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Posts posted by Poker

  1. I recently got back from a working vacation in Europe. I had a couple tournaments I was checking out down there and decided to extend my trip into a vacation. As many of you know I like to take a travel companion with me and this trip wasn't any different. Unfortunately she isn't on Cerb( and doesn't plan to be) so she can't put her perspective on the trip but on my side I have to say everything went well.


    I took a dancer from a club I frequent often. I know she doesn't work as an sp but thought this could be a similar situation so beforehand we talked a little about what happened to me before. She was shocked and of course swore nothing like that would happen. Of course I informed her I didnt want a lap dog. But I do want to have someone to go see the sites and have fun with. But basically we touched upon what was expected from each other somewhat.


    During the trip she however shocked me. We had met a couple girls one night at a bar we went to alot. And while I was playing a cash game one night during one of our breaks away from each other she met up with them and later invited them back to our room. I got a call from her during my session and was told I needed to get to the hotel room as soon as possible, she was very horny. RACK PLEASE!!!!


    So when I get to the room there are three beautiful young ladies lounging around half naked drinking, laughing and fooling around. WOW now that is better than hitting that gutshot against a payoff wizard with alot of chips. Of course I had an amazing night. So much so that I rested all day that day and cancelled my plans for the day.


    All in all it was a great trip. It just goes to show you that most ppl out there are truly good and have good intentions. She had her time I had mine and she never was gone for more time then she said and almost always called me from where she was not so I was checking up on her, it was her idea to call me. She also hated waiting at the bar for me to finish so calling me got me out of my chair faster hehe.


    ps: the girls were not sps or did they know about the situation. they were just some young local girls who like to have a good time and had never been with a Canadian.

  2. I may have missed it as there was a lot of reading to do in this thread, but where was the location of the trip? Everyone seems to assume that it was an overseas trip because a passport was involved but even travelling into the U.S. requires a passport now.


    I have taken a few girls from Cerb on vacations, some people from cerb know who I've taken where so I don't want to give out that information as they will be able to put 2 and 2 together. I may have at one time wanted her outed, but I have changed my mind on that. She deserves her privacy.


    Also I don't see how where we went has any bearing on this situation. Can you explain why you wanted to know that?

  3. One more thing I wanted to add. Just because it is a dishonest and corrupt world, doesnt mean we have to live that way. It doesnt even mean we have to accept it. One of the problems with the world today is complaicency. Everyone seems to think, "oh let someone else take care of it." Ummm, there is no one else if you dont say anything or do anything.

  4. Poker: did she cut into the agreed to and paid for time? or did you feel she was two timing? Or both?



    Actually yeah, it did cut into the aggreed time. As for two timing, I know that she sees other ppl. Shoot I encourage her to, on her time. Not our time. Notice I said our time. I even drove her to some calls if she needed a ride. I however wouldnt pimp her even when I was asked to.


    And as for compensation, like I said, with her it wasnt your tandard by the hour aggreement. But yes she was compensated, yeah I mentioned the perks she got, thos I consider tips or gifts. I know it take $$$ to pay the bills. I wont get into our money arrangment because thats between us.



    Btw, one of you said they didn't know what kind of poker player I was but in this hand I got a bad read or something. lol yeah I sure did, but I never was good playing against women, I cant read them well. an they know when your bluffing, its sick lol.

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  5. Sorry for the confusion, I meant no go for me, yes I know it is offered form time to time. If a lady offers it I still see them, what do I care I have a condom on, that's why I have a condom on.



    Sooooo, what if the condom breaks? I know we run that risk every time we are with an SP, or any girl we sleep with actually. But the girl just admitted to doing unsafe practices. Dummpy, your a smart guy, but that action isn't.

  6. Poker --


    Wonderful reply ... makes perfect sense and I would have felt exactly the same if not worse.


    Was this a very young lady that maybe didn't know better? That's the only other thing I can think of that would even begin to make sense.


    Also, and to up the ante a bit, I think its fair to characterize what she did as facts associated with an SP visit, so I think it would be perfectly resonable to post on this topic (your visit, both the good and the bad) with the SP's name either on here or on the "t" board.


    Actually, even tho I think my first intention was to out her on here having ppl pm me and I would inform them who she was, I really dont want to do that anymore. I feel that this post was needed, for my healing really. Everyone is telling me to move on and I have actually. And this post and everyones replies just makes me happier for my decision. Realisticly she will dig herown grave if she continues this behaviour. I have already heard a few things from some friends in the industry so I know its only a matter of time. Besides, I still care for her, even tho.

  7. To disappear without any notice while on a vacation (whether it be a client/SP relationship or any other relationship) is inconsiderate, rude and just plain tacky. It leaves the other person very worried during the time you are apart.



    Thanks Mandalay, that is somethin I went through during the wait. Complete worry on wether or not she was safe, I think thats one thing most of you never thought, but at the time, it was my only thought. I didnt care that I wasnt going to get laid that night. oh and btw the time she took off was from about 5am to 10 am. Not a great time to see the sites I'd say.


