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Posts posted by TGirl-Kay

  1. This is a service that I offer on my web site, it's called PJs and Cognac. I choose to offer this service because I believe that loneliness is rampant in our society at the moment and people don't get enough careing touch, especially as they enter their later years.

    This is my least expensive service because I want it to be accessible. I all so just love to snuggle people so in my mind it's win win :)

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  2. Hi loves, I ride a 750 Honda Saber you might see me blasting around Ottawa on it.

    The best bike that I've owned was a 1978 Honda CB 550K, I sold it years ago and still miss it every time I ride.

    The bike that I would love to own would be a 1978 Honda 1100 I think it's a GL. It's basically a naked gold wing. So if any ones got one hidden away in the shed please let me know. Its such a sexy bike.



  3. The fact that hobbying needs to be kept private is one of the main reasons that understanding of what sex work is and how prevalent and necessary this industry is.

    Our media presents a very one sided view of sex work and the voices of the men and women who see providers are all most never heard.

    We need more books like Paying For It and more men and women who are able to speak openly about their experiences.

    Remember your providers when you vote and remember us when folks are speajing poorly of us.

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  4. I've got a tattoo on each wrist, they where a gift from the person who is the center of my world on our second anniversary. Two words on each wrist to remind me that I'm all ways hers. Their placement and meaning are important to both of us.

    Down my right side from my under arm to the top of my leg it says Blessed be the whores and witches. I live in a house of whores and witches and the bulk of the people I care about are one or the other or both. I wanted the tattoo to make a bold and unflinching statement that all though we are oft miss understood we should also be loved and treasured.


    I have other marks on my body as well, two brands a star on each collar bone. One was done the weekend of my engagement and the second on my wedding day. There are also thin white scares left by scalpels and knives all are part of the map of my life.

    One day given family history I expect my mind to fail, but I'll still have my hide to yell my story.

  5. Did you know that the front part of a shoe or boot heel is called the breast.


    Additional Comments:

    And that the part of a shoe heel that touches the ground is the top heel.

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  6. Hello my dear,


    One of the packages that I offer is intended for people who are looking for a slow and cuddly time together. It's an over night and and is also the least expensive package that I offer.

    I feel that it's important to offer this service because we all need to be held by someone who cares about you and I feel that being held and wakeing up with someone should be acessable.

    I've met far too many folks in their later years who are touch starved and lonely. I'm compensated for time spent like this in large part with stories, memories and some times tears, all of whitch are priceless.


    This is in no way intended to be an advertisement for my services, but an example of a stlye of encounter that you may not have come across before.

    Keep searching I'm sure that you will find someone who can provide you wirh what you need and want.


    Much tenderness, Kay

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