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Posts posted by volvolater

  1. Unless you subscribe to the Bill Clinton school of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!", then yes, it's cheating I'm afraid.


    Now, why you need or want to justify it to yourself is an entirely different discussion which only you (and Bill) can truly delve into and understand, but don't try and kid yourself if you are hiding something from your SO and are also certain that he or she would disapprove at a minimum.


    I'm not being judgmental here, that is for you and your SO should you choose to tell her. And, just for the record, I know that I am cheating each and every time I contact one of the lovely ladies here, never mind go see them.

    • Like 1

  2. Close Encounters of the Anal (Third) Kind

    Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Anal (Sex) But Were Afraid To Ask

    Midnight Anal (Cowboy)

    Anal (Driving) Miss Daisy

    And Now For Something Completely Anal (Different)

    Deep Anal (Impact)

    Good Morning Anal (Vietnam)

    Wait Until Anal (Dark)

    The Anal (Shawshank) Redemption

    Million Dollar Anal (Baby)



    This is too easy and too much anal (fun) lol!!!

    • Like 1

  3. Karina:


    Lots of good input and comments already from many much wiser and more active here than me. And while I don't dare to offer any advice, I pose the following comments and questions.


    If your feelings for this fortunate gentleman are indeed as strong as you describe, and you have seen him quite regularly over a period of time, then it is quite likely that he already senses some of your feelings and should be picking up on the signals and type of interactions you are having with him.


    How is he responding to those hints, be they deliberate or involuntary?? Is he engaging with you in a similar fashion and does that thrill you or scare you? Do you pick up any similar vibes from him?


    What is it that makes you believe you are falling for him? Is it only the sex and physical intimacy or is there some other emotional connection beginning to flourish? Does he bring anything more to the table, beyond an envelope, and does he add any value to your life in a significant or meaningful way? Are you prepared to allow him into your thoughts and is he willing to share as well? Are you prepared to lose him as a client, even if you gain him as a friend or more?


    More questions than answers I know, and some have already been asked, but if you and your gentleman can navigate this minefield while still maintaining the fundamental boundary (pay to play), then I dare say that you will both find much satisfaction, pleasure and strength from this rare, but not unheard of, type of special relationship.


    I trust it all works out for you.

    • Like 2

  4. I enjoy bringing something with me to an appointment as I feel uncomfortable showing up empty handed. If it's wine or some other beverage, while I will try to find out the lady's preference, I will choose something that is new to me (and hopefully her) or a wine or single malt that I suspect she might enjoy.


    Having said that, I have no expectation that the wine (or whatever I've brought) will be served during my visit. It is offered as a gift, and once gifted, it is totally up to her whether or not she wants to open it with me or save it for another time that may or may not include me. The pleasure for me is in the giving (and not just a bottle :icon_wink:), any sharing after that is an unexpected bonus.

    • Like 1

  5. Laws clearly are intended to govern our behaviour, seeing as how they are written by governments. And our behaviour may indeed change depending on the law of the land in which we find ourselves.


    Morals influence, shape and guide our behaviour. They are our compass as we sail along this journey called life. And, similar to behaviour, morals will be different, and perhaps even change, depending on the land (and the laws of the land) in which we find we find ourselves.

  6. Great topic and some wonderful thoughts expressed! I agree completely and both Samantha and Cat have explained the perils and pitfalls of trying to move from an SP/client type relationship to a true friend type of relationship. Once the client wants to spend "free" time with their provider, the dynamics are changed irrevocably and forever.


    It is a fine line and I can understand how some of us become so enamored of and comfortable with their "favourite" that the desire to be more becomes overwhelming. Those of us who seek a deeper connection when seeing someone do have options though, short of trying to become friends.


    Do you want to see her more frequently?? No problem, just bring an envelope! Interested in learning more about her, open yourself up to her as well.


    I also believe that the more respect and value you can offer and bring to each and every encounter then the opportunity for greater access and emotional bonding grows. Value will be defined differently for each relationship, sometimes it's by listening and offering counsel if asked, other times it's by taking care of a need or doing a favour. Often it's the little things, being in tune to her wishes, desires or needs and then following through. The more one can offer that is of true value, without any expectation of reward, then it just might lead to the very place that many of us want to reach anyway...............becoming that friend that your provider enjoys spending time with!!


