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Posts posted by caveman

  1. I was driving down Booth this morning, and noticed the glass in the entrance door to Acqua was smashed, and there seemed to be some people milling about. Anyone know what happened? I didn't see any police presence, so I'm guessing it was just random vandalism...and hoping that no one was hurt.

  2. Having been away from the board for a couple of weeks, returning to see this thread is a little surprising. Seems like we can't avoid diving into some controversy every now and again... :-)


    Hornet, I get that you're frustrated with an encounter (or encounters) that didn't meet your expectations, but I don't think it's fair to blame this on faulty recos. I would encourage you to re-examine your expectations...of both your encounters and what you find here on CERB.


    First off, the encounters: it is unfortunate when the reality of an encounter doesn't match up with the scenario we had playing around in our heads, but it is a reality of this hobby, and you should be careful about even assuming your encounter with an SP can be generalized to all encounters with that SP. As we so often say, Your Mileage May Vary, and that doesn't just apply to services, it applies to everything about the encounter. The lovely ladies we're seeing are not selling cars that come off an assembly line...and above all else, you need to remember that they are people, too, and everyone has a bad day at some point. I get paid for my job, too, but that doesn't mean that I perform the same way every day that I go to work. Most days my employer gets 10-12 extremely productive hours out of me, but every now and then they wind up with 6 hours of me socializing, surfing the internet, or making plans for the weekend.


    Please note that I'm not trying to make excuses for what sounds like a disappointing experience...I'm just encouraging you to accept it as something that does happen once in a while, rather than trying to turn it into a "lesson" for all SPs. As you've already seen on this thread, the SPs who put a great deal of effort into making sure that most of their clients' expectations are met aren't going to take too kindly to that kind of "lesson".


    Now, as for the recos here on CERB...of course they're not telling you the whole story. As the tag line says, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. That isn't a mantra designed to put all "truth" out on the table, it's a recognition of the fact that we, as a large collection of anonymous people, are not capable of sticking to "truth" when there are no controls put on us. When I first started hobbying about three years ago, I used some of the other boards as well, and quickly became frustrated with how often the threads dissolved into extremely negative and childish behaviour. The rules here prevent this board from becoming like that, but of course that comes at a cost. It means we as hobbyists need to be a little more careful about how we read the recos, and as someone else mentioned, we need to be able to read between the lines as well. But I'll gladly take that in order to maintain some sense of community here. Besides, it's not like those other boards aren't still around for you to make use of, if you really want to.


    As for the mod becoming the arbiter of recos, I think he'd be the first to tell you that he doesn't have that kind of time. What you suggest would require a large investment of resources, and you need to understand that CERB isn't the money-maker here...it's the board that is provided to us in concert with EC, and I'm pretty sure we already take enough of the mod's time as it is. :-)


    I hope my points above provide some perspective, particularly on why most of the other members are reacting to your comments and suggestions.

    • Like 2

  3. I once was involved in selling wireless technology associated with a major Canadian carrier and one of the technologies they were just rolling out at the time was the ability to consumate Mastercard and Visa transactions over the phone.


    I'd much rather consummate the transaction in person... :D

  4. Hiding a second, secret phone, is also an issue for lots of guys who have a SO.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    If someone has an SO and still chooses to partake of the hobby, but can't manage to hide a little phone, I'm of the opinion that they're eventually going to get caught one way or the other anyway... :-)

  5. My impression is that if a place is raided by the police, it will often close down, regardless of whether charges stick or not. I think most hobbyists would be pretty shy about visiting a place that has recently been raided, and without customers an MP won't stay afloat.


    I don't have a lot of data to back that up, but this is the feeling I get from having heard some of the stories from the longer-time hobbyists around here. And isn't that what happened to the Gatineau ALO location?

  6. I haven't been in the hobby as long, but one provider I already miss is Michelle_MA. She was the first independent I ever visited, and boy do I ever wish I had spent more time with her while she was still around. She was sexy as hell, but also super-friendly and just amazing at putting you at ease. Plus, the way she used to keep eye contact while undressing me had me standing at attention long before any skin-to-skin contact was made! And it just got better from there... :-)

  7. I have never been to a massage parlours and i am curious about it :)

    Can someone pm me and explain to me in details what i should expect

    from a visit there... Thank you people!


    Sam, here are a couple of good threads that might give you some ideas:





    The best bet, though, is to pick a reputable parlour (like CMJ) or independent (like Megan'sTouch) and just let them know it's your first time. Be respectful and you'll be well taken care of... :-)

  8. No I'm not. I've outsourced all my postings and encounters to an IT firm in India. I then read my encounters via the recommendations and get to see how much fun I had.


    Now, those are the kind of web services I like! :D


    Sorry, nerd humour...

  9. Clarification: use of a strap-on with a client, or with another SP as part of a duo or other combo with a client? Also, what kind of contact would the strap-on be used for? Genital, anal, oral - all of the above?


    lol...and Hypnox thought he was asking a simple question! :D

  10. In light of the holiday spirit, CMJ will be setting up a Christmas Hamper to collect non-parishable food/personal items (shampoo, shaving stuff etc.) items for the Ottawa Food Bank.



    lol...this is one of the few sites where "personal items" has to be qualified... :-) I can just picture a Christmas Hamper full of the other kind of personal items...you don't think the Food Bank would take that?

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