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Posts posted by MightyPen

  1. Yeah, the Brexit vote was known to be very close in the weeks leading up to the referendum, with the "Leave" vote trending upward. Then a Leave advocate murdered a young Stay politician in the street.


    Immediately the polling showed the Leave side way down. Polls showed it staying low right up until the referendum day, and bookies put the Stay side way ahead. It's in that context that Farage predicted the Leave side would lose.


    But when the votes were counted, the Leave side had won anyway; it seems like after the murder, people just stopped *saying* they were voting Leave so they wouldn't be associated with it. But their vote didn't change; just their willingness to declare it.

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  2. I think the rise of Trump, Brexit, and similar Brexit-like votes expected in other countries in the EU in the near future, represent a change in perception the advantages of globalism ... as being always good all the time.

    I actually agree with this. (Though I carefully excised the diversity part and stopped short before the economic bits, on which we part ways.)


    The Brexit vote is a disaster for Britain whose pain is just beginning, but it's the result of honest British citizens voting their frustration at social and economic change that has been handled badly by the same government that brought it about. People have suffered economic hardship from EU decisions (though less overall than they would have without the EU), and Britain is losing strategic industries and expertise that are sometimes worth preserving in the national interest even if they require subsidy, or simply higher prices.


    I think the lesson to be drawn from the Brexit vote is that we must more actively support those who are hurt by globalism's economic impacts, and better address the fears of citizens who recoil at neighbours who don't look like they do. These aren't petty concerns; they're real issues that, if left to fester, will result in people lashing out with calamitous political decisions. The electorate will cut off its nose to spite its face; precisely the kind of acting-out that could get Trump elected.

  3. T I am very fearful for a large population of people in the U.S. - Muslims, Mexicans, Latinos, LGBTQ people and anyone that does not fit Donald Trumps world. The chanting at his convention last week told a big story. I am afraid that we are living witnesses to the rise of Fascism.

    Yup. I don't think Trump himself is hateful; he's just the opportunist he's always been, and he's riding a useful wave of hate. He's an advocate of naked prejudice ("All Muslims keep out!"), an advocate of war crimes ("We've got to go after their families!", and his waterboarding thumb-up), and now he has solicited domestic espionage from a foreign power to topple his political opponent ("But I was just being sarcastic!").


    Trump's rise represents the desperate, primal scream of the terrified white conservatives who cannot believe or accept that their traditional monopoly on social postures has eroded.


    You're far from the only one to see the similarities with 1930s Germany. The fellow conservatives who supported Hitler's rise to legitimate political power thought he, too, would be "not so bad" and that they could control him once he was in charge. But it turned out he actually meant what he'd said.


    No reason it can't happen again, if people let it.

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  4. Trump has hit a vein, but it's a vein consisting almost exclusively of bitter, resentful, and frightened white people who think they owned the country once and badly want it back. Thankfully they're just a minority, and one that's shrinking all the time.


    Trump is thin-skinned, egomaniacal, petulant child and an incompetent, serial bankrupt. And if he gets the presidency he'd run the country just like he's run his businesses: he'd surround himself with toadies and sycophants, try to bully his way through problems, and lash out obsessively at anyone who offends him. For now, he just uses Twitter; if he wins, just wait 'til January.


    There is no greater calamity that could befall the U.S. than to put a sociopathic, egomaniacal demagogue like Trump in charge. It's already a black spot on the nation that they've let him come this close.

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  5. If I could vote in the upcoming American election then yes, I would absolutely vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.


    Both of the candidates have troubling personalities and backgrounds. But it seems to me that Hilary's issues fall within the usual set of generic politician's liabilities (phony, plastic, hypocritical, dishonest). Trump, on the other hand, is infused with a whole new level of crazy and doesn't belong anywhere near real power.


    Someone I know described Trump as "that politician that Martin Sheen played in the Dead Zone", and I think that summed it up pretty well.


    No matter how intense one's distaste might be for Hillary Clinton, it's hard for me to imagine that the glee from seeing her denied the presidency could possibly warrant enabling the disaster Trump would represent for the American nation and for the world.

