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Posts posted by CORRY20

  1. In interview is a disgrace to this business and the lady they interviewed makes us all sound like gold diggers. Plus the amount of money her friend claims to have made in 3 weeks is definitely not even in the right ball park, she would have had to work a heck of a lot more that 3/4 days a week at $300/hr to even come close to that amount. All the article did is illusion other women with how much money can be made there. Yes St. john's is good business wise but its not the gold mine Sugar claims it is.


    Now with the video being shot in the Delta (Smart move from a local lady) thank you very much for jeopardizing everyone else's possible working environment. So much for being discreet, if once conducts an interview like this, how on earth are they discreet with business?


    After I declined to do the interview, they used me in the news last night and Keissy too, yet no other ladies local or what not were used.(I declined when the network refused to sign a confidentiality agreement) There is footage of my bag getting into a taxi(I have unique patterned luggage) which creeps me out to know someone was watching me in an airport. And they showed tweets from last October (which means I was the subject for a while) I am really sickened by all of this.


    They took away from the actual story and what they aired was awful.


    They also showed the Hillview Terrace Suites.That is just crazy and wrong and very dangerous to the ladies.

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