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bailey summer of Winnipeg

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Posts posted by bailey summer of Winnipeg

  1. Hello Everybody,


    I just recently joined CERB a few days ago in an attempt to enter into the SP world. I have always wanted to become a call girl and now I am working towards making that happen, however, a girl can always use more advice. This site is full of useful advice but I haven't been able to find much information on starting out in the industry. I am very excited about joining the community and I love the website so far....Please help me make this transition more flawless.

    Thank you Take care and I hope to hear from you soon






    First and foremost, welcome to Cerb! Allow me to be warm-heatedly open and honest in a humble manner...


    As a recently retired HCSP, I am intrigued to know the reasons, if any, why you are pursuing this profession. As for myself, it was therapeutic for me, mentally, sexually and socially. I have esteem issues from many years of harboring childhood trauma. I made something negative in my life into something positive by helping out others through being Bailey Summer. I was however mostly me as clients got to know me, and I was cool with that entirely. I am polite, funny, charming witty and super horny, which resulted in making my clients feel happy, desired and listened to at all times. This has undeniably been the key to all my success. While looks are the "foot in the door", personality and attitude are also prudent attributes when seeking repeat clients for long term goals. Lastly, the most grave piece of advice I recommend for you is, to ensure you know all of your personal boundaries BEFORE you test the waters. This profession can make you or break you, HOWEVER, if you are connected with who you are and your inner purposes, you will succeed. If it's about the money, don't even bother. All the very best and keep me posted!!!


    Bailey Summer of Winnipeg (retired)

    • Like 3

  2. The first experience I had was on CL. Just about made me swear off trying this again. Drug addicts, meetings in locations that you would never go to for any other reason, bad service etc. Photos are doctored, ages are lies etc etc.


    I stumbled on cerb and what a world of difference. Do not waste your time look into the SPs here and on EC.

    You aren't the only one I have heard that from...such desperate & pathetic behavior...truly, truly sad.

    PS Bailey I can not wait to see you again


    You are so sweet!!! I have sincerely enjoyed all our experiences together & am so looking forward to seeing you soon!!! Feel free to text me anytime, I would love to hear from you!!! XOXO


    bailey summer,

    This is so beautifully said I do not know how I can add to it. I echo your sentiments on performance, attitude, chemistry, respect and trust...:grin:


    I will add this, speaking as a repeat client...when what you expressed here is genuinely expressed to the client - it is priceless to that person.


    Thanks again everyone and keep having fun,



    Thank you so much for the reflective sincerity of your words & thoughts, I am truly flattered! Kisses!

  4. the following is a true story.


    Client walks in, exchanges pleasantries and asks if i have any spray. Spray? I ask. 'yeah, for the bathroom,' he replies. 'um, uh yeah, it's behind the toilet.' great. So this guy is going to take a dump just moments before i am to give him oral. F-a-b-u-l-o-u-s. But it gets worse. Because i hear it. Plop, whish, plop plop. He left the door open! Now i'm holding in my vomit. He flushes the toilet, only to come back without washing his hands! And claims he doubt it all went down. Huh? Apparently, he'll have to go back before he leaves to make sure he gets it all down with a second flush. Now how's that for foreplay? I think we need a puking smilie for this one.


    way too much info girl!

  5. This would not be cool for me at all - when I'm out and about there is always a very good chance I'm with my wife... especially at common stops like the grocery store, pharmacy or a gas station. If she's not right at my side, she's probably coming around the corner right behind me.




    I agree 100% with bailey summer - this is a secret society, and should be kept that way.


    I assume that an SP does what she does to make money - it is her job (yes, she may love what she does, but I love my job too - a job is still a job). I assume that after hours, outside of her job she has her own life - a life that I AM NOT A PART OF.


    I assume that an SP's SO could be right around the corner, or perhaps she's with her sister or her mother... I assume that she doesn't want to have explain me to someone very close to her - someone who may not know about her other life (I don't know about you, but I am a lousy liar).


    An SP should assume that about me too.


    We may bond, we may be friends, we may share a very special connection - but there are two completely different lives being led here. If some other understanding is reached by an SP and a client, and it overrides these assumptions - great! - If not, assume that this relationship needs to be kept discrete, at all times.


    Loose lips, sink ships as they say. IMHO, my experiences have always remained as discreet as possible, being discreet is FAR more exciting & adventurous!:bddog:

  6. One of our members (OutForFun) brought this iphone app called tapatalk to my attention yesterday and asked me if I had ever heard of it. I had not so I looked into it and decided to give it a try.


    Now the app itself has a FREE version but you can only READ posts with it... to reply to posts you need the paid version of the app (It's 2.99 in the app store but if you like the free version it may be worth it to you as we all know the mobile version of cerb could be improved and this may just be the right direction).


    When you log into the site right now using a iphone you will get a notice pop up about tapatalk. You can click Cancel and go on the way you normally do or click OK and learn about this application.


