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Posts posted by pussy_liquor

  1. Why is it so hard for the MP"s to update their websites regularly? Everyone has a digital camera these days, is it so hard to take a decent picture and maybe write a short bio about your girls? It's called free advertising and yes it really works!


    Are you listening (REMOVED NAMES - MOD)

    Get with the program please!

  2. So the Prime Minister says we are now in a recession, the price of gasoline is coming down, the prices of houses are coming down and the price of automobiles is coming down. You see where I am going with this don't you? Will the prices in our favorite "hobby" be coming down soon as well?


    Just wondering:lol:

  3. I have a question that has been on my mind a bit lately that I would like your opinions on.

    When you visit your lady of choice either at her place or her hotel, do you take your wallet with ID, credit cards, etc with you or do you leave it in your car? I believe some ladies ask for ID with new clients, what to you guys do about that? I know the ladies want their donation in a plain envelope in plain sight so there is no need to bring your wallet, correct? So, if you do not bring your wallet and want to leave a tip, then what? Keep some cash in your pocket?


    Your thoughts please.

  4. I have a question that has been on my mind a bit lately that I would like your opinions on.

    When you visit your lady of choice either at her place or her hotel, do you take your wallet with ID, credit cards, etc with you or do you leave it in your car? I believe some ladies ask for ID with new clients, what to you guys do about that? I know the ladies want their donation in a plain envelope in plain sight so there is no need to bring your wallet, correct? So, if you do not bring your wallet and want to leave a tip, then what? Keep some cash in your pocket?


    Your thoughts please.

  5. Everything you have said is totally normal to me. I know exactly how you feel when one of your favorite girls moves onto bigger or better things. I still think about some of the dancers I have met over the years and although the thought of them makes me happy the sadness of never seeing them again does tug at the heart for a brief moment. Keep your chin up, sounds like you are having normal feelings that a caring, respectful, guy should have when a loved one is no longer with them.


    Take care,:-D

  6. This question goes out to all the SP's on here or anyone that would like to comment. What makes the best impression when you meet a new client for the first time: A single red rose, a dozen roses, a bottle of wine, a bottle of champagne or something else? And what about the second or third appointment? As I am quite new to this hobby any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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