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Posts posted by buggernot

  1. I'd say the same for this thread as the other about bartering - do you really trust who you are dealing with? And not just, "Well he seems like a standup guy...".


    I have seen people who were good friends or family part ways or be at odds with one another because of money. Or how about buying something like a used car from someone you know? Even if intentions are good, sometimes shit happens and things go bad.


    It's tough enough in real life to know who to trust; in this world your best bet is to be more cautious as a rule.

  2. Christine, I think most guys have had the experience of being with a lady who either have difficulty climaxing, or need that prolonged attention to a certain spot or rhythm to acheive orgasm. For those gents that are attentive to their partners and have been 'conditioned' this way, there's likely a fear you're going to lose it and not get back there again.


    So then there's the feeling of a dog that's been beaten since we get scolded; "What the fuck are you doing?! Don't stop, I was almost there!" Takes time to get rid of that trauma; it was years after becoming an adult that I could go to a loud movie in a theatre where I stopped worrying my dad would come in when shit was blowing up and yell at me to turn it down ;)


    And personally, I love it so much when a woman cums that I want to see it as much as possible. If I know beforehand she wants to go slow and savour a prolonged build-up, that's just as good though. I can be done as quick as Nick Cage stealing a car if I really wanted to, but I never do and want it to last as long as possible as much as you do!

  3. The real problem with CL is the complaints about it. It is what it is and you get what you pay for. It's not good or evil, it's simply a product of what's out there and the current economic climate.


    So if you're an agency that spams there 30-40 times a day and then whines about people flagging posts or writing negative material, maybe you should consider changing it up somehow...

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  4. A while back there was a hobbiest looking for this and a few more popped in on the thread. There are some freaks out there who like certain things, like sumissives and others who like brown showers or golden showers. There are alot of freaks out there!


    Who's a freak? The majority of the population thinks that paying for sex makes you a freak - are they correct?


    Pretty hypocritical thread overall...

  5. This comment pains me. There is no reason to use such language in reference to women. Some girls might not give references but they do not deserve such a cruel denunciation.


    I'm not simply referring to girls that do not give references, it's more about anyone who is too self-absorbed to think of anyone but themselves. And just like some men warrant a few choice words about what kind of crappy person they are, there's a few women out there who suit that description quite well.

  6. Maybe some girls don't give a shit. Maybe they want to 'keep' their client. Maybe she doesn't know who you're talking about because they never met or she doesn't remember. Maybe they don't work anymore. Maybe that girl isn't the one answering her emails.


    Some of these situations should still merit a response so that you have some confirmation - however, that number of 25% is disappointingly low. This can be a catty business at times though and there's more than a fair share of shady characters or people that only care about themselves.


    Might even be a reflection of the client in some cases if they are giving a 'reference' that won't respond.

  7. A regular complaint amongst some discerning gentleman is that if a girl does not perform bbbj, she is not GFE. The logic is, "Whoever heard of a girlfriend using a condom for a blow job?" But that's specious reasoning; this is Girlfriend Experience, not Girlfriend Reality.


    Your comfort level and safety boundaries are what helps you out to perform as an escort. If anyone wants to cross that line then I guess the client just may get his wish of a real girlfriend experience - he says stupid shit and she gets pissed off about it and wants nothing to do with him.


    Not every gf gives head to begin with, condom or not! If there is one thing that I believe should be part of GFE it's kissing. Everything has to be considered YMMV at all times though.

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  8. What I did what I bought an 1-800 # from kall8.com....


    Instead of going through all that, might as well just get the 1-800 number. And I would say that the vast majority of girls strictly deal with a cell so forwarding a cell to 1-800 and then to another line isn't even feasible. Don't think it would screw up text messaging, but that's something else that could be a problem as well.


    This service looks to be much more efficient, simpler and more economical, but right now it is only available to a pair of carriers in the US - TrapCall. Very new and perhaps they will expand to Canada, though CRTC may not allow it.

  9. Not that this makes it any better, but keep in mind that this 'group' is an homage to Grand Theft Auto. If you think this fan page is an indictment on the corrosion of values, you'll really have to start with the gaming industry first.


    It has been years since I played any video games, but last I remember when I played GTA, I picked up a few street walkers and then killed them after the deed was done to get my money back. I also beat pedestrians over the head with a baseball bat and killed many police officers. I don't do this stuff in real life.


    Getting too incensed about this is not worth the mental energy.

