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Posts posted by t*****7**3

  1. Over the weekend i got together with an old friend/fling from high school, we went out for coffee which lead to dinner then drinks at my place needless to say one thing lead another (p.s. thank you facebook). During our time together their was a CIM and she commented on how i taste sweeter then most, and i told her that is because I have a daily fruit smoothie. She then wondered if one could make it taste spicy? This was most likely stupid half drunken pillow talk but it made me think and i figured someone on here would know. So i'm asking, Is it possible to make your sperm taste a little spicy?

  2. I rarely have the time to hobby, maybe once a month, earlier this year i went about 5 months without seeing a provider. i almost have no free time being that i'm in school and work about 30 hours a week, a example is this on thurs i'm class until 8pm then i'm working a overnight 12 to 8 am then class again at 9 am then i have to been in montreal for work i'm looking at being awake for almost 2 days (shit like this happens more often then it should). Also i'm the lowest level of management more or less making me the bitch of the higher ups so my free time a day or two ahead is often taken away by one of there random little projects that pop up (shit like this happens more often then it should). Since my time is so often taken away i don't want to book 3 or 4 days in advance and then have to cancel 2 days before (that shit has happened more often then it should of, sorry).


    So the main factors that make me hobby are that i have had no luck picking up a girl in the last few weekends, i have the time and I'm horny.


    Mostly it's if i have the time.

  3. This experience has only soured opinion of one girl in ottawa, i truly believe that there are plenty of great ladies in ottawa right now. Actually i have been waiting for you annessa to post a incall time that works for me, for what seems like to long (been crushing on you for awhile). So i'm not turned off hobbying and the reason I'm on a short break is because my schedule has gotten crazy again my job is anything but nine to five.


    Part of my frustration is how powerless i feel, my interpretation of the rules prevents from posting her name saying "'so and so' pulled a no show on me be warned". I also think that sending it privately in a PM is no better, that is just gossip. I also don't think there should be a place for me name her publicly even though i feel i have a legitimate reason if there such a place existed it would just be abused by dissatifitied customser trying to ruin the reputation of a provider. I love the fact that here on CERB we are encouraged to stay positive this is why i don't belong to the other 'erbs'. It is my belief in the system conflicting with what i want to do that is frustrating.

  4. "Jesus was born in a manger, that doesn't make him a horse"

    the Duke of Wellington.


    "swinging for the fences gets you nowhere, when you are forced to strike do so with malicious intent"

    My defensive tactics instructor (remembering this quote has actually saved my life)

  5. I hear what you are saying Eastman and i wish i could give the benefit of the doubt, but i know she was going to Montreal to work she posted that she would be available about 2 and half hours after our appointment would have ended. Plus how hard is a phone call or a text message. And fact i got a call from someone else telling she was gone until Sunday. I'm not going to believe that she had to leave for some emergency.

  6. i just wanted to voice my frustration with SP's no showing on me. I keep hearing about hobbyist no showing but in my recent personal experiences it has been the Providers no showing on me. A few weeks ago i setup an appointment on a Monday for the friday over the phone i asked for an early evening appointment (7 o'clock) she then told me that she would be leaving for Montreal that night and could we do it sooner, at that point i couldn't so she offered to change her travel plans. I was thinking great she seemed nice on the phone and willing to change her plans just to see me.


    So morning of i called her to confrim she tells me everything is still good. Then later that day my meeting got canceled (big surprise a late friday meeting got canceled) So at around 3 i called to offer to move my appointment forward an hour to six she told me "that's great and it works out really well for me." So i go to where i'm suppose to call her from at 6 give her a ring, nothing, i try again in 10 min nothing, i go sit in a coffee shop and try again nothing. After about an hour i get a call from a restricted number telling that 'x' has left for montreal and will be unable to take any calls until Monday. WTF


    I had done my research, this provider is a well reviewed here on Cerb and still to have this happen, to get stood up last minute. What is my avenue to complain about this, if i no show on someone i get blacklisted here on Cerb but a provider can pull a last minute no show on me and there is no where for me to posting a warning to warn my fellow hobbyist about this?