    So with that, i guess I have some question to answer and some comments to make. Dummpy, you said its a fantasy, ok, I paid for a fantasy, but I know for sure my fantasy didnt include waiting up all night worred sick, only to find out later my "gf" cheated on me. not a fun fantasy I think hehe and not what I paid for. As for owning her 24/7 no, I never thought that or even wanted that. But there is a line that shouldnt be crossed. I like the idea that Annessa brought up, her friend who gave her time of her own. I did that with my date every day, she had a couple hours every day to go do whatever, she used it to get her hair done or similar stuff. I was also playing poker in a tourney every night so she had those hours to do what she wanted also. This is what I loved most about her, she spent most of that time watching me play, she really loves poker and helped me go far in the tourney. Seeing that pretty face chearing me on gave me confidence.


    Also, next time you have a date for a couple hours, call me up, Ill take your girl for 30 min. You wont have a problem with that will you? lol see my point. Thanks for your comments tho, they do bring more things to light and are very necessary for discussion purposes and help me with my points. Oh and they ARE welcome.


    As for arrangements made before the trip. We didnt sit down and talk about what was expected, and we talked every night. it was more of a "how much fun we are going to have" discussion. We are going to do this, and this, oh and we HAVE to do that. There was no dicussion of other men/women or what sexually was expected. She was my pretty companion on a nice trip, and seeing as we have fun here, we can have fun there. I didnt think that I needed to clear up wether it was acceptable for her ro take off and meet up with a fellow cerb member was necessary. kinda like telling someone to not walk into a burning building, you just assume. I know better now, and my next few trips I did bring it up with every girl. They all thought I was crazy when I brought it up and said they wouldnt ever think about taking off on me. I could get mad and leave them there with no way to get home.


    One thing I want to bring up, I didnt see her on an hourly basis like most SPs. We had "dates" and I even stayed the night on occasions she needed to be held. Ya, pretty sweet situation for both of us. As for compensation, she was always well taken care of with me. Lets just say she got ALOT of xmas shopping done this year.


    One thought I did have is, what does it really matter if I paid her or not? We are talking about a week long trip. Two main destinations and alot of expenses paid out for her. Id say after looking at my CC bill, she spent almost 10x as much as I did, and I can drink ALOT and not be a drunk bastard. We also eat well everywhere we go, and money is never an issue. My point is, she knew this was bad, what she was doing. She lied about it, secretly planned it and profited from it. I say, if you have to lie about something it probably isnt something good.


    One thing was said about phonyness. I dont look for phony, as a matter of fact, if you are phony I will be able to see through it and wont be interested at all. I look for interest, attraction, service, and of course fun, oh and beauty. I know what's what when it comes to this business, I've been on all ends of it. To me the time I spend with the girls is real. They arent my gf, no illusion, I care for them and they me(my regulars). We have fun because we enjoy our time, not because she is willing to BBBj or greek or whatever.



    Now about the cerb member. No I dont think the guy was intentionally trying to hurt me. I dont even think he knew about me before this happened. Do I think he knew she was with me on this trip? Not sure on that one. She could have told him she was going with friends or familly so who knows, if she lied to me she could have lied to him. Do I blame him, yup, but with no real reason. He may not even know, but Im still mad. Of course like I said I wont confront him on it cause itll solve nothing. Maybe I'll get a sorry but I dont want a sorry really. Just wanted to vent, And did that. As for getting over it, I think I did, right after I wrote down the story. Sometimes talking about a situation is all the healing we need. Of course the comments I got from all of you(and I mean all of you, even the ones I didnt agree with) really helped me alot.


    As for spanking her, yup, sure did. Like I said, I didnt want to have that insident ruin my trip, yes I could have sent her on her way, but my trip woulda been lonely and finding a replacement in a forein country isnt easy if you havent planned ahead. We can't all be Dreamer8.


    If she told you it was first time and it wasn't that was part of the fantasy wasn't it?



    Actually, like I said, it was her first time there, I know because I went with her for her passport. What I meant by when she said "the first time" is that's when I knew she was lieing to me, that moment there. She couldn't have gone before without a passport. So with me was the first time.

  9. Actually Cap, she only went the on time, with me. She had setup a date with him ahead of time. I remember a few days before we went on the trip she was in the chat room and accidentally didnt whisper something saying "thanks (name) I'll do just that when I get to (location of trip)" was explained to me that he was giving places to visit. Never thought of it until a few weeks ago. Oh well what can you do. More of me for the rest of the girls who actually want to have fun with no headgames.

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  10. I have a situation that has been bothering me for a bit now, and seeing this isn't one of those things I can bring up with the buds I figure here would be the best place to get it off my chest.


    I have taken a few SPs on trips and the like and pretty much always had a great time. But one time in particular still bothers me. A little less than a year ago I took one of my favourite girls on a trip. Wow was she ever excited about everything. How much fun we'd have, the great food, and the fact that she had never been there before was a big thing with her. She wants to see the world so a new place is always welcome.


