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Posts posted by nebbah1973

  1. However, if we allow this where does it end?


    If we're lucky, it doesn't end. Progress of any sort doesn't happen unless envelopes are pushed and status quos are challenged. You can argue that opening the rules of a beauty pageant are hardly progress... and I would agree. However, I think any discussion on gender definitions and the fuzzy area between them and drives a greater desire to understand is positive in my book.


    It may seem a poor comparison, but when same sex marriage was being debated, the whole "where does it end" argument was front and centre. What next? Polygamy? etc. That turned out alright.. and even if it does drive discussion about polygamy or whatever... so what? Let's talk about it.


    For example, what about Olympic competitions, it's easy to say a young attractive transgender woman can compete in a beauty contest, but what about an athletic competition? So a person who was born male identifies as a woman, this person is 6 feet tall and weighs about 180 lbs, maybe not your most attractive "woman" but this person identifies as a woman, fair?


    Given that athletic competitions serve approximately the same use to society as beauty pageants (read: none), I don't have a problem with it. Well, I don't have a problem with anything that drives a conversation and forces us to look at anything in a new light. You make good points with regarding the athletic stuff, but I think that if it truly becomes an issue in the future then the governing bodies of whatever sport we're talking about can debate it and decide... again furthering the discussion.


    I guess it helps that sports generally have a women's and men's competition (ok, maybe not synchro swimming...unless that SCTV sketch counts). There's no male Miss Universe (well, that I know of, anyway... we tend to be able to make ourselves look foolish without pageant organizers to help us!)


    I do take your meaning, though. Much easier for a 6", 180 lb penis-having woman to win at many sports against her vagina-having opponent... depending on the sport, of course. So I certainly don't disagree with you there.


    What rules do we put around this? Can a person who was born male, identifies as a woman, but still has a penis, compete in female competitions? I don't think it is so cut and dried as some people make it.


    What rules need to be put around it? I don't know the answer but I do believe that whatever discussion comes from it is good.


    I know this is probably not the most popular stance to take here but it is how I feel.


    All good stuff, for sure. I can respect a 0.02 as much as the next guy and I think your opinion is valid and worthy of some discussion. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.


    Cheers and thanks for sharing.

  2. One final note from my side of the ring....


    There's a glut of these coming onto the market. There's seemingly very few companies who aren't planning to release a tablet in the next couple of quarters if they haven't already.


    You can bet they'll be a metric tonne of copying, idea stealing, shrinking and innovation happening in the next little while.


    All this to say, patience will pay off. I likely pulled the pin on my Xoom faster than I should have and my girlfriend is definitely drooling at the new models as she uses her first gen iPad (uses it slowly, I might add!).


    Incidentally, Google and Intel have announced that they've partnered on Android to make interoperation with Intel chips more seamless. Also, the newest version of Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) is slated for release later this year. That will signal the merging of the two Android platforms (2.2 geared towards phones and 3.x which is optimized for tablets).


    In short, it's a space where movement and improvement will happen quickly and pricing will be very competitive.


    Have fun!


  3. I've had a Motorola Xoom since about May and love it. My gf has a first gen iPad and the Xoom blows the doors off of it.


    The Android market is extremely well stocked with apps... the camera is great for everyday use but also for apps like Evernote, etc and the operating system works extremely well.


    I have a 32GB wi-fi (not sure if the the 3G is available in Canada yet) and do not regret the decision at all.


    It's very gutsy in terms of hardware and power.


    I am also a big believer that nothing is truly yours until you've voided the warranty - so have also "rooted" mine... similar to jailbreaking on the ipad. It allows some additional customization and whatnot - but even without it I find it much more versatile than the iPad.


    Lastly - if you're already a user of Google products for calendar, mail, docs, etc - the integration is (understandably) a dream.


    My 2 cents.




  4. DVD-Shrink is no longer being supported but the latest version ( a few years old now) is still tops in my book. If you have Nero installed it will work in partner with it so that you don't need to use any interface other than dvdshrink's.


    One other thing I love is the ablility to give certain parts or elements of the disc precedence. For instance... if you're putting dual density DVD 8.7GB or thereabouts... onto a 4.7GB disc, you can go in and give preference to what is compressed and thus of a lower quality.


    If it's a concert DVD, you can tell it to keep the audio as pure as possible at cost of the video quality, etc. Although in general, the defaults are usually all you need.


    You can also do some crazy high compression on extra features, remove foreign language tracks you may not want and basically give as much space to the stuff you want so that it is compressed as little as possible.


    All this in less than 4MB, I think!

  5. Hi Anita,


    Just checked the laptop - very nice. The sound and video would be enough to sell me. You're right, it does have a 64-bit architecture, so Wubi should automatically download the 64-bit version and install it.


    Like Mod said, Toshibas are notorious for not playing nice with Linux in general... well, Ubuntu, anyway.


    Something else I find weird is that it'll run from a LiveCD but won't install. Are you installing it on C:\ or do you have the drives partitioned? I had some issue with installing it to a drive other than C:\, which is why I ask.


    Also - did you download the .iso file first from Ubuntu or let Wubi do the whole thing? You may want to try downloading the .iso file from the net and then putting the file into the same folder as wubi. When Wubi sees it, it'll install from there as opposed to downloading a fresh copy.


    Sorry for taking what must look like random shots at what might work, but I've had issue with all the previous things I've mentioned.


    I eventually got it working and loved it until I switched to a Mac for most stuff. There's no Wubi for it yet, but it seems it's coming.


    Good luck.


  6. Hi Anita,


    It seems by reading your posts that you're running both Windows and Ubuntu on that laptop? If so, might I recommend a cool solution from the folks at Ubuntu called WUBI.


    What this gives you is a full install of ubuntu without needing to repartition your Windows drives to make room for it and also not installing a "guest operating system" that runs over top of Windows. Upon setup, you run wubi.exe from within windows and it allocates space for ubuntu without actually installing it as a virtual machine... it's a true install just using space given to it from Windows. (gosh, when I re-read that sounds kinda Linux-nerdy... let me know if I need to tone it down and if I can clarify anything.)


    Actually, upon boot-up, it'll ask you which OS you want to load - Windows or Ubuntu... if you pick Ubuntu, then Windows doesn't load at all.


    I mention this because I think Mod is right in that using a VirtualBox (VMWare is another common one) actually just emulates access to the video card through Windows (or whatever your host Operating System is)... WUBI provides full access directly to the hardware... and from what I see, Mod's instructions would likely work in that case.




    There's also a short (albeit basic) intro to NVidia and Ubuntu not playing well here (http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nvidia). I had to use "unsigned drivers" which is a bit of a runaround because by being unsigned, it means they're not "open" - which is the whole raison d'etre of Linux... but they work.


    I hope that helps!

  7. Hi all,


    There was a lady who worked for Foreign Affairs in Moncton named Summer a couple of years ago. Taller brunette on the solid side with a gorgeous slight french accent in I'd guess early to mid 30s. She also did some work in PEI, she told me.


    I think later on (like a year or so ago) she was PEI full time but now can't find her anywhere now.


    That ring a bell for anyone? Only had the extreme pleasure of seeing her twice but always wanted to try to find her again. If anyone remembers this classy and sexy lady and knows if she might still be in the business, I'd be very grateful!




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