    P.S i will not be giving the name of the provider out of respect for the site, so please don't PM asking me.

  7. Dirienzo’s for sandwichs hands down bar none the winner, I spent way to much time there.


    Urban Pear in the glebe, one of the better racks of lambs going around.


    The Works, anyplace that does peanut butter and cream cheese on a

    burger just wins try it, it is actually really good.


    Ada's diner, a tiny dive at bank and gladstone that does a pretty good eggs benedict.


    Flying piggy's at bank and heron


    The pelican grill at bank and heron is rated really well but i have never had good meal there, but it is the best place to buy fresh fish.


    Whales bone, a raw oyster bar


    And the rest

    Al's steak house, Nuts about life, mister b's, eighteen, wasabi, kinky's, elgin street diner, delight of indian, Japanesse Village, golden palce .


    And the best pie in town is not Colonade but Bella Vista, please don't hurt me.


    A there is a golf course/country club on hunt club Called the Hunt Club (go figure) that has a killer Sunday brunch, a Friend of my fathers used to take the whole family when i was a kid, i think that it is members only but still i highly recomend it, And the Montary Inn on Prince of Whales has a wine bar in the basement of the main the building that i can't remember the name of but 2 or 3 years ago when i was last there it had the best wine list in the city.

  8. In no particular order mine would be:


    Tricia Helfer - Super hottie


    Alyson Hannigan- seems like a ton of fun


    Tara Spencer-Nairn - Canadian Corner gas hotness and she has a cop outfit with handcuffs.


    Paris Hilton - Have sex with her until she passes out then take her money (i actually find her quite nasty, but it would be fun to take her money)


    The virgin Mary, i know she would be a virgin and most likely it would be horrible but look who's daddy you get to be.

  9. i understand what you're saying i was given the impression that i would talk to here during the 7:30 to 9:30 window and unfortunately i'm kinda busy this morning and maybe totally unreachable in like 30 mins, like at 10:30 i lose a computer and no access to email. Fudge got to get me a blackberry, i guess that all i can do is wait and hope.


    I hope that she is ok and nothing unfortunate has happened.

  10. i had an appointment set with her this afternoon and i was unable to get through to her this morning to get the location, i called a few times and left a handful of messages and have gotten no reply at all i'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

  11. this is about the black from birth, I doubt this is the case but it maybe, i have a number of friends who are biracial with one black and one white parent and some of these guys are look white at birth (while a tanned white guy) one of them had straight hair until he started to hit puberty and his hair got curly. White at birth and black later can happen all on it's own.

  12. Perhaps saying negotiate is the wrong term to use maybe "offer" is a better term. I enjoy a 90 min session half an hour intro then 60 minutes of play. I have only done this with women who don't have a half hour rates posted. i don't feel that this is being disrespectful, i never do it in person, only through emails. An example of something that i have done in the past was i offered * 50% of her hourly rate on top of her hourly rate for 90 mins which was accepted and we had a great time.


    As for trying to get a lower rate then advertised i say bad call what we do shouldn't be about the money its about having an enjoyable time together, as when someone tries this at the door i fully agree send them packing.


    I'm curious to hear the opinion of sp's on this particular situation, when a women has no half hour rates posted is what i'm doing considered accepted? Should i stop doin this?

  13. Perhaps saying negotiate is the wrong term to use maybe "offer" is a better term. I enjoy a 90 min session half an hour intro then 60 minutes of play. I have only done this with women who don't have a half hour rates posted. i don't feel that this is being disrespectful, i never do it in person, only through emails. An example of something that i have done in the past was i offered * 50% of her hourly rate on top of her hourly rate for 90 mins which was accepted and we had a great time.


    As for trying to get a lower rate then advertised i say bad call what we do shouldn't be about the money its about having an enjoyable time together, as when someone tries this at the door i fully agree send them packing.


    I'm curious to hear the opinion of sp's on this particular situation, when a women has no half hour rates posted is what i'm doing considered accepted? Should i stop doin this?