    I would encourage you to download the FREE version and at least give it a try and let us know what you think.


    So far we know that it does not work with the photo albums or the chat room (Nothing on the iphone allows flash so the chat room will not work with any iphone apps - not even the gordon app that translates flash)


    ...but everything else seams to work fine. I don't have a iPhone myself to test it out on but OutForFun sent me a whack of screen shots and lots of info! (Big thanks to OutForFun for testing both the free and paid versions of the app).


    The app works on MANY discussion sites (all running the software we use here). Apparently it works on android phones and soon Blackberry and Nokia will be available as well.


    What I need to know is ....


    1) Is this something our members are interested in?

    2) Does it make the mobile experience better for you?

    3) Should we keep it or drop it?


    Anyone who tries it please let us know what you think (Especially if you like it as I need to know if we should keep it as an option or not)



    Cool, I will def have to check that out!!!

  7. PistolPete is the quintessential Ambassador of CERB. I do declare.


    A quick run down of his stats here on CERB


    - An Elite member

    - A CERB awarded Valued Member

    - 2993 posts to date

    - Has over 500 reputation points

    - 11,628 profile page visits

    - 10 Group memberships


    - 400 friends and climbing



    Congrats Pete, you deserve it.






    Pete has the natural ability to make people feel welcomed, invited, appreciated, listened to, comforted & most of all, acknowledged. Three cheers to a man whom I have yet to explore with....no one is more deserving!


    Thank you Pete for simply being you. This world needs more people like you, truly. Congratulations! :bowdown:

    • Like 1

  8. I always drink lots of bottled water, a minimum of two liters a day. Not because I feel I HAVE to, but because, well, I am a thirsty girl by nature & I find it most replenishing. I have been known to squirt & gush from time to time & have always been complimented on the taste of my own nectar. People forget the importance that when it comes to nutrition, being generous to your body with lots of water is detoxifying, replenishing & most vital for your temple. It casts out toxins and rejuvenates the body's ability to function the way nature intended. My main point being, is that if you drink lots of water everyday, & eat what you want (within reason), your PH balance will leave your peach ripe, sweet & juicy all year round, organically speaking of coarse (no pun intended, lol). Oh, this also goes for the fellas! :69:


    • Like 1

  9. from what I've learned however...regardless of regular visits or a great relationship with a client one MUST put a price to that. In this month alone I have put the halt on seeing regulars on social outings "off the clock". This is hard because I still appreciate their company yet still must take my business seriously.


    I know this may not be what you are getting at Bailey I just thought that the subject should be addressed. I have lost a few clients recently who have talked about "so-and-so" going out with them for dinner etc with no fee attached or who have invited them out for drinks.


    while I love spending time with my regulars the unfortunate thing is that while money is aside most of the time for us, we can't make our rent by going for drinks off the clock....and once the price is set some will abide if they enjoy our company....and others will be more than happy to take advantage of an invitation to hang out from someone else for free.


    its like I said before....money is aside, however, its still a business. Priceless is not a term I use with regulars....I am delighted more than any client to see them, but I know that if i'm going to give a freebie of social time I'm going to hurt another girl's business potentially...or even my own thus welcoming drama.


    Whereas consensual arrangements, rooted from boundaries, have automatically flourished happiness between the SP & client relationship. As time goes on, this paves the way to a healthy companionship they both easily find comfort in, & that they simply haven't found anywhere else. As far as I am concerned, you can't really put a price on that. This is just my personal experience though....

    I did use the term arrangements....also boundaries....you must have missed that part....?

  10. I'm curious to hear from the SPs how valued regular clients are. In the traditional 'business world' many companies are seeing that it is greater value to retain existing clients than try and attract new ones. Does any of this apply to the hobby world? To what degree do SPs value and try and retain regulars?


    From a client standpoint and speaking only for me I can say that I feel a huge loyalty to the SPs I've made a connection with in my short time exposed to this. I view it as a business relationship with huge personal/emotional/physical attributes and wonder if the value I place in those relationships is shared.


    Guys feel free to chime in with your views on loyalty to a given lady.


    Regular/repeat clients are humbling & much appreciated for so many reasons. It speaks volumes as far as performance, attitude, chemistry, respect & trust on both sides. Building a strong foundation like this between two people in the real world, is far & few between. Negative setbacks in real relationships, naturally occur in time, such as jealousy for example. Whereas consensual arrangements, rooted from boundaries, have automatically flourished happiness between the SP & client relationship. As time goes on, this paves the way to a healthy companionship they both easily find comfort in, & that they simply haven't found anywhere else. As far as I am concerned, you can't really put a price on that. This is just my personal experience though....:grin:

    • Like 2

  11. OK...before I start, yes I am a bit bored right now lol.

    Since the weekend was so beautiful, I dedicated my time to the yard. I love to garden but hate to wear gloves (or shoes for that matter).

