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Posts posted by SierraAtBarbs

  1. Well since ive moved over to the fax i guess to really be a part of thing I should get in here. I love the fax the girlz are beautiful and the private rooms are way better then barbs. I think Ill stick around for a bit. Hope to see u there. Maybe I should think of changing my name. Lol, Ill be waiting for all u handsome men.

  2. I had been looking forward to getting together with a cerb friend who has identical tastes to my own, to chat, compare notes, swap stories. I was especially looking forward to it because of a very stressful day at work. So looking forward to it! We agreed to meet at Barb's that night.


    First though a detour to visit Constance Jansen.


    Phase One: Constance

    Constance greets me in a short pink dress, looking fit and hot. That's how she looks, fit and hot, but there was something even more special about her tonight, maybe her dark silky hair flowing loose, maybe the tightness of the dress emphasizing her athletic body, maybe the pleasure of anticipation and feeling of relief to be with her again. We drink, we talk, we retire to the bedroom. She undresses, magnificent, and we embrace. After an especially passionate session, we feel we're in afterglow, it feels so genuine. Great sex is so much better when there's a bond. Constance has allowed me in a bit, into her world. There is a bond. It's hard to leave her, but my friend awaits. Barb's awaits.


    Phase Two: Melanie

    I arrive at Barb's ahead of my friend. Immediately I'm joined at my table by the exquisite Melanie, and by Sierra. These two beauties sitting down beside me, I'm in ecstasy. My friend will be impressed, I think. He arrives, and is impressed. Mel has everything arranged. She and I will go off to the Champagne Room, and my friend will take Sierra.

    What can I say about Mel? Small in stature, huge in spunk and spirit. Perfectly proportioned body, beautiful face, breasts, abs, legs, bum, everything. Playboy quality. Such a dancer. I can't resist her, again, just like last time. I can't get my hands off her. Eventually I have to, and we go back to the bar, but not before she buys herself a couple of sexy new outfits from the vendor who's set up in the back. She looks amazing in them. (There are at least two Melanies at Barb's, and a Melodie, I think. Mine is, not surprisingly, the hot spinner, with medium length dark hair, and an awesome body).


    Phase Three: Sierra

    My friend and Sierra join us. They've had a very good time, too. Sierra suggests we swap. After a bit of a rest (the evening has been intense), and trips to the ATM, we do. I take Sierra back to 'her office' in the CR, and we talk for a while. She's enjoying cerb. We discuss posting pictures. We discuss her favorite bedroom techniques, and my imagination starts to whirl. Then she dances for me, and her body and her moves have me aroused again. I imagine using the techniques we've just been talking about on her, I so want to, but part of the stripper experience is the tease, the promise and denial, and she works it brilliantly. I'm eating out of her hand, so to speak.

    I notice my friend is enjoying Mel, so all is well. We all meet up for another drink and a laugh, and go our ways.


    So two hours with Constance, and two trips to the Champagne Room at Barb's. Expensive? Yes, but we only live once, as far as we know. Would I do it again? Whenever I can.



    It was an amazing night, I really miss a few of the girlz since i went to the fax. She was awsome, and the night definetly had a nice hot flow to it, if u know what i mean. There are hotties (or spinners as cato would say) at the fax too and much better private rooms.

  3. Duh. Your right Cato. I have no idea why I typed Sep. Asleep at the switch or wishing time away which is not good either. Now I get Sierra's "I have no idea" response. I'm losing it...so the Fax, eh - but on a Sunday?

    hey so ya no more barbs 4 me ill be at the fax, i guess ill have to change my name. Lol. luv to see u its so much fun at the fax im luving it and the private rooms are way better.


    Additional Comments:

    Looking forward to your pics, Sierra!


    Sorry hun, I got busy but I do want to put the pics up and I have started working on them. So just give me time I think youll like them.

  4. Quieter? People are likely taking advantage of weather and time off for extended summer weekend getaways. That'll probably change come the Fall, when people have used up their vacation time ...

    I agree cause this started wheh the weather got nice, So things change and who knows maybe youll see me on a weekend. Going to the fax tonight I like going there every once and a while to switch it up. I'm sexcited. bye luv.


    Additional Comments:

    Thanks for letting us know about your new schedule, Sierra.

    How about posting some pics of your gorgeous self on here?

    I promise by the end of the week I will have pics up. I have to work on them first remove a couple tatoos and fade my face. (sorry boys) Youll have to come in to see that.

  5. Hey everyone, yes Im still at barbs and luvin every minet of it. Except when I'm lonly and all alone. Believe it or not Fri and Sat are becoming the quietest nights so I think Im gonna start making those my nights off. Just wanted to let all my handsome boys know I'll be at barbs from Sun to Thurs 9 to close. I'll be waiting for you.