  14. First off i wanna say happy belated birthday to Emma. I was given the distinct honour of spending a highly enjoyable and dehydrating two and a half hours with her on her b-day. Now i could list all the standard abbreviations to best describe the service that i received but they have all been said by those who have come before me and you should get the general idea.


    I did ask for some "sensual dominance" and i after being blindfolded & restrained we discovered that i'm a bad sub, if you have seen her boobs you know that they need ...(whoops)... require ...(no not right)... demand ...(yeah that's right)... demand your attention and i was to weak to control myself. Had to go motor boating. :lol:


    One of the big highlights of our afternoon were some of the toys that were introduced during play time, mainly toothpaste. Let me just set the stage on the Taxman7583 introduction to toothpaste in the bedroom I walk in her little love den and i'm instantly kissed, stripped, bound and blindfolded while being lead to the bedroom. Once there i recieve some of the finest gradifacation and about five minutes in little Tax is over come witha cool fresh feeling, i actually say at this point "Wow that feels oddily refreshing."

    Later i find out that it is toothpaste, so now in my mind toothpaste has three major roles in society 1. cleans your teeth, 2. Freshens your breath, and 3. makes a BJ feel cool and refreshing. Honestly keep some in your night table.


    Now if you remember the thread "Prep for longer appointment" (if you don't read it it's great) I'm the guy who mentioned pinapple, if your going to see Emma eat alot of pinapple and peppermint, she will appericated it (in my case twice) and you won't regret it i promise you. When it came time for the second she just attacked little tax trying to get sweet treat.


    Emma has the best Netiquette, ever. We exchanged somthing like 10 to 15 emails all but one of the emails i received a response to inside a hour, most inside 20 min. The one that wasn't inside of an hour i still got a response that day. Out of the 300 friends i have on facebook none are that quick to reply ever. That is just something i feel has to be mentioned because it really shows her love of what she does and her commitment to costumer satisfaction.



    On a little side note i wanna say big ups to TigerClaw on his gift for Emma, way to go man i think you beat us all in the gift department and i'm glad to hear that it was a good time.


    So my final note, eat your pinapple and take the plunge, I plan on taking the plunge again and again and again. Next time she comes to Ottawa i'm going to book her twice once at the start and once at the end. Once in 6 six weeks totally not enough, it's gotta be twice.

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  15. I only do a few things I try to have a vegetable soup like corn or broccoli, i make sure to add protein powder this gives a more sustainable energy for play, could also do a fruit smoothie but beware of sugar rush/crash from this. I also take a Ginkgo Baloba (100mg) it is a vitamin that is marketed to increase you mental alertness what it actually does is increase you circulation which is good because you blood flow is very important. If i'm the mood for CIM or COF i eat a cup eat pineapple and celery, pineapple makes sperm taste sweeter and celery gives it a thicker consistence, avoids splashing I think what celery does is called 'the ropes' but i'm not sure. I try to do this about 90 minutes to and hour before hand. And the shower that i take before hand i trim the man zone, ladies keep themselves maintained so i feel that i should do the same. Then it's just clean and candles, fresh sheets a must. I hope this helps.


    Also take my dog for a walk along walk maybe even a run to burn off some of his energy. A hyper dog a ruin anything.

  16. I just received the distinct privilege of seeing Catherine for the first time, I hope that it won't be the last. Nothing i can say hasn't already been said by those who came before me. I would see her everyday if could not because of the services she provides but for who she is, could listen to her talk forever. She has the ability to raise your IQ just by proximity. To rate her you can't give a number like 10 out of 10, to give her a rating you should only use the word perfect cause that is what the experience is.


    Until my next adventure


  17. Just wanted to let you all know that i think i may of solved this problem, i believe it to be a co worker. So i'm going to settle this right now just in case he connects my real name to my Cerbian Handle I taxman7583 I'm a 6'1 blue eyed blonde (well dirty blonde but it's still blonde so whatever!!) not a 5'7 balding man with a mustache.


    Thanks once again for all your help and input

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