    And best of all, you still retain the intimacy, perhaps even a preferred status, because nothing is off the clock.

    • Like 3

  7. Sitting on an airplane when someone either next to you or across the aisle is working on their laptop. Maybe he/she doesn't care about privacy and confidentiality, but do others around really need to know their upcoming corporate marketing strategy or the newest power point presentation for the conference they are going to attend?


    As much as I try not to look, I've caught glimpses of things I should never have seen, and no, I don't mean this or similar websites.

  8. As a business owner myself, providing product in a specialty/niche market of my industry, I too am subject to the demands and schedules of my customers, while also being benchmarked against my competition, whether here, around the corner or around the globe. My ability to provide quality product and timely service is directly related to the volume of business I have at any one given time.


    If I accept an order and have difficulty or issues in filling it, or make mistakes, that will have a severe and obvious impact on whether or not the customer decides to give me repeat business. How busy I am may or may not be a factor in my ability to meet my customer's needs and expectations. If I take on the business knowing that I will have issues in performing as required then shame on me. But there are also times when I know that completing the project will be challenging for me, but either the customer or the nature of the work or the project itself has great interest or opportunity for me, so I take it on and know that I have to be at my absolute best in order to gain that client's trust and faith in my abilities and hopefully secure the majority of their work whenever they again require product or services in my area of expertise.


    I don't advertise much as I'm not a commodity item, and I have nothing to offer my client base unless or until there is a demand for my product. Does that mean that I'm a low or high volume producer?? In order to succeed in my industry I have to work on two things. Firstly, I have to educate my existing and potential customers as to the services and solutions that I can provide, updating them on anything new or changes to my offerings, thus creating demand, and secondly, I have to be prepared to service those clients when they come to me to satisfy the demand.

    The first generates the traffic, the second hopefully keeps them coming back. Sometimes I have a lot to communicate in order to try and create demand (thus posts or ads), at other times I am just busy enough looking after my existing work and upcoming orders.


    We all note how this "industry" is different than most, but is it really?? Yes, it is deeply personal and much more intimate, but still it all comes down to quality and service, working together and meeting or exceeding expectations. Those of us (client or provider) who can manage their time, their behaviour and their performance will usually find the right balance and achieve success.


    And, as a hobbiest here (and not the business owner above) let me ask the same original question but in a different light. Do the ladies here make assumptions about the type of client we might be by the number or frequency of our posts?? Does a higher post count, or more frequent participation in chat or shoutbox mean that the gentleman is a high volume hobbiest?? As a low count poster myself, does that mean that I see very few ladies or does that make me any more or less desirable as a client?? Does it really matter at all?? We all have our preferences and we all make choices that are influenced by our perceptions and our prejudices. The challenge, and indeed the opportunity, is in overcoming those and finding what we each seek with an open mind, respect and gratitude for what each of us both bring and offer with each and every encounter.

    • Like 3

  9. Brm.........I don't know that I can add anything here, especially after Cat's comments, and it certainly seems as if your mind is already made up in any case.


    The questions and rationale you keep expressing seem misplaced (meant in the kindest way if that's possible) to me. As a father of three wonderful adult children, I can tell you that my greatest joy every day of my life, is in having watched them grow and develop (and perhaps even been a small part of that development) into the caring and thoughtful individuals they are today. It also gives me great pleasure to see them make what I consider to be good choices, anything from life partners to how they conduct themselves on a daily basis.


    Fathering a child truly is the miracle, there are so many men and women unable to conceive for all kinds of reasons. Raising a child and providing for their wellbeing (and not just financial) is where the heavy lifting, and the legacy, come into play.


    In all your comments I read a lot about your wants and desires, almost as much about your concern for the potential mother (who has made her decisions already, clearly and without you btw) and your desire to change her way of becoming impregnated. What I don't read is any concern at all for your wife's ultimate reaction (implied permission or not), and in fact, you are leaving her the legacy of finding out at the reading of your will. And lastly, other than your desire to negotiate an acceptable arrangement, similar to negotiations you enter into frequently, from your own account, I don't read much about your hopes, dreams and aspirations for this child you might help bring into the world. You talk about the child being your immortality rather than your sacred trust, a trust that you seem willing to part with and negotiate over.