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  6. Despite his public posturing, I think that Ted Cruz has only ever acknowledged one god in his entire life, and that god is Ted Cruz. And to the same degree that he loves himself, he loathes all other human beings. I think he'd do far, far more harm in office than Donald Trump ever could.


    Donald Trump strikes me as smarter than his current public persona, but not as much smarter as he thinks. His success comes from waving the angry flag of all those who bitterly resent that they once held the cultural center stage, but now find themselves marginalized by new demographics and the erosion of the unearned privilege they took for granted. But the support of a bitter and resentful minority isn't enough to win a general election.


    Hillary Clinton is too scheming and calculating a candidate for me to get excited about, but she's the best of a bad lot, by a long stretch. Sanders would have been interesting (though I had some reservations), but I think that ship has now sailed.


    All in all, I'm glad I'm Canadian.

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  7. Everything has their day and folks look to something new and different. Like any business new blood is critical in order to survive. The challenge will be to give them a reason to participate.

    Thing is though, I don't think it's been a case of people growing disenchanted with CERB; it's the environment that changed.


    Apple pies are delicious. But if apples were declared illegal and proclaimed to be the diet of "perverts", you'd probably see a lot fewer people eating apple pies or hanging out on apple pie forums. And those who were still there might adopt guarded language that badly hampered meaningful and spontaneous conversation:


    - "Hello! I enjoy baked goods that include the flesh of certain types of fruit."


    - "Hello back! I too sometimes partake of oven-exposed pastries inclusive of fruit-based fillings."


    Changes to the laws forced limits on free expression, and together those two things changed the nature of the community. But it hasn't died; maybe it's just sleeping. Let's see what happens when the law changes again.

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  8. I remember as a little kid, the events of 1930s Germany seemed inconceivable. "How could the do that? How could they elect someone like that?" There must have been something dark and brutal buried in the nature of Germans that the rest of us didn't have. That was me in the 1970s.


    I don't want to jump all the way over to "Trump is Hitler!" because truly, there are too many enormous and critical differences between the men to even get into here. But it's true that Trump's brand of pandering demagoguery has appealed to, and brought out into the open, a huge and frightening crowd of people who have rallied to his banner. A crowd that really has begun to resemble the mobs from that former time.


    I can now say that, in the course of my roughly 50 years, I have seen the rise of a familiar brand of hysterical, xenophobic, bitterly resentful and nationalistic politics, and the emergence of an American society that maybe *could* elect a Hitlereque leader.


    2016 U.S. has hardly gone all the way over to become 1930s Germany. But with a few more nudges nudges to better replicate the social conditions of those times -- uncontrollable inflation? A war or major social struggle bitterly lost to a "stab in the back"? -- I think it's entirely capable of getting there.


    So before I die (hopefully a long time from now), I get to see demonstrated before my eyes something I was assured by political science and sociology textbooks decades ago -- there was nothing unique about Germany. With the right social context, that kind of political tragedy really can happen again, somewhere else.

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  9. Donald Trump appeals to a large swathe of conservative white Americans who feel angry and marginalized due to social, political, and global changes that have eroded their once-unassailable privilege.


    His appeal is purely emotional, build entirely on resentment. It's funny because the Republicans have stoked those flames for 30 years, convinced they would harvest all the votes it brought to the polls. But they've been outflanked by an egotistical showman who pursued the same cause, but abandoned any restraint.


    Still, it could be worse. Trump (Drumpf?) is loud and obnoxious, but I think he's less stupid (but no less egotistical) than he appears and we might glimpse a new variant after the primaries are over. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is more like Damien running for President.

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  10. It's really cool! Gravity waves are teeny tiny pulses in space/time. Think of the fabric of the universe itself expanding and shrinking ever so slightly, in a pulsing rhythm, as energy surges past from some incredibly powerful distant event. That's a gravitational wave.


    The idea isn't new, and that kind of erodes the astonishment; there's a temptation to say "yeah, whatever, didn't we know there were gravitational waves already?". But though we were pretty sure, now we really do know for certain, with real experimental evidence.


