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Posts posted by MandalayBay

  1. Thanks for all the kind words. It warms my heart to hear from so many privately and publicly.


    Annessa, make sure to let me know the next time you are in Toronto as it would be wonderful to have you over for a nice dinner and to introduce you to the baby. Our new home is a 7-minute walk from the subway line and is lot easier to get to the house via TTC than our previous home. :-)


    If anyone keeps in touch with Homer Doh or Coach G, please send them my warmest wishes. I think about them from time to time and would love to hear how they are doing.

  2. I was thinking about the wonderful members of CERB today and wondering how so many people are doing. So I thought I would start by offering an update on how I am doing with the hopes that I'll hear from some old friends (either privately or publicly).


    2011 has truly been the best year of my life. I married the man of my dreams and, after suffering from infertility issues, I finally became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It happened quite suddenly with an engagement in the new year, an unexpected pregnancy (as we were starting to believe it wouldn't happen for us), a wedding and a Christmas baby. :-)


    For those of you who have enjoyed the experience, having a baby with the love of your life is the most beautiful thing a person can go through. We wanted a child for so long and shed many tears believing it might never happen for us. Thankfully, God blessed us with the most beautiful baby I have ever set eyes on. She is a wonderful baby who doesn't make a peep unless she's hungry. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this doesn't change.


    Our newborn is a few weeks old now and just the absolute pride and joy of our lives. My older child has surprised me by being very loving, helpful and mature towards the new baby. The concerted efforts of my husband and I to make sure there is no sibling jealously have worked. :-)


    We're very sleep deprived (as all parents are) and will be hiring a night nanny shortly to help. Other than the sleep deprivation, I'm the happiest I have ever been.


    I would love to hear from the wonderful people I had the chance to get to know in 2009. I think of you often and most of you fondly. :-)


    And to the wonderful friends I have made from the Ottawa area (you know who you are), I'd like to extend an invitation to have you over for dinner and to meet our little angel the next time you are in Toronto. There are a lot of fabulous delicatessens nearby our home and it would be a pleasure to order something and have you over for dinner and to meet our new baby. :-)

    • Like 4

  3. That is the funniest thing I've ever seen!!! LMAO


    Thanks for the incredlbe, belly laugh Gator!!!


    Do you really need to bring anyone? Just keep an eye out for Rick... that's where the party's at!



    Additional Comments:

    Just wanted to bump this because I know I would have LOVED an opportunity like this when I was an SP.


    My partner and I are the coolest, most, laid-back, fun-loving people you will ever meet.


    Please review and get back to us if you are interested.


    Additional Comments:

    Hedo 2 is completely booked for New Year's Eve.


    Our ideal scenario was to book a separate room for the SP we select, but that option is no longer available.


    Unfortunately I'm going to have to withdraw this offer.




    Lesson learned. If we decide to do this again next year, we have to plan much farther in advance.

  4. We are seeking a sexy, honest, quality, reputable SP to accompany us on a trip to Hedonism II in Negril, Jamaica for New Year's 2011. The travel times will be between December 27, 2010 and January 3, 2011. It would be our pleasure to bring one sexy, dyanamic, fun SP (our treat) to enjoy Jamaica with us for our second trip there.


    I am a 34-year-old, bi-curious, retired SP who retired about 1 1/2 years ago after meeting the man of my dreams and leaving the industry. We are currently living in Toronto and enjoying life to the fullest. We are very happy and in love. I'm 34 years old and my partner is 48 years old.


    Last year, my partner and I thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Hedonism 3 in Jamaica and have amazing memories that will last a lifetime.We were pretty saddened to learn that Hedo 3 recently shut its doors and the only facility of its kind in Jamaica is now Hedo II - near Negril.


    Our offer to the right SP includes full airfare and accommodations at Hedo II in our room/suite. You will have free time to do as you please in your spare time. We are not demanding, but do require you to participate in fun activities with us.


    Please respond to our posting via my email address, which is [email protected]. Please include answers to all the following questions.


    1) Why do you feel you would be a good fit for us?


    2) Please include at least 10 photographs of yourself.


    3) Please provide references from clients who have taken you on trips and can attest to your professionalism as an SP.


    4) IMPORTANT: How much extra (above and beyond the costs we'll incur for your travel) do you require for accompanying us on this all-inclusive food and beverage 7-day trip.


    5) What are your turn ons and turn offs physically?


    6) Do you have any questions for us?


    7) We would need to meet you in person before agreeing to this trip. You must be able to meet us in Toronto and show identification before we can confirm this trip with you.


    Warm Regards,




    p.s. If there are any gentlemen who have had good or bad experiences with SPs while taking them on trips, please let me us know. All your information will be kept confidential and we will appreciate the ability to give a quality SP the opportunity to join us on the trip like this.

  5. I've been voraciously watching and studying documentaries (studying what styles are good and what styles are bad) should my documentary idea ever move forward. For those not aware, I have been unable to find enough Toronto/Ottawa SPs to come forward to star in my documentary concept: http://www.canadianescortsdoc.com. I need 3 women and have only been able to find 1.


    Anyways, I watched this documentary last night that changed me forever. It is called "Born Into Brothels" and I highly recommend everyone watch it. You can view the entire documentary online for free here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4952714190753324164#


    I was so moved that I immediately went on the website of a charitable organization created as a result of the documentary. http://www.kids-with-cameras.org


    I just wanted to issue a friendly challenge to all CERB members to make a donation to this organization.