  10. I've never needed a reference to date, but if I was required to provide one, I would gladly ask someone to provide that for me. To be blunt, any girl that kicks up a fuss because she's possessive in any way can go fuck herself. Sounds harsh, but I don't want anything to do with someone who wants me to be 'monogamous' in this world. I think it would speak volumes about her character if that were the reaction. If she didn't want to give out a reference because she thinks I'm psychotic, that's a different story - I hardly think that is true though. I hope ;)


    Personally, I think the guys that complain about girls asking for references or their methods in doing business are no different than those who bitch and moan about sp's they believe are charging an excessive amount of money. By getting a reference, all the sp is trying to do is err on the side of caution for her safety. It's all about what makes them feel comfortable, just like how a client might feel more comfortable not providing personal info or doesn't want to ask another girl if it's ok to 'see' somebody else.


    Slight threadjack here, but how often does it happen where a reference turns out bogus? I've seen a few people here and there that got into a job with a good reference, and they ended up being the equivalent of a retarded cousin. Still, the reference system seems to be a much safer path to take for a sp...

  11. Every so often I think about the ladies I've met that I don't see anymore. There's still contact on cerb, but months go by without hooking up again; meanwhile I am meeting others and occasionally posting about those encounters.


    This world definitely has a transient nature about it - girls vanish with no warning and clients fall off the radar with regularity. There is also the thrilling aspect from the client's perspective of seeking out something new, something different and wanting to experience that intoxicating unfamiliarity again elsewhere.


    Yet occasionally I feel a small pang of regret that I have not reconnected with several people that I had some great times with. Now if I had a million dollars, I wouldn't go see the other Barenaked Ladies, I would probably do this a bit more often, and have the resources to go back and revisit certain girls whom I would love to see again. But I don't. Chances are I won't be either - starting to scale back my adventures.


    So it makes me wonder if there's a slight feeling of loss or a bit of curiosity on the sp's part when this happens. I know it is understood some people embark on this very rarely, others love variety, and a dozen other reasons where this is shrugged off as an afterthought and nothing else. A thick skin is no doubt a prerequisite for this occupation.


    But are there times when a girl kicks back and thinks, "What happened?" Not in a 'what's wrong with me' kind of way, but more of a reminiscent, 'would be nice to see him again' manner.


    The professional, stock answer is to say, 'That's how it goes and it's ok', but surely there are exceptions to the rule?

    • Like 3

  12. Naturally people get most excited over their first encounter, and the instinct you feel about wanting to see them again follows. In my experience, things usually improve over time and repeat visits but, unless that initial connection is there, I am hesitant to return. I can only think of one time where I had a feeling that the first session was 'up in the air' and needed to go back to try again. Turned out my gut was right in the first place. She was a really nice girl, pleasant, beautiful, and many positive recs - but not my cup of tea.


    That being said, if I do post a rec about a sp, it is virtually always for the first time and never again. I said what I felt in the beginning and to keep going back and adding to it is excessive. It's ok once in a while, especially if it has been a long time and/or I feel the lady could use a 'bump', but I generally do not return and post about repeat visits. That's just me though...

  13. Ultimately its down to: how much do you want to spend, what do you want to do.


    Hence the Acura comment. Both cars will do what the majority need, but one has more bells and whistles and naturally costs more. Besides, if you spent $1500 on a PC, you'd get a damn good system regardless of the vendor.


    And FWIW, Apple has the same price protection scheme as Sony - no matter where you go, the products all cost pretty much the same. Ever see what an iPhone costs to buy it with no contract? There's no way it is really worth double an iPod Touch for that extra phone chip. Crazy

  14. ....I had clients who asked me when I felt like masturbating....my answer was "everytime I am hot and there is no partner"

    But when I have said that...men in general get a little bit of a surprise.."a woman saying that she masturbates...????wow...that is too much....


    Probably a big reason why men see escorts as much as they do. Tis a bit sad that too many women are fearful of being sexual or whatever the case may be.

  15. I didn't even know how to masturbate until I was 15, then one day I was in the basement huffing gas with a friend of mine. He went first and while I was taking my turn huffing, I looked up and he had his dick in his hand 2 feet from my face furiously wacking it. Ohhhh, so that's how it worked!


    After a week of jerking off like 8 times a day to make up for lost time, I developed a friction scab that hurt like a mother fucker. That slowed me down a bit - it hurt but I just had to keep doing it for some reason ;)


    Then a few years later I got really sick the day before new years eve. Was still at my parents and went to bed...slept for 18 or 20 hours. When I woke up, my door was open and the lights were on in the hallway, but I heard no sound at all and remembered that my parents were going out that night.


    Threw the sheets off, out came a Hustler mag, and I'm lying there leaning towards the dirty pictures holding it up in the air with my right hand while masturbating with my left (I'm very talented). Oh yeah, nothing's better than this...and in comes the mom.


    We didn't make eye contact for a day or two after that...

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