    Unfortunately no, this doesn't really help with travel through time or space. But it gives us a new way to measure the universe, like opening your eyes for the first time and discovering the sense of sight. (Headlines prefer to call it "hearing" for the first time... since it touches on "vibrations" in a medium, I guess I can see why.) And with a new source of information, we're bound to learn new things. That's why this new capability that our species just gained holds continuing promise for the future, beyond this one detection.


    I'm super happy that I've lived to see several rovers cruise around on the surface of Mars, our species' first good look at Pluto, and now gravitational waves. And a probe landed on Titan, and things orbiting asteroids... It's a pretty cool time to be alive.

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  11. I watched "The Sessions" quite a while ago and really liked it. I think that the script portrays its client/provider interaction as a clinical one on purpose, to make it more palatable to mainstream audiences.


    Helen Hunt's character, when asked "what makes you different from a prostitute," says (I think twice) "a prostitute wants to see you more; I only ever see you six times." I think that's a pretty weak distinction, but the script has everyone satisfied by it. The most generous interpretation I can come up with for what the writer intended by this is "a prostitute is in this for her own profit; the sex surrogate is in this for your health." But the sex surrogate still charges for her six sessions, which weakens even this distinction.


    The movie also seems to insist that sexual encounters create an unavoidable intimacy that is unhealthy for both parties because of the boundaries built into the relationship. John Hawkes' character falls in love despite the agreement up front, and it causes issues. Helen Hunt's character has feelings for her client that cause her to struggle too (there's some sobbing and distress on her part as they part the last time, and as I recall later when she's at home alone). While it's true that there's a balance to maintain in such encounters, in my experience two adults who know the terms up front are perfectly capable of enjoy the benefits of this relationship, and avoiding the pitfalls. But hey... a provider and client just getting along well wouldn't really be good fodder for a dramatic film.


    In the end: I give the movie a good score for trying to show that intimacy can occur outside of the tired and familiar situations we're trained to expect from stories we're told, read, and watch in popular culture. It shows two people sharing and enjoying intimacy as a series of encounters with built-in personal boundaries. It acknowledges that sexual intimacy doesn't have to be "magical", some undefined elixir only found in the depths of True Love. It can also be something that can be sampled, learned about, and enjoyed.


    The movie trips, though, whenever it can't escape conventional sexual scripts as I described above (sticking with a palatable "sex surrogate" vs. pop culture's unease with plain old prostitution; and showing intimacy with boundaries as harmful as well as joyful). But that's the kind of compromise you need to make when you're trying to entice a mainstream audience into the theatre seats.


    EDIT: Huh. The censor turned every instance of the P-word into "escort". As a result, there's some grammar weirdness in my post.

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  12. It can't be a surprise, though, that when a guy posts a sign at his business that says in essence "all women are idiots," people take offense.


    Happily the market is speaking, and a female owner of a Toronto garage has put up a better sign: "My Canada includes respect for women." Let's see how things shake out now.


    It's a great counterstroke; and I suspect the public's attention helped prompt it, showing that the social media response to a public insult can actually achieve a constructive end.


    I don't know why the original guy thought it was a smart move to put up a sign calling women idiots. And though he said he put it up because he thought it was funny... maybe he should think very carefully about why he thought that.


    EDIT: Damn! I misread the article the first time and thought it was a nearby competitor. Oh, well.

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  13. a sign of low IQ, low EQ and all around weakness.

    Please stop that. It doesn't help.


    So people and society should tolerate religion and what evil men do

    No. Just religion. Let people choose how they want to make sense of the world. If they go on to harm someone, then punish the offenders for that harm. As many people have been saying here, people who do harm were pretty much predisposed to do harm anyway, and the reasons they proclaim are just handy excuses.


    Lots of twisted people have done really terrible things in the supposed name of perfectly good ideas.


    "Religion is only for those too lazy to learn science".

    I think this betrays a misunderstanding of how people work, and what purpose religion serves for the vast majority of people in the modern world.


    People are social creatures, and for most people our primary day to day preoccupations are social and emotional -- NOT intellectual. We want to love, be loved, and live in a world that makes emotional sense and assures us of purpose and belonging. For a lot of people, this is the need that religion meets. Most people aren't concerned with religion for its dogma, but for the community and shared sense of meaning that it provides.


