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Posts posted by DixonD

  1. I want to thank everyone for their replies, it has given me a better understand of things, I guess I should count my blessing everything down there is working fine.


    I dont want to risking doing any damage to myself in the hope of gaining a couple inches. I will work with what I got, better to have a 4 inch hard on then none. I have been told may times that my tongue work is exceptional.


    Glad you came to that conclusion!


    Some wise old man I just made up now once told me: Sometimes it is better to be the tongue of the lizard, then the shaft of the horse.


    I wouldn't use any of these crazy penis pumping products personally (but if they work for anyone reading this now then that is great). I am happy with what I've got. Didn't see anything on the X4 labs website that would change my mind but I might however pick up this sweet hat!:



    Have confidence in yourself, a great attitude, interest and respect for your partner and pleasure will follow for all involved!

  2. Some days I wake up a bit early so I have a nap, hit snooze button, hit snooze button, hit snooze button, ahhhhhh hit that button one to many times! My occupation doesn't call for anything fancy to wear so I just put on a shirt and a pair of pants. Brush teeth, floss, shower, shave if needed, surf the internet for a bit, have a quick meal, brush again, really make the most of those final precious minutes of free time and then it is off to face the outside world!


    When I'm going out somewhere and want to look my best, I can't go wrong with a nice suit!

  3. On a whole I'm pretty happy and lucky the way my life has turned out. I avoided a lot of the pitfalls of life in my earlier years so I wouldn't change that. But if I had a second chance I'd try to accomplish more of the goals I set for myself (keeping in better shape or finishing an art project), be more adventurous and outgoing and gain more life experience (right now I have somewhat of a lack of it!). Also I'd try to spend more time with my family.


    Assuming I would live my second life in the same time period as my previous existence, first and most importantly I'd use the knowledge gained in my past life to help those around me. Warn friends, family and society about the hazards that they will face through life (diseases, disasters, etc). With the knowledge I would process, I'd basically be a superhero. The possibilities would be endless (although it could open itself up to abuse, like say betting everything on major sporting events while knowing every outcome!). Hmmmmmmm now this thread makes me feel like watching Groundhog day. I'd definitely watch that (and other Bill Murray movies) more often in my next existence!

  4. On the bosses desk!

    .... .... ....


    I've given and received some pleasure (in a sense) on my bosses desk as well!!! But I got caught and the cops showed up. I don't regret it however!

    It was thrilling

    It was naughty

    It was forbidden

    And I plan to do it again!

    Next time though, I'll have a partner with me!


    Just kidding! That didn't actually happen, but this one did! Me and my girlfriend were fooling around in a stairwell one time. A couple of people walked right by us and we tried our best to hide what we were doing but I don't think we succeeded! Not even close!


    Having sex in a public area just isn't my thing. If others enjoy it then awesome for them and hope they have tons of it! I like the bedroom, where sometimes the only people watching is ourselves from a mirror!

  5. Great thread and posts!


    Even though I have never met any of the ladies here on Cerb or anywhere else. I also want to say thanks.


    I have no idea how much courage it must've taken for some of you, when you first told your friends and family about your profession, one that isn't looked highly upon by many. I don't think I could tell many people close to me that I was into this lifestyle so that just goes to show that you all have more guts and more confidence then I could ever have.


    Thanks for your role in breaking down the barriers of intolerance towards sex and sexuality. For doing news interviews and talk shows, being involved in other media and in public forums, explaining the different aspects of this lifestyle, showing others that there is so much more being exchanged here than sex and money, and doing so while facing judgement by people who act like they are on a pedestal.


    Thank you for looking past other people's imperfections even when your simultaneously being judged by your online profiles and pictures albums.

    Being so understanding with everyone whether they are disabled, shy, sexually inexperienced, etc. while unfortunately having to put up with creeps and stalkers and the clients who don't understand the word 'no'. Some of you have had scary experiences, been verbally harassed, and much worse.


    You all put up with so much, so that others and maybe one day myself can share great times with you, explore our minds and bodies together, form friendships, and create amazing memories.


    Thank you!

  6. Be very careful today and tomorrow as the roads and sidewalks get very slippery, if driving remember no rush getting anywhere is worth being involved in an accident and leave space in between cars. If you walk be careful too, watch your step and wear proper shoes/boots is very icy out there.


    Do your best to stay safe :)






    Oops my post comment got cut off so I will post it again here:

    "Thanks for the advice. We can never remind ourselves and those around us too much about the dangers we face just living our day to day lives. Sorry to hear about your friend."

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