    Digging in the dirts, pulling weeds etc...all with bare hands. I also decided to tackle that pesky weed wacker that quit on me last year.

    Short of getting fake nails....how do I get the grease and dirt out from under my nails and from around my cuticles. As a stop gap measure, I applied dark brown polish to my rather short natural nails.



    What about Oxi-Clean? That stuff is AMAZING!!! Or, you can go get a manicure and let them get it out :idea:

  12. As a newbie at this very exciting lifestyle - I always wondered what would happen if I saw / or bumped into a client - and I never realized what I would do until today....


    ... We both ignored each other !!! ...


    Hmmm ... wasn't expecting that. Is that okay? I hope I didn't offend him - or maybe he didn't even see me? I'm sorry "you know who" ;)


    Just two compete strangers walking by each other at the corner store MACs.



    I want to just make a point here, which is the fact that "we", as in SP's & Hobbyist's, are somewhat (meaning most of us) a type of secret society if you really do think about it. We are cautious about almost everything we do & say when engaging in this lifestyle. Whether we are using alias names, screening, requesting discretion, requiring an i/c or o/c location etc...the bottom line is that we are overall trying to maintain some degree of discretion, right? So when it comes to something like bumping into someone outside of the experience, the discretion becomes vulnerable. The question of what to do shouldn't be too hard to think about whilst seeking the best answer. Just saying...:rolleyes:

    • Like 2

  13. My pet peeves other than the ones mention


    The car who is first inline in the left-hand turning lane who is sleeping when they get a green arrow.


    The car who wants to turn left in the next lane but thinks he is driving a bus and veers right into my lane to make a wide left sweeping turn.


    The car from out of province who insists on driving in the left lane. The left lane is used for passing in Quebec even if you are doing 150km. Let the guy behind you go by.


    While waiting to get a parking spot at a mall, the person who sees you waiting, but insists on getting in their car, adjusting the seats, adjusting their mirrors, lighting up a cigarette while talking on their cell phone and then realizing that they have to do up their seat belt. Ahhhhhh


    You can tell I'm one of those crazy impatient Quebec drivers.





    I was hoping to catch a post where someone else in this crazy hectic world feels the exact same way I do!!! Thank you my friend, thank you! :bowdown:

  14. Cerb is all about the fun we have with sp's, but is there one time in particular that was really outstanding for you, where the sex was mindboggling, where your fantasies were totally fulfilled?


    For sp's, too, did you ever have a specially good time with a client that you'd like to tell us about? What made it so good?


    You don't have to name names, just describe what was special in your experience.


    What's your very best?


    I never thought it would happen to me...but thank God it did!!! After texting back & forth for a few days prior to my appointment with the utmost charming man I have met in a very long time, we finally met face to face the other day. I don't want to disclose any personal intimate details to everyone because there are too many amazing moments that would require my own page on this thread! Let me just say that I haven't stopped thinking about the entire experience with him ever since it happened! In the end however, we were happily drenched in our own sweat & juices, trying to grasp the simple fact that the whole erotic experience we just shared, was in fact real, because him & I both felt it was absolutely magical! I can't wait to see him again this week!!!:bddog:

  15. I had found that definition on some urban....site. I do agree with the whole experience of it and not just the condom aspect and have had the pleasure of enjoying said "experience". It can and is very fun!!


    I hope you don't mind that I have added some of the PSE things that I do to my website. I just had not put them under my PSE services and your post helped classify them. Thank you!!





    Not at all! It's all to often I get an email on my website from a new client, asking to me clarify it for them, they automatically assume that "GFE" & "PSE" are one in the same, or quite closely resembled when it cums to the initial performance. But once I reply to them, & explain the true difference between the two (IMO), I usually get booked immediately thereafter! So go ahead girl & feel free to borrow some of my definitions of "PSE" all you want, it's simply just my clear perception of how my "PSE" experience's should be performed!!!! But hey, that's just me....:bddog:


  16. This is so very true about GFE.


    PSE is activity that is done bareback meaning no condom. Whether it is done oral, anal or vaginal.


    PSF Acronym for Porn Star Finish. When an SP allows someone to cum on their face or body like a porn movie instead of cum inside her.


    I myself only do the PSE oral on my terms and give the option of the PSF.


    You only do what you are comfortable with and who you do it with.




    My version of PSE (The Way I LIKE IT!!!)= dirty talk, pussy spanking, spitting on genitalia while bbbj/cbj (yes I have done it cbj as requested), hair pulling during whatever (consensually), tit smacking/spanking either with hands or cock, gagging giving oral then spitting on it like a dirty lil bitch until you eyes overwhelmingly tear up (HUGE FAN BTW), blowing cum bubbles after CIM, hmmmmm....let's see what else....tasting digits after been inside (nothing unusual), BUT IMHO, not everything PSE "style" as you lovely ladies call it, require to be condom optional! The important thing to remember is to trust your instinct at best, and if you have to think about it too long, you should probably use a condom!

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