    Science isn't intended to meet social or emotional needs; it's an intellectual pursuit that's only concerned with identifying the (comprehensible) mechanisms of the external world. And for that purpose, it's the most effective tool that the species has ever come up with. But if you approach human experience and understanding from an exclusively intellectual and scientific viewpoint, you will miss an enormous range of experience that's derived from being not just a mind, but a whole organism, and just one member of the whole, often irrational human community.


    Most people take bits and pieces from many different viewpoints to serve their various needs. They end up with something that isn't always logically consistent; but it lets them the live fulfilling, fully engaged lives that were their goal in the first place.


    But some people -- let's call them fanatics -- wall themselves off from such lives and cling to just one viewpoint. Sometimes it's religious and emotional; sometimes scientific and intellectual. We should feel badly for both cases.

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  14. That entire race is rather scary. Imagine President Donald Trump or maybe even worse, President Ted Cruz. I sure hope they don't send him back to Canada. The right wing evangelicals seem to have a lot of control and that scares the crap out of me.

    That Trump is still being talked about seriously, let alone that he's in the lead, both horrifies and amuses me to no end. This is the ugly end-game that the Republicans didn't foresee they were creating by courting the rightmost fringe of their base. Trump is riding a wave that is simpleminded and racist; a white base now deeply bitter that they've lost the center of the cultural stage.


    I think people will probably see through Trump's dim-witted demagoguery in time for someone else to win the Republican primary. But maybe not. No worries; unless Hillary unzips her skin and reveals herself to be a lizard-person bent on conquering the planet, there's no way in hell Trump as a candidate wins the election. He can fool the Republicans who might pick him as a candidate when it's just them voting in the primaries; but he can't fool the majority of the nation as a whole, once Democrats and independents get to cast a vote too.


    It's kind of fun to watch, because it's so clearly a case of the Republicans being, as they say, hoist with their own petard.

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  15. It just doesn't make sense, he would talk to me for so long when my age doesn't match his criteria.

    His claim at the end that "you're far too young for me" could have just been an excuse he picked once he had decided not to proceed. His real reason could have been anything.


    Because you're right; the age thing is something he would have known right from the start.

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  16. Yeah... some of those guys are just intentional time-wasters. But there are other reasons possible, too.


    I suspect a lot of guys like the excitement of planning and communicating, dipping their toes in the fantasy... but balk whenever it comes time to act. They'll talk and talk, but never book. It's not exactly malicious... but it's inconsiderate, no matter what the reason behind it.


    Also consider that people just have different states of mind at different times. What seems to a client like a great idea and an exciting adventure for a while, might eventually crash against the rocky shores of simple fear, a case of a suddenly cold heart, or just a bad day.


    It's an especially pronounced hazard for providers in an industry that centers around the kind of impulses, desires, and fantasies whose strength varies from one day to the next. Lots of people aren't very capable, or consistent, when dealing with those.

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  17. Yeah, over the years here I've seen SPs make a few references to clients who will say "if you will do X, I'll give you a good recommendation." Or worse: "if you don't do X, I'll write a bad review." And here X is usually a discount, but sometimes it's something else...


    Happily that's always been in references to clients from other boards. A "bad review" won't be an issue here; although a PM whispering campaign might be, I suppose.


    I suppose clients might make repeated and enthusiastic promises of a good recommendation in the hopes of getting some kind of extra service during the session. They may have never intended to write one, they were just looking for that bonus they were imagining.


    Finally, there's just the possibility that the clients were being genuine and friendly at the time. But once away from the session their enthusiasm waned, and then they just wilted at the prospect of doing actual work and writing that review they'd promised.

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  18. On a bit of a Bernard Cornwell kick after watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix:


    The Last Kingdom

    A really neat look at the goings-on in what's now England, when the Danes very nearly took the whole place over back in about 900 AD. I have the first three books in the series; partway through this one so far. Cornwell writes with a lean, descriptive, engaging style.


    Waterloo: The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles

    'Cause hey! Why not read Cornwell's only non-fiction history. This one is well balanced between historical depth and a quick pace... but is strangely repetitive in times, like it needed one more pass by an editor ("uh, Bernard, you made this exact point two pages ago.")