    But on our first night there, she took off on me for about 5 hours. Upset, yes, actually I was steaming. When she came back she said she wanted to see the city on her own. I wasn't buying it for a minute but what do you say? Of course we argued about this but I didnt want to ruin our trip so I sucked it up and enjoyed the rest of the trip.


    It became one of those things that always bothered me. Where did she go? Did she meet up with someone? Was this planned? Finally, not too long ago she slipped and mentioned she had just come back from a "date" from someone she met in that city we went to. Paused, then said " the first time I went." Hmmm, wasnt the first time with me?


    I decided on not doing anything about it. I guess if thats the way it is, then that's my cue. The thing is, he's on this board. And I know who, as she mentioned his name to me. Of course I can't or wont say anything to him, that's not my style and really? What would it resolve? Guess this is why I write this. I feel someone stepped on my toes, as this was planned. Of course she is off my dance card now.

  11. They are in fact the same girl. She is working with PK now and I have seen her. I will not review her on this site, maybe another if I sign up there. dfk, cbj and msog are all that were offered everything else was informed to me as not ever possible by anyone. I'm a very clean and shaved guy and have never been turned down by any sp for any reason.

  12. So I know we don't talk about that other site, but I was trolling around the net and noticed an add today on there and said to myself, hmmm think I seen that pic before. I looked around and found the same pic in another add yesterday. Also, yesterdays add is a respectible agency. Seeing as I can't link to the site I'll just post the add numbers and if anyone has any info please share.


    Today-SPANISH_FRENCH Princess...LAST DAY IN TOWN - w4m - 25 (Downtown ) add #967364105


    Yesterday-Downtown Hottie ** Julia ** - 21 (downtown) add #966004875


    ages and names are diferent for both adds which tells me someone is lying somewhere. I use and trust this agency but think this one needs to be cleared up maybe.

  13. So I was visiting a lady the other night and we started talking before we get to business. You know, the regular friendly chit chat beforehand. Eventually she asked me, " So what are your Dos and DON'Ts?" It shocked me and we had a good laugh over it. Funny thing is I actually have a don't. But it broke the ice great for her to be able to tell me her don't in a friendly new qay I never heard.


    So this got me to thinking this could be a good thread. Guys? what are your don'ts? Ladies we've heard all your don't for years now and I think it's time the guys chime out and talk about thiers.


    I personally have extremely sensitive balls, so no rough play with them. Gotta be gentle.

  14. Yes and yes. I think we should have that right and have myself turned down girls. Once for an outcall to my place because she wasn't quite what was described and another because she ended up being one I had seen before under a different name. I remember a service that used to guarantee you would like the girl they sent to you. And that could be for any reason and they would send a second one over if you wanted. Of course if you didn't like the second one there was going to be a driving service fee.

  15. Unless I have an incorrect understanding of 69, then 69 is DATY and BBBJ/CBJ combination which are there in the poll already (separately).


    What I meant is as an act together. I didnt realise you could vote multiple times. Either way 69 is an act in itself to my belief. A bj is a bj, Daty is daty, but both together are true heaven. Its like chocolate and peanut butter. Man did Reese ever make a good product.

  16. Fellow CERB members >>>Do you think it is fair, the next time they send a lady, I should say "I'm cashing in my discounted rate,does it still apply?":roll:


    Just throwing the question out there!



    What is it going to hurt to ask really. I say go for it cause if they really want your business then they will give you some sort of discount. I've had this heppen to me before and yeah I got a discount on the next visit. Some agencies are real good about this cause sometimes things just happen. I'm glad to hear they contacted you and appologized and bonus on the offer for the discount.

  17. After a few visits with Abby I think it's time I tell you guys about this girl. Standing 5'10" with a great body and nice large real breasts, milky white skin and slight freckles. She has a great attitude. Not over the top but alot of fun. We spoke before and afterwards on almost each occasion with ease. You feel like you've known her for years and she really wants to know more. Conversations run so well you could spend all your time with her talking.


    Now for the main course. Without getting into too much details cause as we know ymmv, she is a very excitable woman. Passions run deep when in her arms. Her oral skills are without a doubt top notch. And as for her recieving them, she is very accepting. Hygeine is impecable. She enjoys every aspect or maybe I'm just that good lol. No seriously she is a true gem.


    She normally does half hour sessions but I managed to convinve her for 1 hour as I don't like to rush around. I am very hard on rating hence why no perfect ten accross the board but I would seriously rate her as tops for PK and for alot of girls out there.

  18. I have recently transformed an sp into a friendship. Going out for drinks. Sitting having coffee. Even gone shopping with her. Complicated? So far no, but who know what hold's in the future. I know one thing, we can't worry about what may happen. I'm just glad we get along so well and have a real good time.


    Still find her hot and wanna get down her pants but that's the perve in me lol.

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