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Posts posted by Mutau

  1. Most interesting thread.


    The manner of communicating with a potential play partner of course stems from the desires made known by the lady. If her web site, her CERB/LYLA profile, or other public material requests that contact be made in a certain fashion then we, the seekers of pleasure, should follow suit.


    But Cato is correct in stating that anticipation does increase with an exchange of pleasantries.

    • Like 2

  2. As in every small business operation, it is very important to have a reliable and sector-smart tax accountant to back you up. The person must be able to use your expenses outlaid to offset the income generated.


    A business is a business: it is the bottom line that one looks at. Having fun of course is the icing on the cake.


    Cheers to our lovely business ladies. May their profits flourish!

    • Like 1

  3. When I was about 15 my father had to into the hospital for an operation. My older brother and I took over his responsibilities for two weeks to clean and flood two outdoor rinks at one of the city's playgrounds.


    It was early morning and late night work in some very frigid temperatures. Oh the foolishness of youth!

  4. Interesting dilemma which you posit Jane. Are the business operators going to falsify matters or will the market dictate?


    There are many ways for the board owners to raise capital.


    However, the main questions are:

    Will the hobbyists and service providers (all inclusive here) remain connected?


    Will they find that the board provides an appropriate venue for their needs?


    I believe that in Canada CERB provides a medium for the fair exchange of information for all to use as they see fit.

  5. Well said, Renegade.


    Too often people try to de-personalize a matter. Here in Canada we are indeed very fortunate to live where we do: in a peace-loving, caring, nurturing, and safe society.


    The red poppy is for remembrance of the sacrifices made by not only Canadians but others from around the world.


    Thank you, thank you, to all those before us who paid the ultimate price.


    As well, we remember those maimed and injured and still living among us as a reminder of the ravages of wars, not only past but present.


    We do not celebrate war by the wearing od the red poppy. We pay respect to those fallen and the survivors.


    Thank you, merci beaucoup.

    • Like 4

  6. All humans are multifaceted individuals who display certain features/characteristics to specific audiences. Whether it is a vanilla façade or a kinky predilection, your mind is quick to steer you in the right direction.

    I find that both men and women are predacious once you accept the fact that if you want something you must seek it out and make it yours.

    Labels could be appropriate, but I abhor them. They are restrictive and connote boundaries.

    Why be restrictive when your mind is not. Be open and free to sharing and experiencing life in whatever form and shape it comes at you.

    • Like 2

  7. Bonjour Mlle Raven,

    This definition was taken from the Urban Dictionary.

    Flaming: An online argument that becomes nasty or derisive, where insulting a party to the discussion takes precedence over the objective merits of one side or another.

    X was flaming Y over his religious beliefs

    Hope this helps you!

  8. If my partner can be multi orgasmic during an encouner so much the better. We are meeting to have an enjoyable time. What better way!


    No, I do not think that a lady having multiple orgasms is faking. It is simply her body reacting to the caring ministrations of an attentive lover.


    What is really a turn on is maintaining your partner at an orgasmic plateau level as her body repeatedly spasms and squirts. Delicious!


    But a word of caution: please allow her to rest from time to time. There is such a thing as too many orgasms as her passionate parts may become too sensitive to stimulation. Once rested, you can then tease her and please her so that she may reach many more orgasms.

    • Like 7

  9. Not being too shy about encounters (do not mistake shy with indiscreet) the following may be of interest.

    Recently, I was fortunate enough to be an active participant in a MFMF foursome. Individual e-mail contact was made with my fellow play partners to determine if they would be willing to be participants in this adventure. Once all had agreed then communal communications were made between the four of us to properly plan and co-ordinate our respective schedules. And you thought organizing a threesome was fun!

    At the outset you must know that I had only met and been intimate with one of the ladies: the divinely seductive Gabriella Laurence. I had met our fellow male collaborator, Bucken, once before and felt quite certain that this foursome would be enjoyed. For several weeks I had been corresponding with the second lady, the intriguing Georgiana Sweet, and she consented to join in the fun.

    The date and time of our encounter arrived and we all met at the designated place. Couch time was taken to become acquainted and get the electricity flowing. Celebratory toasts were made and then showers were undertaken to cleanse ourselves for the festivities.


    I leave it to your respective fertile imaginations to portray in living technicolour the variety of positions that four adults can accomplish on a large bed in the pursuit of carnal pleasures. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and many orgasmic releases were provided for all. Since we all had such a good time we are giving serious consideration to a repeat encounter. Oh joy!

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