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Posts posted by mmaman315

  1. Yeah it was a shot in the dark but I figured with my current situation I'd just put it out there. I'm disabled and having passport issues and probably looking at more neck surgery so I've not been able to get over to Ottawa for about 6 months now. But anyhow, I don't know how to remove this post or I would just take it down. In time I hope to make it over since I'm going to be up in the sticks here for another year plus. thanks

  2. Hello everyone :) Just wanted to let you all know that I'm back :) Went out of the country for a bit and also had a relapse of neck problems but things are slowly getting better. Should be in Ottawa the first or second week of October. So with that look for me to try and be setting something up for around that time :) give me a shout on here anytime. Hope your all well.

  3. Hello ladies I hope that your doing well. I am looking for ladies who don't mind being on video. I would like to video tape my visits with you for my own personal video collection, not for publication by any means. That means the only person that will be seeing it is me and you.


    If you have a website that you wanted to post the video to that would be fine as long as I new that you were going to be posting it. If you don't want your face to be shown in the video but are willing to do it then we can figure out some kind of comfortable mask for you to wear.



    Please email me on here if your interested and fill me in on what you think and what it would take to have this great time with you :)



  4. To my friends of the GB Group, I just wanted to welcome those who have not yet joined the group I made to come and join. Ottawa Escort Literary Review. Thanks for letting me post this dummpy :) Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I'm going to Amsterdam for a month or two in the next month!!!! Fun Times

  5. Cool if it's in the next few weeks I probably wont make it but once I'm able to cross over the border again lol darn laws lol at the end of the month I plan on being in Ottawa for a few days to a week and I think a little meet and greet would be a good idea then we all have a chance to somewhat get to know each other so that the events go well. Plus during that time I plan on having some company so :) it will be all good!!! Wish I could be there for the next one!!!

  6. Yeah I truly tried talking with her but she didn't want to talk about anything. I think she just got scared and bolted. She'd really never been in a real relationship before and our situation was an odd one. She also thought that I thought less of her because of the way we met and how our relationship started but I don't know how she could have thought that when I was right there also. I mean what kind of man would I be if I did cause I was the one booking her. Anyhow I'm good :) I could totally use a good woman in my life these days but I'm not going to worry about it :) I've got all of you beautiful woman to keep me company when needed :):mrgreen:

  7. What I found interesting is that the government has said that the use of condoms and condom sales are up due to people who live together not wanting to get prego lol Do they understand that the sex for sale industry has sky rocketed since the slight depression that we are in and that is probably the main reason why they have increased in sales lol

  8. Well the long story short is that she just got freaked out about the whole situation. She had told me before hand that she didn't ever want to settle down and our situation was moving in that direction. Also she thought that I was trying to be with her friend when I only was with her because of her and there was no way for me to show her otherwise. So basically yeah she just up and left.

  9. When I was 25 living in Va Beach I happen to go out to shoot some pool and if you've lived there you know that your going to a strip club if you want to play pool. Having dated a few women that were dancers going to strip clubs to play pool was easy since I was exposed to that element a lot I could go frequently and just play pool lol. Anyhow that one day I met this amazing woman who worked there and she hung out with me the few hours I was there playing pool.


    We hit it off great, well she was really personable not revealing anything personal but being true and also because i know not to ask certain questions in such environments. Well when I was leaving she gave me her number and said that she did private shows and she'd love it if I called her.


    A week went by and I decided to call her. I was living in a condo on the corner of 9th and Pacific just a block off the strip and ocean, location location location so my suggestion was that she come over and we go out on the town come back to my place and she can do her show for me. This because at this point I worked 65 plus hours a week and only got one night to myself.


    That first night was great, we went out for about 3 hours to the strip since everything was in walking distance and when we got back to my place she taught me the meaning of the girlfriend experience and it was one that I'll never forget. So we were together for about 5 hours total and I gave her 500, mind you it was 1998 :)


    I ended up seeing her each week for the next 2 months and each date she'd end up spending more time with me without me ever asking. At this point I'm nuts about her and we were on a first real name basis sharing personal problems and comforting each other. All while only talking once on the phone and that one night a week we saw each other.


    After that second one night I was leaving work and I got a phone call and it was her asking me what i was doing and I told her I was on my way home and she said good cause I'm at your place now :) Well I got there and we were talking and I jumped in the shower and the next thing I know shes getting in it with me and you all can imagine what happened next.


    She stayed the night that night and later that week on our normal day she showed up with a night bag and told me that if I wanted to see me that all I had to do is ask and her time was no longer needed to be compensated for. We talked and I told her that I would love to spend more time with her and that what she did for a living I was good with just not to bring it into our bed.


    Well we dated for a few months getting to see her a few nights a week and got really close. I still don't know how much or often she worked and never asked and things were great since I work hard and play hard we had lot's of fun. She'd bring a few girlfriends over here and there and have their way with me and that's something I kind of miss lol


    So a few moths into it she started staying at my place every night and that went on for a few weeks and I decided to get her a key. Once I did that she pretty much moved in lol which I wanted anyhow :) It was great she did her thing I did mine and when time allowed we enjoyed the hell out of life together.


    Now she's lived with me for a year and the whole time has been bringing the same girlfriends over, 3 total for our every other weekly 5 some :) fun fun they were all dancers at the club and I'd pick them up after work and get them home a lot cause there were always creeps hanging out at the club come close and they were the type of girls who don't want a boyfriend so I came in handy. One of the girls at this point had developed more than just sexual appreciation for me and that caused a ripple in the pond.


    These girls were tight and had been for years and now here I am in the middle of them all not wanting to cause any problems loving my girlfriend and doing what she asks and I become an issue. I never once asked to have her friends come over for fuck parties and never slept with that girl unless my girl was naked next to me. Anyhow, within weeks we were done the girls were not hanging out and she had got her stuff out one day when I was at work.


    I don't know it all happened so fast and it was so intense that I just ended up packing my bags a few weeks later and moving back to New York. Now I've found myself back in a situation where I would like to make a new friend like I did in her but I'm afraid that something like this might happen again.


    Have any of you ladies ever develop a personal relationship with someone you met as a client?

  10. So it's DjPrestone, MMAMAN315 so far who is going to fulfill Suri's Fantasy!!! We need 3 more!!! YoungStud you in? What about dummpy and PistolPete that would make the 5 needed to satisfy this beautiful woman!!!

    suri_t My Fantasy : *explicit*

    One guy fucks my pussy

    One my ass

    I give a hand job to two guys

    And a blow job to one

    While THEY ALL take turns

    fuck yea

  11. Hi everyone!! I made a group that really has nothing to do with this group in a sense lol as for purpose :) but I wanted to invite you all to check it out and well if you like to write about your favorite SP's it would be a good place for it. Thanks again and everyone is free to join in :) Take Care

  12. Oh so true YoungStud. I've got to get my immigration stuff str8 before my next visit and that's going to take a week or two. Hope I don't miss anything :) One idea I had since we have so many amazing ladies and I know I've not seen them all but if we get 5-10 guys and a few room suite we could work something out where we could have all the ladies that are free that day come by at some point :) The possibilities are endless I guess. All in time :) and ladies you've all been great with getting back to me and letting me know what's up and I want to thank you for that :)

  13. Hmm Suri t elaborate more on your idea please :) I'd like to know exactly what your thinking :) Grass Hopper do you and suri t know each other and would you two mind working with each other? I still need to visit you both for some one on one time :) I hope before our little event :)

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