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Posts posted by s********m

  1. I have been wondering about some of you gentlemen but I will say I have had the pleasure of meeting most of you.


    Cowboy kenny is an actual person (hi hun)


    Igotaboner very sweet man


    Pistolpete also great (were have you been babe)


    Oh I could go on but you guy's all know who you are


    Can't forget you dummpy Never forget YOU!!


    Some gentlemen that I've been waiting to see hummmm


    Capitalman, Canuck hooker, and of course MOD that would be cool

  2. What a Day


    I never thought !!!!!


    It really surprised me this past weekend the weirdest thing happened.


    Just going along tickity booo most just glad to have someone to be with even for an hour... whatever right. well never thinking it was ever going to be a problem but....


    I have come across a great gentlemen a regular at that that now refused to see ME. Why you may ask well!!!


    surprise surprise its because I cut my hair... GEeess its still long just a little shorter then my pictures but I will post more pic's soon.


    I just thought for a change for the summer something cooler and easier to deal with kind of sexy I've been told.


    Anyway just wondering if it really is such a big deal to you guy's!!!!

  3. Hello Dance Partner


    I'm game if you are!!!!!


    I fit the age group just can't dance well. At least not that well been a number of years since .... lol



    Send me a pm and i'll figure something out


    Must just know where to look hun


    greeat post to hun !!!!! a date with a soccermum cool eh!!

  4. OMG thats just life


    I had a simular problem laugh becuase its funny



    I was at a hotel a few weeks ago had an appointment scheduled


    we had each others numbers he was coming form downtown I felt like a total idiot but listen to this




    Hotels don't have charges so i found out and it was getting close to the time of our meeting.... manic yes solution yes


    check phone messages saved the night had an absolutly wonderful time in the end just a little late....lol


    No worries pete I'm sure she will get back in touch At least I would...

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