I stopped going. They are only cars and in the big picture, not that important. But what is important is the time, energy, creativity, money and love (yes love) people put in to restoring and showing cars.


    Vandalism is just not cool dude.

    • Like 1

  4. Condoms.

    (nuff said)

    I keep saying we should have gone to the movies that night


    Additional Comments:

    I just want to thank everyone for their words of advice and encouragement.


    My two also some developmental issues and I guess I somehow hoped we could skip the extra issues being teenagers brings. Alas not to be.


    On a different note, today they are both happy and talkative and actually seem like they want to interact and be part of the family, weird.


    Thanks everyone.

    • Like 2

  5. Hey Dirk. Totally, totally common. Practice patience and show love as a parent and the switch will get turned again in a year or two. There would not be too many teenagers that have not gone through that phase and not too many parents have been fortunate enough to miss it. That politeness and well mannered behavior if it was there before is still there and it will come back. :)

    Thanks, rationally I know it is temporary and they will grow out of it, but emotionally some days are incredibly trying.


    One friend told me teenagers were the price you pay for having a good time. Don't remember it being that good...

    • Like 1

  6. Seriously, does everything I say have to be an argument? Mine have some developmental issues also, but I'm fairly positive I would never have talked back to my parents the way these two do.


    They used to be so polite, friends and strangers used to remark how polite, well mannered and well behaved they were.


    What switch was flipped at 14 and how do I flip it back?

    • Like 1

  7. Part of my story (as most of my struggles now are not my own):


    I spent about about 8 years being physically, psychologically and sexually abused by members of my immediate and extended family. Somehow, and I do not know how, at 12 I managed to summon the inner strength to put an end to it. Although I did not tell anyone about what was happening to me (although I'm positive there were many adults that knew and did nothing) nor seek help for many years, the abuse affected me physically and emotionally well into adulthood and has definitely shaped the person I am today. Although I am now successful, educated, liberal, open-minded, caring and forgiving, there is no room or tolerance in my life for anything bad happening to children (even in movies I have to walk away) or the adults that cause these bad things.


    Over thirty years later I'd like to say I've learned a few things. One is that what you name something, what you call it, matters. Maybe only on a subconscious level but often on a visceral in your face level.


    My opinion only, but "sexual abuse of a minor" is far too vague and low impact to correctly describe what happens to these children and the impact it has on them. Let's call it what it really is RAPING CHILDREN! A harsh term but more accurate.


    I am aware that for some abuse is a cycle, they were abused so they abuse. For most it is not. Most are so affected by what happened to them that even the thought of causing that much pain to another can make them sick. The difference could be whether or not they get help, or their own inner strength or moral compass, or the nurturing they received in their lives apart from the abuse. Or it may be simply that it is not called rape so they don't make the connection to what they are doing and what it really is and the effects it will have.


    I may be totally wrong but if it even stops one abuser and saves one child...


    My journey continues.

    • Like 5

  8. I totally thought this was going to be about irrational hatred for people.


    e.g. you have no reason to hate Person X and yet, you still want to punch them in the nose.

    well, I really want to punch the inconsiderate parkers!! and actually feel hatred (except Cristy, she gets an exemption and is allowed to park anywhere, but on that, it's just a car luv, just a car)

    • Like 2

  9. We all have one thing (or many) that irks us to no end but that really is not something that should bother us at all. Usually it is something petty, something we know should not bother us or really has nothing to do with us but still gets under your skin.


    One of mine is people that park in fire lanes or no parking zones. You see them at malls all the time. Normally the driver will stay in the car while another person runs in, sometimes the driver does. I get their thinking, I'm only running in for a minute, but it's a store, everyone is only running in for a minute, no one lives there. Even a huge planned shopping trip is, in the overall scheme of things, a few minutes. Why can't they park like everyone else does? Do they think they are so important they transcend parking rules and social norms or are they all sociopaths unable to consider other people while going through their daily lives (and if so, who in hell gave them driver's licenses)?


    In the big picture where people park is really of no concern, I shouldn't let it bother me but it does.


    There it is. What's yours?

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