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Posts posted by candleman2485

  1. I think at one point, Lacey may have been one of Halifax's newest, but the time she gave today left me feeling satisfied and wanting more, like I'd expect from any good SP. Not only did she have an amazing amount of patience for an old sport like me, her enthusiasm blew me away.


    She humoured me and answered a dozen questions at least. It takes quite a bit for me to get over how anxious I occasionally feel, and she put me at rest and comfort in minutes. She definitely offered genuine conversational interest and doesn't lie about her sweet and down to earth personality.


    When the moment came to step out of the (dozen) layers I had on, I was playing catch up and loving each moment. Her soft skin and round curves were an excellent distraction, and if all this wasn't enough, in the middle of some of her breathless moans, she still managed to keep conversation.


    The talent that Lacey has definitely warrants a return visit. If I had to pick one thing I liked most, I'd say it was how into the GFE role she was and how easy she made it for me to enjoy myself. Oh, and did I mention she had a spectacularly enjoyable body?

  2. I'll be making a few trips to Halifax in 2010 and will certainly take advantage of every opportunity, but living a solid 4 hours away, are there any SPs available south of Halifax on either north/south shore? Or perhaps, if anyone has a good idea of how I'd go about safely looking for one?


    Thanks. This is definitely a first post, but I've frequented CERB for almost a year. Finally took the plunge and registered, hoping to do a review or two soon. :-D

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