    I hope this documentary touches you as much as it has touched me.


    Warm Regards,




    p.s. I have no affiliation with this organization whatsoever, in case anyone is wondering. It sure feels good to help these good people in their important work, though ... even if it's just a financial contribution.

  6. I'd really love to get the documentary going, but we need more people. It's a tough thing to ask of SPs as I know I would never go public and put my face out there for a documentary. I'm also looking for women who really have their act together and are doing it because they want to - not because they have to.


    Regardless, thanks for the kind words. It is great to read and catch up on how people are doing!

  7. It is wonderful to hear from you Chavez. I have often wondered how you are doing. You provided me with one of the classiest, most romantic, thoughtful, erotic evenings of my life. Wow!


    I'm not sure if I ever told you, but the knowledge/information you shared with me related to your profession made a HUGE difference to me. I won't go into details so as to avoid anyone speculating what you do for a living. But it worked so well that I used the information/knowledge again and again. Thank you so much from the the bottom of my heart for being so brilliant, helpful and knowledgeable.


    You are truly someone who makes me reflect back very positively on my previous work as an escort. You are a true, old-fashioned gentleman and one of the most unforgettable people I've ever met. :smile:

  8. Hi,


    It's been one year and one month since my retirement and I still pop into CERB every once in a while to find out how everybody is doing. Lately I've been finding myself wondering how some of my former lovers are doing. So I thought I'd post an update on CERB and hope to hear updates from the wonderful gentlemen I had the pleasure of knowing. I have maintained lifelong friendships with some, but am wondering about others. Homer Doh - are you still out there?


    My new life in Toronto is absolutely wonderful and the gentleman I fell in love with and retired for has turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. He treats me and my child like gold and we love him very much. I am working full-time for his company now and very much enjoy it. In our spare time we've been travelling and enjoying life to the fullest. We recently bought a new home and will be moving into it soon, which is very exciting. He is so good to us. It is a dream come true and I've been truly blessed.


    We're still trying to get pregnant and that aspect hasn't been easy. After many months on a waiting list, we will soon start treatments with fertility clinic. Hopefully this will result in a pregnancy in the near future for us. This would be his first child and my second. Please keep us in your prayers because it truly is in God's hands.


    Toronto has been a pretty big adjustment for me. The hardest has been driving and I'm only now starting to feel comfortable driving during rush hour with all the aggressive drivers here. It's a busy, wild city, but I am starting to really love it here. It's difficult to make friends here as it is a much "colder" city than Winnipeg. But I've been lucky to have befriended some amazing Ottawa SPs - who have been over to our house for dinner, drinks and karaoke. I can't wait to have them over to the new house after we move in!


    As for the documentary I was working on, I put it on hold because I was only able to find one SP willing to put herself out there. It's difficult to find SPs who are willing to go public - understandably. If you - or anyone you know - might be interested in being part of a documentary, go to http://www.canadianescortsdoc.com. If I can get three women to star in it, I will proceed with the project.


    Anyways, I look forward to hearing from any of my friends and former lovers. If anyone has the scoop on Homer Doh, I'd love to touch base with him and see how he's doing.


    All the best!



  9. Hello friends,


    I thought I would throw out some questions for the "true sex pros" when it comes to great sex and where to get sex toys and lingerie


    I am wondering the following questions:


    a) What are the best sex toys available (online or in store) and what are their brand names. If you happen to know the company that distributes them, that would be a huge bonus. (Know the manufacturer? Great!)


    b) What are Toronto's best sex toy and lingerie shops?


    c) What are the best online sex toy and lingerie shops?


    Thanks so much for your help in advance.



  10. When you're charging $200 plus (the average, it seems) you should accommodate all requests within reason. Where else can a woman make that kind of money?


    It appears like she simply didn't care about giving good service. I hope this doesn't turn you off hobbying as there are so many wonderful ladies out there who give incredible service. :-)

  11. One aspect I would like to add is that it is possible for an SP to fall in love with a special man, leave the industry and eventually go back into functioning in a normal life.


    We are not immune to being overcome with emotion and falling in love with the gentlemen we see.


    It does, however, take a lot of patience and love to adjust to leaving this very addictive industry. It does happen though. It happened to me and I'm currently in the happiest and healthiest relationship of my life.

    • Like 2

  12. Hobbiests pay a lot of money for the services of SPs and these gentlemen have a right to expect courtesy during their sessions.


    If we were dining in a restaurant we would expect that our server not answer their cell phone while serving us. We would also expect the server to bring us the food and beverages we request, not just show up with any food and beverage.


    In the instance of a restaurant, the customer is usually only paying an average of fifty dollars for food and drinks ... not hundreds of dollars as hobbiests typically pay.


    The original poster has handled this situation with class and hopefully the lady he is speaking about reads this and changes her behaviour.

    • Like 1

  13. I think the line up starts as far away as Winnipeg. LOL


    There is also a line up from Toronto to Ottawa from what I can see from my view.


    I hope we can get together while you're in Toronto touring Annessa. :-) It would be great to have you over for dinner ... and then we can finish our whipped cream and banana dessert fantasy. LOL


    I wish you were in town right now because Angela of Ottawa, Riley Royal and Carrie Moon are all coming over for dinner tonight. We're cooking BBQ salmon steaks.

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