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Posts posted by phigment

  1. Razor bumps ARE an sti. Pointless to separate the two. Not purely a razor phenomenon either. Can still get a folliculitis as the hair re emerges growing back out too.

    You can avoid razor burn altogether by just doing a super short trim with electric razors. If you absolutely have to be pure bald eagle add some bikini neat or nair. Still gotta trim first to debulk the hair. It's pretty soft and the hair doesn't tend to be as prickly growing back in.


    Additional Comments:

    As others have said, razor bumps will always be red. The best way to combat this is to buy a product called "Bikini Zone" that you can buy at Shopper's Drug Mart. Okay, I know what you're thinking...as if.. to buy a chick product but it does work. And using hair conditioner while shaving also helps preventing the red bumps.


    Not to sound gross but sometimes it's possible to get ingrown hairs when shaving down there and with ingrown hairs, there will always be a whitehead in the middle that ends up popping like a pimple with white stuff that comes out. It hurts like an SOB if you pop it but once the stuff from the inside is gone, the redness and inflammation will go down.


    You are quite right, except that I don't give a rats ass what the clerk at shoppers thinks of my purchase. It's still better than buying tampons.

    You don't have to '' pop'' those though. You can shrink them with alcohol or saline compresses, but lancing is superior to squeezing and hurts alot less. Try a tiny superficial flick with a sterile point of some description.

  2. Really depends what it's purpose is

    Emailing Internet searches integrating photos it's perfect. Unless documents you do are huge then it's not really a big deal , even then yo can dictate easily into text with dragon and itsva free app.

    Having the newest iPad with a 3 g linkup makes it as portable as a phone.

    I haven't used any of my laptops in a year.

  3. The nice thing about cerb is the mix of participants. It's nice to have a common interest in all things sexual, yet from many different angles (of the dangle?...sure, why not). I like the practical as much as the cerebral. Trust me , strictly cerebral...BORING! Strictly locker room ....missing out on a lot too.


    Such a cerebral crowd in this thread, I'm impressed! However all I 'm capable of offering is basic lockerroomism theory where "the angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat"......

  4. I don't think the level of detail you are looking for is known. You will find that the clit is not studied in quite the same detail as the penis. Your laymens understanding is correct however, the penis and clit are the same tissue developmentally (embryologically) The histology ( microscopic anatomy) is the same. They respond the same way to drugs, the mechanism of erection is the same, and there are even cases of female priapism documented. The differences are in the gross anatomy, as you have stated size, urethra etc. At some point however the anatomy has to differ, because in the end the clit isn't actually a penis and they arent designed to do quite the same thing. The main difference is the penis needs to transport sperm a distance. There fore length ( at least a little, ha ha ha ) is required, but diameter is equally important. Stiffness is a function of the 4th power of radius, stiffness is required to resist bending moments, for penetration, another important demand of the penis not required of the clit. This is where the orthogonal array of collagen is most important. Allowing lateral ( width) erection as well as length. This may very well be where the differences between penii and clits diverge. My money would be that it is in fact similar if not in fact the same though. Have to remember we are all female by default. It is only the presence of testosterone and the sensitivity of cells to it that creates a penis out of the same embryo logical material as the clit.

    For a good clit article, check out anatomy of the clit, journal of urology , 2005 by o'connell te al.


    Based on my layman's understanding of the general principles of fetal development, I'd think it very likely. But there are differences between the male and female organs, such as placement of the urethra. I'm wondering if similarity in the collagen structure in particular has actually been documented?

  5. Trust me, there is no money saved with a real gf. But babies are good, very very good.


    A real Gf would want more then money...she would want dinner,nights out,vacations,presents and most likely to get married...so yes she is getting paid...lmao..just saying..;-)....and even with all that you may not have sex...hahah ...that's when we come in..:-D


    Additional Comments:

    haha yes G...babies...lmao

  6. Its less about pointing out mistakes and more about being clear. Clarity avoids confusion and subsequent awkward misunderstandings. Good to know where you stand...vaguely, sort of.

    An Oreo without the sweet center, is just a couple of wafers, and who doesn't like Oreos? Here's a toast to the good old fashioned double stuff.

  7. This ad of yours, from only march 31, asks "do you feel like being bad with a buddy? Do you want to watch me Fxxx him right in front of you? You

    in the Fxxx-, and he in the Bxxx"...

    it sure sounds like you are eluding to you getting busy in the middle of an mmf tag team event.

    If that is not your intent, you should probably be less suggestive. It is easy to read more into it as you have written it.


    I'm sorry ,when did I suggest this?My web site says I may consider this senario mmf,nothing about being in the middle,or any other positions or am I missing something,please clarify.

  8. It's pretty hard to have an an unattractive vagina. But people are people and they always want what they dont have, the grass is always greener on the other side, familiarity breeds contempt etc etc.

    If there was such a thing as a guy who found your vag unappealing, there are undoubtedly a whole bunch more who would dig those beefy steak drapes.

    Accept yourself now as you are and how you're built.

    • Like 1

  9. Oh , it gets way more interesting than this.

    The Victorian era in particular is worth expanding on.

