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Posts posted by clancy

  1. I identify the source, if it is something brought on by something I did or said I own up to it and or apologize and make an honest effort to rectify the situation. Be kind, honest, respectful, fair, and generous to yourself as well as others. Say what you mean and mean what you say, give complements and refrain judgement. Give people the benefit of doubt, we are all human and make mistakes, so don't beat yourself up either. Assume nothing, if you want to know, ask. Pay attention to the people you know that always seem to have it together and talk to them if possible. I`ve learned to choose my battles, in other words remember what is important. Family and friends are all we have if nothing else. Money and nice things are good but not essential to live happily. Balance work, play and rest, that balance is different for everybody so find what works for you. Don't worry about keeping up with the Jones`s. Life is short, not a competition or race but if you can smile you`ve won.

    One of my favorite sayings is "Whether you think you can or can`t, you`re right" so never give up. In every problem lies a solution.

    Above all else be silly from time to time and have fun! After all...laughter is the best medicine, or a close second to time spent with one of the beautiful angels of CERB!!

    I love this place and the people I`ve met (on and offline)! I truly mean that!

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  2. Just a shout out to all of you beautiful SPs out on the prairie highways and roads! Please be careful and prepared for this cold cold weather! I`ve seen three fuel nozzles freeze and dump gas all over. I`ve also had to help a few people with cars that wont start. There isn't much worse than being in a broken down car without provisions for heat, candles or those new gel fuel heaters and blankets. It was a balmy -35 celsius here in Wolseley Saskatchewan today with high winds. The next two nights will be just as cold. Wishing I was in Regina or home in Winnipeg so I could warm up with somebody (wink)!!

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  3. As I mentioned before, I like change and variety and this is basically the reason as why I hobby and though I fully respect the individuals' decision for the repeats with same lady as the choice and preference but can"t really fully understand the logic behind it for those who may be single. So the unresolved question in my mind is if a single person in no relationship prefers so strongly to repeat with the same lady again and again, then why not just find a GF and I am sure in most cases it would be a lot less expensive. I used to do this 12-15 years ago when I was student with little money (each relationship lasted a few months at the most) and the cost of taking the lady to the dinner or a dance bar in a month was significantly less than what I spend now on hobby in a week.



    Speaking for myself, I have never had trouble finding a GF, keeping one...not so lucky. With work it is very difficult to plan anything at all. One GF came on the road one job with a buddy`s wife, and after working 14-16 hr shifts they were dissapointed that we weren`t up for going out or staying up late. You can`t make an appointment with a GF for an hour or two and go to sleep, we all know what that outcome is, and rightly so. I don`t think I`ve had the equivalent of a month off in the last 2 years so to dedicate time is near impossible. If and when I do decide to settle down and take a clients full time offer I may consider doing things differently.

    On that note, (warning...the following statement consists of much ass kissing), I think if any of my many girlfriends had some of the great qualities (class/personality) that I`ve found with the fine ladies here things likely would be different.

  4. I have to say I agree with Megan to some extent. I have found someone I trust and am very comfortable with just being myself. I am not worried about personal feelings getting in the way since I haven`t forgotten the nature of our relationship but she is very sweet and I truly do care for her as a friend.

    Life is too short to not pursue those things that make us happy. This doesn`t mean playing the field is not in my future because there are so many beautiful ladies here that I would like to get to know, some I`ve messaged already but the opportunity hasn`t come yet. So I`ll just go with the flow and see what`s around the next bend.:D

  5. Last night after the game I was up too late downloading Chelsea Dagger and cleaning up my ipod. I know alot of Philly fans that hate that song now!! It`s awesome to play it when I talk to them, I would like to have it on facebook but I`m not that computer literate.

    Can`t wait for game two...Go Hawks!!!

  6. Both of my parents are very good cooks and everything they made was very good, yes even their liver and onions were good. There are a couple things I will avoid:


    -Corned beef



    -Blood Sausage, sounds gross for the right reason.

    -I never order lobster...but king crab legs....mmmmmm

    -Seldom buy fish, always have fresh caught pickerel on hand along with smoked goldeyes and catfish.

    -Never tried a fish head and never will


    Almost all of my meals are home cooked, I bring my little George Forman grill with me and cook full meals in my small hotel room. It`s healthier and leaves a few extra dollars for other fun activities:boobies:!!

    My carrots rock! So I`m told. I cook them in butter, frozen orange juice and fresh ground ginger root, YUM.

  7. :bowdown:CHANTAL:bowdown:


    Wow!!! I did not expect what was coming.


    First off I was very fortunate to stumble onto this site. After reading alot of the threads and follow-up posts I knew I had to be a part of it. Imagine a community of people showing each other respect, friendship, advice and truly caring for each other, wow.


    Not sure exactly what drew me to Chantal but I must say...impressed is an understatement...thank you. Guess I`ve come to a time in my life when I`ve decided to re-evaluate what`s really important and do some things for me...sometimes I still feel a little selfish, but extremely happy and don`t regret one second of it.


    How do you describe a woman who makes you feel like there isn`t a single thing wrong with the world we live in for the whole duration of each and every visit, and various moments throughout each day that follows? Thank you Chantal.


    The first time I made contact was a pm through C.E.R.B. Follow up messages were done through texts. The hours leading up to the first visit were nerveracking to say the least. Being completely new to all of this thoughts of police and watching myself on upcoming newscasts raced through my mind while pressing send on my cell phone each time. The word CELL stood out in my mind in huge bold capital letters, LOL. Finally we are about to meet in fifteen minutes...shit I have to find an A.T.M.


    Just parked in the back at the hotel and bzzzz... a new text, "I`m here". Standing beside a ford escort is this tall, beautiful, young lady. I`m thinking...O.K. she`s in the front. I give a little wave with my cell and O.M.G. it`s her. Wow!


    We say "hi" and instantly I am calm and at ease. We go into my room and in no time I am involved in the best kissing session I`ve experienced in a very long time. I don`t believe what followed can ever be topped:boobies::boobeyes::bjs::cooter::69::bjs::-D, though the second, third, fourth, fifth and hmmm....think I`ve lost count. Each time leaves a memory that I will cherish forever. She is a very busy lady but well worth the wait. If I have some free time I will not think twice about booking and driving the 2 hrs each way from Winnipeg.


    I rated location and atmosphere as tens because neither one really mattered. She made me forget everything but she and I.


    These few words cannot come close to describing my experiences with her but I can attest to every other review about her. She is absolutely amazing!

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