  6. While I've been to Barb's many times, but somehow I've never managed to connect with that magnificent treasure otherwise known as Sierra - until tonite.

    She is beautiful, sexy, and fun of course, but I was also amazed to find that lapdances could be a highly educational experience. Over the course of an hour or so we discussed engineering ( the load bearing capacity of the erect female nipple), physiology (the undervalued nature of collarbones and hipbones as erogenous zones), social etiquette (the importance of correctly removing boots and panties to foreplay), and psychology (why men can sense when women are in a bad mood). Sierra was in a very good mood btw. :)

    Seriously, Sierra is a blast to talk to, not to mention gorgeous, and I can't wait until the next time we meet. And folks, you have to check out those nipples. :wink:

    Your the best. I had a very nice time too, not to mention you made me pretty hot literally and sexually. Lol. I'm happy to here you had a good time. Theres a lot more where that came from. Cant wait 4 u to come again and again. Literaly and sexually. Lol. I'll be waiting for u......


    Additional Comments:

    Another fun time with Sierra tonight, at last. It's been far too long. I talked about our meeting on the Barb's thread, but wanted to add here my complete agreement with Skidman. Hips and thighs as erogenous zones, the importance for the male of not fumbling the removal of his partner's bra, the advantages and disadvantages of various positions... A stream of charged sexual talk, and the dancing, assured, athletic, arousing.

    The body, firm and strong and shapely. Pleasures offered yet withheld, the ultimate erotic tease, not at all frustrating though, but pleasurable in its own way, because we're indulging in a game of flirtation and arousal, like an extended foreplay, and it feels good.

    Thank you, Sierra, for another intoxicating evening.

    Wow, Ill sleep good tonight, babe your so good to me. Always a pleasure. xoxo. Dont forget about me, or ill have to remind u again.

  7. There's some great advice here ... having the waitress call them over or offering them a drink are great ideas if you are shy.


    I've heard from a veteran dancer that dancers look for middle aged men, preferably by themselves as its easier to approach on guy than a bunch. Dress business casual. Those are the guys that usually have the money. The only reason this wouldn't work is if they are waiting for a really big spender to arrive.


    I had to laugh, thats bang on you really know what your talking bout. too funny, and kinda cute.

  8. Reading the thread "Best way to say no" to a stripper got me thinking about my recent trip to Ottawa.


    During my trip I visited the strip clubs 4 times, twice I went with co-workers, and twice I found myself killing time so I went alone. During these 4 visits I/we got varied responses from the girls. We got the girls who we weren't interested in and had to polietly send them away, we had some girls come over that we were happy to see so we spent some money on dances, but the most frustrating part was when you see a beautiful girl that you would love to get a dance from but you can't seem to get her to notice you. I am not a fan of simply walking over and bluntly asking for a dance. If you do that the girl will say yes but it's straight to the back room, she dances a couple songs and it's all over with barely a word said between you. I personally prefer a little bit of conversation maybe a little flirting before heading into the back, it just makes the expierence more pleasureable.


    So I ask, How do you get noticed by strippers in the club?


    I've been working at barbs 4 bout a year, and I'm not really one for working the tables. I wont aproach a guy unlesss hes looking at me or I feel really good about it. I know im wierd, but you dont have to go to a girl and ask her for a dance. Ive had guys ask me if id like to come sit down, ive also had guys ask if id like a drink witch involves sitting. If you ask for a dance yes youll be in the back and the whole thing will be over in minets, so try changing the approch and youll change the out come. If you wait 4 girls to come to you, you might not get the girl you want. Go get em tiger.

  9. It starts picking up when the weather gets nice, customer and girl wise. Thats why it was busier this week, we noticed as well, ( we as in the girls) so if your looking not to get pressured its better to go before 8 or 9. Most girls come in around 9, the more girls the more your gonna get asked to go for dances, but as a plus you'll also have more beautiful ladies to look at, and who knows maybe there will be a lucky girl you'll want a dance from.

  10. Sierra is my fave! she does really playful couples dances...very cool chick. I missd her unfortunately the other night as she came in later than I was there so we got a dance from another lovely lady.


    Kkottawa, I left her a note, tell her to email me if u see her! xoxo ;-)



    Hey, sorry i missed u, I'll be there Sat night. If you cant make it then, Im there evenings Tues through Sat. My schedules been off lately, I've been very busy. Things should be back to normal as of next week. Got your note, so hopefully well talk soon. xxxxx

  11. Wow Cato, that was very sweet of you to say all that about me, you made me feel so beautiful and sexy. I had a nice time too. It was also nice to put a face to your name. Once I saw you I totally recognized you from our last night together months ago. lol. It was a hot dance for sure, and there are many more where that came from. You really know how to make a women feel good. Hope to see you soon.

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