    The phenomenon of bald pussies began then mostly amongst the prostitutes. Shaving purposefully was (and still is) an effective way of controlling crabs which were very common. However it also came as the result of medicating for clap or syphyllis. The only available medication at the time was mercury. Lightly poisoning oneself with quicksilver did control these std's to a certain extent, but were fairly heavy on the side effects, including madness, if the dose wasnt quite right and hair loss in the pubic region. Of course it didn't take long for people to figure out that a bald vag equated to a lady of "abundant exploit". So it was in the lady's interest to conceal this fact(the hair was also still valuable in hiding the more obvious physical features of std's such as sores, ulcers, drainage etc). So along came the development of the "merkin" ...a sort of toupee for the vagina. Now the only place you are likely to see one is on a Vegas showgirl or a model/actress. Interesting that the baldness that was once something to be ashamed of and hidden is currently considered desirable.


    From Desmond Morris, The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body (Vintage, 2005) pp.197-199 (my bold):

    Turning to the history of the removal of female pubic hair, it is clear that it is far from being a passing whim of modern fashion. Records show that it can be traced back as far as the ancient
    . Egyptian women were fastidious about their body hair, removing all traces of it. This was done by a 'waxing' process, using a sticky cream made out of honey and oil.


    It has also been claimed that
    King Solomon
    disliked female pubic hair. When the Queen of Sheba visited him, in the tenth century BC, he is reputed to have asked her to depilate herself before they made love, requiring that she made herself open to him by removing 'nature's veil'.


    A little later, in
    ancient Greece
    , it is recorded that men preferred their women to 'remove the hairs from their privy parts'. This was because 'the strong growth of hairs of southern women would otherwise prevent their private parts from being seen ...' As a result, in ancient Greece female depilation was the rule. It was achieved by one of three techniques. The first was hair-by-hair plucking; the second was singeing with a burning lamp; and the third by singeing with hot ashes.


    The practice of female pubic hair removal was also popular in
    ancient Rome
    , but their techniques were slightly different. Like the Greeks, they did employ plucking, using special tweezers called
    . Unlike the Greeks, however, they practiced the risky singeing techniques with the less hazardous application of depilatory creams. A form of waxing was also practiced, using pitch or resin. Among fashionable Romans, young girls would start to employ one of these methods as soon as their pubic hairs began to grow.


    When the Crusaders were in the Holy Land they discovered that
    Arab women
    depilated their pubic region. Impressed by what they experienced there, they brought the fashion back with them to
    where some aristocrats adopted it during the
    Middle Ages
    . It flourished for a while but then died out.


    Later, in the sixteenth century, it is known that
    Turkish women
    were so keen to denude their pubic region that special rooms were set aside for this purpose in the public baths. It was thought to be sinful for them to allow their pubic hair to grow naturally.


    By Victorian times, in Europe, the removal of pubic hair was unheard of, except possibly among some of the 'ladies of the night'. It did not re-surface as a popular female fashion until the
    sexually liberated days of the 1960s
    . Then, suddenly, anything was possible and certain leading figures rebelled against customs considered to be prudish or traditional. One of the most famous rebels was designer Mary Quant, who set out to shock by announcing publicly that she had had her pubic hair trimmed into a heart shape by her husband. Others soon followed her lead.


    During the 1970s the rise of the feminist movement saw a return to the natural look and pubic topiary once again fell out of favour. By the
    end of the twentieth century
    , however, it was back in a big way, with a whole variety of different styles. This new trend began because of a change in swimsuit fashions. The lower line of beachwear was cut higher and higher (to make the legs look longer) and this resulted in a few stray pubic hairs emerging on either side of the now very narrow strip of cloth between the legs. These hairs looked ugly and were quickly trimmed away. This 'concealment' trimming set in motion an increasingly drastic reduction in pubic hair. More and more extreme styles appeared until, eventually, complete removal of every single hair became the ultimate quest of the fashionable.
    By the early part of the twenty-first century, extreme pubic depilation had become the latest female fashion fad, a defiantly modern trend which, paradoxically, has returned us once more the popular pubic styles of the ancient civilizations.

    • Like 1

  10. Guys a dink. If he contacts you essentially to say he knows who and what you are, he should have the stones to say who he is, not play little guessing games like a 6 year old. To do otherwise is to play power games with information. Really bugs the piss out of me to read this.


    Someone I used to work with has contacted me on here a few times, but will not tell me who he is. He says if I can guess who he is, he'll tell me. All he'll let me know is that we worked together at a place that had over 2000 employees. Yeah. Like I can guess that.


    I hate that someone who knows my real name, and who knows what else about me, also knows about this part of my life. I find it very cruel that demeaning that he can message me on here, knowing all that, and have that power to not release the information about who he is.


    My advice to anyone in the situation the OP mentions is to keep it to yourself. Don't book her. Don't put her in an uncomfortable position.

    • Like 1

  11. i think he needs a video not a book.

    anything starring john leslie will do, he's the man.

    that'll give some good starters.

    beyond that the secret to dirty talk, in my opinion, is getting to a point where you don't really give much of a shit about sensibilities. in that regard, being horny out of your skull is a definite advantage.

    good luck.


    I don't think a book can teach him...it's in you or it's not. You have to be comfortable with yourself and your partner. Some people just can't do it. I really think it's a confidence thing and or a really horney thing..lol
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