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Posts posted by MacS

  1. Does anyone have any info on a SP by the name of Tink advertising on CL? The whole claim of 18 yrs old combined with "I used to be a model for many years" sends ye olde spidey sense a' tingilin'.


    I was only able to find an old (& closed) thread about a 'Tink' that barely mentioned her ... I assume the question was answered in a PM. Nothing found on Cowboy's blog either ... hmmm. To TOFTT or not to TOFTT - the eternal internal struggle of man!



  2. I was lucky enough to meet Brooke recently, and had a wonderful time with her. Without going into details, I can easily say that I will undoubtedly see her again.


    On a particular note, I would say that Brooke is incredibly beautiful. Curvy and firm, ... I'm actually having difficulty writing this, as my thoughts keep drifting back to our time together. Let that stand as a testament to Brooke.




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