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Posts posted by Earlybird

  1. Cl does seem to have a few more ads lately. I noticed that Amanda has just posted a very nice photo too. In the past, there have been ads posted on Cl with someone using another persons photo. It is almost like hit or miss with Cl. By having an opportunity to request information about Sp's makes cerb more reliable on what you may encounter. So, does anyone have any information on Megan or Sarah or Amanda?

  2. I never wanted Haley to be banned...I just do not want cerb to look like other sites where people will post their phone numbers in their titles. This is not allowed on Cerb. Haley has fixed her title & removed her phone number. Next time I will just PM the MOD.. Thank-You Mod for taking my side on this issue. Welcome to Halifax Haley. Your photo's are nice.

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  3. There are many real nice Sp's to choose from. I am wondering what is it that attracts you to see one Service Provider over another? Having updated photo's that can be verified by cerb members really helps for me. I would much rather see someone who takes the time to show me just how sexy they are.

  4. There is an ad on CL for December 23 for a busty brunette. The photo that this person is using is of Lou from Montreal. Lou advertises here on Cerb. I notified her about this same person using her photo on December 21 and shortly afterwards it was removed..Beware of fakes on CL and stick to our highly valued Cerb members.

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