    • Like 1

  19. Does religion serve a useful purpose or is it holding us back in our evolution as a species. We sure do some barbaric things in the name of various religions and you don't need to be religious to be a moral person, contrary to what religion has to say on the subject. ...

    I've been an atheist my entire life. I was kind of obnoxious about it when I was young; but I'm more mellow now, having seen much more about people and their behaviour. These days, I think that overall religion does much more good than harm. But it certainly does it share of harm, and some of that is horrendous.


    Religion's role is mostly social cohesion: it provides a community to which people can belong, and that helps them feel connected to something bigger than themselves. Human beings are herd creatures, so this satisfies an important psychological need for most people. It also offers a sense of meaning and order to the world ("don't worry, someone's in charge, and it all makes sense even if we can' see how"). And yes, it encourages conformity to the religion's moral system with the promise/threat of a supernatural monitor.


    For 90% of people this all has a good result; folks maybe go to a church or equivalent, meet their neighbours regularly, try to be good people and good members of their community, and draw comfort when things go badly. Communities that happen to be religious can organize to do a lot of good.


    Now, that said... there's also that last 10% who take elements of religion, and seize upon them with their own pathology or just jerk-ness. People use religion to justify being judgmental (that's not religion; that's just people), authoritarian (people again), violent (people again), and ridiculously clannish about who is in their club and who is out (people again). But it's only people who are already inclined this way who turn to extremes; and sure, while religion serves their miserable psychology well, they'd have found something else to work with if religion hadn't been handy. (Yes, I'm looking at YOU, UK football hooligans. Point for point.)


    It's true that in its reliance on absolute and unquestionable authority, religion has the potential to hold back other ways of understanding the world (like scientific inquiry). But most people aren't absolute, and don't hold slavishly to either a religious or scientific view. For the most part, smart and healthy people can take the best from both and live their lives happily and constructively.

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  20. It would be naive to think that they aren't already here in some shape and form and it's just a matter of when and where they'll strike not if.

    I agree with this. It's yet another reason why trying to put up a virtual wall now offers only an illusion of security, purchased at the expense of the 25,000 desperate human beings we thereby leave stranded.


    We have a working intelligence agency and police network. They're further helped by the cooperation of peaceful and diligent communities who already raise flags about potentially violent radicals in their midst.


    Let our authorities do their jobs. Meanwhile we can do Canada's traditions proud by taking care of tens of thousands of desperate people who need our help right now.

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  21. Don't restrict it just to Syrian's though open the door to all who want to come here, not have to come here but want to come here.

    We already do that with our regular immigration process. The extra 25,000 allotment for the Syrian refugees is a special case above and beyond that, in response to a specific crisis.


    I agree we should continue as planned. These are 25,000 people in desperate circumstances that most of us can't even imagine, being given an opportunity to resettle here and resume their peaceful, productive lives.


    Sure, we could just blindly throw up a solid wall and refuse to help anyone at all, because we're in a panic and terrified that some plotters might slip into the country among the refugees. But even doing that doesn't guarantee that those same plotters won't just enter the country by other means anyway. And look at the cowards we'd have become in the process.

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  22. Yeah, I suspect a cunning scammer would just send that e-mail to every single e-mail address they can get their hands on, without even knowing a thing about Ashley Madison or the recipient.


    If just a small percentage of their e-mails go to people who happen to have had Ashley Madison accounts, and just a fraction of those people actually go ahead and pay, they're still ahead.


    (You naturally left out the personal information you mentioned, so depending what that was, in your case it might have been more targeted than that. But unless there were AM account details, there's no telling where they got that from.)

  23. So, after hearing some female friends gush over our new leader's flowing locks & youthful appearance (plus all the media hype surrounding said PM), I was curious for the ladies on LYLA...


    I think it helps to remember that when the women here see their clients, it's as professionals, not as personal "dates". Their service and time don't become less valuable based on who their client happens to be.


    Imagine that your question was instead: "Hey, all you female dentists/mechanics/psychotherapists! Would you serve JT free of charge because he's gorgeous and the PM!?"


    The answer, of course, would be be "not a chance!" And so it's not surprising you're seeing the same response here. It's always tricky comparing this work to other professions, but in this case I think it applies well.

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