    Being a parent, absent or full time or anywhere in between, is full of emotion that ebbs and flows through one's life and the life of the child. It is perhaps the single most important and potentially most rewarding investment that one can ever make, but it can't be rationalized and entered into on commercial like terms and conditions. Fatherhood and motherhood are unconditional and are forever!


    I don't mean to be harsh, and I certainly am not judging, nor do I have the right to judge what you choose to do. You appear to be a thoughtful and well meaning individual, giving freely and unselfishly, and there is much for you to value in that. You've asked for some input and have received much good feedback, do with it as you wish and as you must.


    Kudos to you for having the courage to pose this question and for receiving the feedback, even feedback you hoped would be otherwise, so graciously and sincerely. I think we all hope that you act in everyone's best interests here and that you are at peace with whatever decision you make.

  10. I can enjoy a wonderful wine or a nice drink with anyone at any time, but for me this question is fairly simple. I don't judge anyone, guest or SP, nor their reasons for having a sip prior to meeting someone........but I do judge myself and my behaviour.


    When meeting someone, especially for the first time, I am not always aware of her attitude regarding alcohol consumption by me or by her! I would not want to arrive with any hint on my breath as it may be a turn-off or reason for alarm and possibly contribute to that famous YMMV experience. Would I be upset if I could detect alcohol on her breath though?? Absolutely not, again as long as it doesn't affect our time together and our ability to thoroughly enjoy each other's company.


    Having said the above, if we've specifically communicated about beverage options, or if meeting someone whom I've had the pleasure of being with before and knowing what she might like, then it would be my pleasure to bring along a nice bottle of wine, a particular bottle that might be missing from her bar, or especially some fine single malt. :icon_wink:


    When bringing such a gift, it is never my expectation that we share all or even some of the bottle. It is exactly what it is..........a gift.........and it is no longer my perogative to ask for or expect that the gift be shared with me. That doesn't mean I wouldn't be delighted to join in sampling what I've brought, but only if she wishes to serve it and enjoy sharing some or more with me.


    So, to each as they see fit, just understand that as much as you may be judging someone else's alcohol consumption and act based on that, judge your own as well and realize that it may be a more significant factor in having the best experience possible.


    Cheers to one and all!

  11. Well, it's been two more Thursdays since my poor performance described above :confused0024:!

    We met again last Thursday as usual and I had a somewhat serious talk about what might have gone wrong and how I was feeling about it. While the talk was mostly in my mind and with myself, I did find that it helped to calm me down and ease my anxieties and fears over seeing her again. While my performance last week wasn't stellar, it was comfortable again and felt like we were back on the right track.


    Now we come to yesterday. It had been a busy and trying week at work and I was constantly rushing. I was so looking forward to Thursday afternoon and sped out to meet her as always. I parked in my usual spot and couldn't get out of the car fast enough, as I knew she was waiting for me in all her glory and splendour. I reached into the back seat to get my gift and usual bag of tricks...............well, imagine my shock and horror when I realized that I had left them behind and was arriving empty handed, totally unable and unprepared to play. Now what?? Do I cancel at the last minute while standing right outside her incall? Do I arrive empty handed and try to explain and then leave totally embarrased while perhaps letting her down? Do I try and borrow some equipment from a friend, and how does one explain that!?!?!


    So, fellow cerbites, what would you have done?

  12. My first car was my Mom's old hand me down late sixties Ford Galaxie 500.

    I only had it for a few months, as the repairs required to keep it safely on the road were going to cost way more than the car was worth. I decided to sell it for whatever offer I could get for it and a few nights before selling it, my fiance and I took a few couples and the car out for one last tribute.............to one of the only remaining drive-ins in the area! The car got a great send-off, I don't remember what was playing lol!


    Worst car was the first year of the Volkswagen Passat. That one was constantly back at the dealer for all kinds of warranty repair and they could never quite figure out all the problems. Lesson learned, never by the first year of a new model.


    And my favourite car(s)?? Well, even though I don't drive one anymore..........duh, check out my handle!!

  13. Thank you for the advice volvolator, I read it in time. The evening did indeed flow, and I will soon post my thoughts on the encounter.


    Pleasure......I trust it was somewhat helpful. In any case I hope the evening was a wonderful experience and that you'll be able to do so again sometime. It is a rare and delightful treat, isn't it?

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