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Posts posted by pumpkin

  1. I have gotten rid of all my cd's years ago because I download all of my music and have for quite some time, though recently I have been purchasing and adding to my vinyl collection oddly enough lol....as for books, I still prefer to read an actual book as opposed to reading on a device, I think there is just something about it, I love the smell of the print, the feel of holding the book in my hand and using an actual bookmark to mark my page...that's something I'll always prefer to do over reading online.

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  2. I suppose If I had to pick a category it would be option 3....for me it's much more than just sex, it's about meeting people I would never have met in other circles, people who don't mind my taking the time to get to know who they are as a person, beyond this lifestyle, that connection is what to me makes this experience human after all...and on the sexual side, it's pretty simple for me, I have to simply feel wanted for that period of time I'm there, I'm also big on passionate kissing which to me is one of the biggest ways I can connect physically, so I guess it's the experience as a whole that I crave :)

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  3. I'm pretty sure most of these have been mentioned, True Blood was definitely a fav, Game of thrones, The Vampire Diaries, the United States of Tara, The walking Dead, and pretty much anything on HBO

  4. Having visited 64 countries and lived in 3, my most recent trip was Sochi, Russia, which I Gladly replaced a family member who could not go, as a cousin of mine was one of our athletes performing there, very beautiful place, people were super accommodating and friendly.but my dream trip would be go to to Australia And/or New Zealand

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