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Posts posted by MisterE

  1. Welcome West Cat...Great to hear that you have blessed us with your presence. Missed you in mid July in Ottawa, looking forward to perhaps seeing you here in the West. Don't get to Calgary that often, but I may have to change that. Keep us posted on what's happening with you.


  2. It's not looking good guys. No reply to my e-mail to the "Webmaster", and now that part of the message doesn't even pop up when you try her website. I'm thinking she's gone....:cry::cry:

    She was my first as well, and a few repeats thereafter, such a down to earth lady, with exceptional talents as well. As I have said before, I feel more comfortable with the more mature ladies, due to my age. She is one of those very special ladies.

    Hope I'm wrong, but she appears to be finished, unless she is just taking an extended time away...


  3. Consistency is the way I started out, but then I found that I could not always hook up with her on my travels to the big O'town. Sooooo, I tried something new, younger, and even though I yearn to return to the consistent one, I find that I am now looking around my various "travel to" cities for something else. Perhaps I'm just looking for a "few" consistencies....


  4. I'm throwing my $ .02 in on this vote, SHAVED for sure, can't handle those pubics when they get caught in my throat. I also return the fave for the ladies, shaved all the way. It's actually not hard to keep up either, of course I haven't slept with my wife for a few years, hahaha...


  5. I have to agree with Hot_Lyxxx, the ladies between 35 and 55 are my faves. I've had an evening with a 25 year old (yea guys one night only with a young un). I'm in my mid 50"s so rather have the more mature ladies. Sometimes they are just a little more "understanding" of an old guy if you get my drift. Have had a few evenings with Katie and must say that she is my favourite at this point. What is this about Cat being gone? Where the heck have I been ? What did I miss ? I haven't had the pleasure as yet, our last appointment didn't work out and I was soooooooo looking forward to my next visit to Ottawa...


  6. Being a Westerner, and one who visits the Ottawa board, almost daily, I have often wondered the same question myself, especially for the bigger centres like Edmonton and Calgary. I'm perplexed by the lack of recommendations available on CERB for these two major cities in Western Canada. Perhaps, there is another site, that I am missing out on, although I have frequented PERB from time to time, and don't see a whole lot of info. for Alberta there either.

    I travel two or three times per year to the East, ie..East of Manitoba to various locations in Canada, and if I partake, it will be in those provinces, so that I will only ever be recommending in the "Eastern" cities, but I can't imagine that I am alone in that. There must be folk, (like me), that travel to the West, that partake in the providers in ED and CAL that could post of their experiences. ED and CAL are just too close to home for me to partake in the availabilities....


  7. See Valerie on E-C. Go to her website and click "Site Map".. From there, click on Accessories, and read what she has to offer in the way of clothing. One thing mentioned is vinyl skirt, perhaps something else on that page will catch your fancy.

    Have not had any time with her but read her "stuff" yesterday....Good luck on the search.



  8. I agree on Katie Johnson (see EC). Have not seen her at her own place but have seen her a few times on Outcall basis and is definitely another repeat for me. The price isn't all that bad either IMO.


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