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Posts posted by Catfish101

  1. Ignoring the, for want of a better word, boldness of operating this way, the recruitment of workers from a teen help hotline is troubling, and so is having your 17-year-old son involved, doing it in a home with your kids, and particularly sharing cocaine and X with your kid.

    I wouldn't call this a waste of taxpayer dollars, or an example of LE oppressing sex workers. This seems like a case of irresponsibility on many levels leading to inevitable and, probably, necessary LE intervention.


    Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using Tapatalk

    should taxes be part of these discussions? I mean really.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  2. I loved being able to change my name when I got bored! I have never changed it to purposely 'trick' anyone.


    Quite the opposite; I tell my clients if I am planning a name change and when arranging dates after a name change, I state that I had another name. Usually, the number even stays the same. The only time I've ever changed both at the same time is when I've relocated in the past, and I'm still honest.


    When I started, part of the fun was trying on different names to see what clicked! Now that I have a name I really, really love that I feel 'fits' (6 years later), I certainly plan to keep it permanently. But.. things change. I could get bored again; might need a little change to keep it interesting someday. Never know.

    Besides, it really only matters if the hobbyists attracted to the new name don't want to see that particular SP, as tbhobbyist pointed out. People don't often have to hide which SP they are, even in this city. And when they do, I'm sure it's because they've done something to wrong that hobbyist or hobbyists, (again as tbhobbyist said) so I doubt they will be likely to forget enough to be fooled by a name&number change anyway!


    That was quite a big breath you used at the end there. Nice.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  3. I think it depends for me where they know me from. I do show my face in my pics, and my tattoos are noticeable and I'm well me... So if they think they know me, they know me. It's whether I remember them, I've met a lot of people... and where I remember them from.


    Having been a manager for a long time, I NEVER slept with staff, it's bad juju. I rarely even hung out with staff that worked for me. It wasn't considered good ethics. I think I'd be a little weirded out at first if they booked me and they had worked for me, but I'd deal with it all depending on the situation.


    If they were friends or acquaintances or old retail customers that shopped where I worked, then I think it would be a little easier than past employees. They might not even remember me, doubtful though, so if they remember me, that's still a little weird.


    Now, I have had friends in my real life, offer me money to sleep with me, but I've declined. I figure and told them, that they're my friends, I'll sleep with them eventually if it's meant to happen. I couldn't do it that way.


    So yeah... depends what, where, when and who I guess... :D

    Nicely done to both to clarify and engorge at the same time. I meant engage. I try not to hit things or who i am walking with.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  4. I love the booze.

    I get them hammered, then steal their wallets, car keys and clothing,

    then finish the booze while I drive drunk to the LCBO.

    They never chase me naked...


    OMG I'm soooo kidding. ;)


    I do drink, but never before calls, and if the client brings some wine or something of the sort, I would share that with them. I treat this like any other job I've had. :D


    I am just wishing we ...i guess st johns whatever i am going to vic.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  5. I am listening to radio, classic rock, chez 106 and the song that's playing is "welcome to the jungle" by Guns and Roses.



    What is everybody listening to?


    I want blue jays on my iphone. I like you.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Additional Comments:

    many guitars

    Untitled - D'angelo


    Try a Little Tenderness - Otis Redding


    Me and Mrs. Jones - Marvin Gaye


    Mmmm My soul is melting.......

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