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Posts posted by Rodehard

  1. I would think that you may want to do a little research and check out some MP's and recommendations for yourself.


    There are more than a few MP's that are actually RMT's and can provide you with what you are looking for. There are also a lot of MP's that can provide an RMT level of massage as good or better than a licencee.


    CERB is great place to look for Massage Providers and recommendations based on other peoples experiences.


    As a "newbie" with little input or any contributions to date I would not expect that any recommendations will be forthcoming. You need to gain a little trust and respect first with some post to threads before that will happen.


    Like my old school teachers used to say, time to do your homework....




    Time to do some research and explore the world of CERB....



  2. I think that you need to call and ask questions about what you can expect in a Hot Tub session at the the spa.


    I know from past experience that the girls will not "bite" unless asked...lol


    Everyone's experience is going to be different, so call the spa, pick the MP that you want to visit and ask her about the experience...



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  3. Lets all be honest!


    First of all we all know why we are going to see a "sensual" or "erotic" Massage Provider, I am wondering why any one would be shy about asking questions whether thru a PM, email or over the phone.


    In most cases at some point in time clothing is going to disappear from one involved party or the other or both. I have often wondered about what thoughts the MP might be having when she takes off some or all of her clothing or when the client gets undressed. Lets face it all of us have mileage on us and it shows on some more than others....I think thats when some of us are most shy and it shows.


    That being said the most important thing to remember is that communication with your chosen Provider prior to and during your visit is the key to a wonderful experience. Asking questions is a wonderful icebreaker that will help in dealing with being shy. I am sure that most of the experienced MP's will agree with me in that there are likely not too many questions that have been asked of them before.


    I recently enjoyed a "memorable experience" with a wonderful MP who shall remain un-named, she knows who she is....Why, because we chatted, got to know a little about each other and dealt with the questions and expectations before the appointment. It made for a wonderful afternoon...


    Ask questions that you want answered before you make your appointment, it makes for a great time when everyone is on the same page...



  4. I have been a long time client of Kelly going back to her days on Kent Street.


    Kelly was able to help me postpone surgery for a while with her skills and the quality of her massages.


    As mmad mentioned, while the location may not be the greatest it is adequate, clean and quite functional. You are going there for a massage, not to live there.


    Personally I have never had any problems in conversing with Kelly, her English is better than my level of whatever Asian dialect that she speaks.


    As far as "extras" are concerned you need to consider what you are looking for in a massage. You would be hard pressed to find an RMT level of massage at the price that Kelly offers....Extras are up to the MP's discretion which is usually based on a level of trust and the client, YMMV


    Kelly is worth a visit, you will not be disappointed with her massage!



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  5. One of the best RMT massages that you will ever get..


    All the training, facilities and massage techniques combined with a very caring and pleasant attitude. Kelly knows what she is doing.


    Highly recommended, Kelly has helped me with my damaged shoulders where no else could.



  6. I have been to both Angels and Paradise along with other spas in the past and there has never been an issue with shower protocol.


    In a lot of cases I have appreciated the few minutes alone in the shower before being joined by someone. It allows for the opportunity to wash away a lot of the accumulated dirt and grime depending on where you are coming from. I would not expect any of these fine ladies to have to deal with the build up of the day.


    I would expect that an MA joining you in the shower would be more along the lines of "sensual sudsing" rather than something approaching a level of basic grooming. There is some "dirt" that I would rather deal with myself...


    That being said I would suggest as others have that you "communicate" your desires to the MA in question.


    I, for one have never had an MA turn down an invitation for "sensual sudsing", it just helps to set the mood and the anticipation for whats to come! There is one MA with an incredible set of dimples that comes to mind...



    • Like 4

  7. If I remember correctly its about two years...


    There was a favorite of mine from 330 Booth Street who relocated there, older but still a good massage and a lot of fun at the end...Julia, I think but I stand to be corrected.


    Maybe a visit down the road in the near future....



  8. Emiafish,


    Please do not describe the very beautiful and young So.Suky as mature (40 plus), she is no where close to that age. She is a lot younger than that and advertises as being 27 in her ads.


    Other CERB members that have seen her as well will agree with me.



  9. Hey Packerpete


    All the information that you need to contact Marika is in the thread. Read it and the info is there.


    I have also seen Marika and have to agree that she gives a good therapeutic massage that is close to some of the best massages that I have had in the past.


    Location is discrete and the place is clean...




    Additional Comments:

    It looks like Marika has joined CERB. All the contact info is there in her first post for those looking for contact info.


    I wish her good luck.



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  10. I am sure that the posting by Kelly had the desired effect. It seems to have gotten everyone's attention...


    That being said I am sure that Kelly is using cut and paste copy of a Medical Book of some sort.


    However do not sell Kelly short, I am sure that she is well aware of the content of what she has posted and can explain it in detail to you, maybe not in English...Look at the humour in the last part of the post and try to tell me that she does not understand what she is doing.


    Smart lady, great massage and "attention getting" posts, what else could you want except to try her massage...



  11. I have been a regular of Kelly since she was located on Kent Street and was almost heart broken when she went back to China...


    I am glad that she came back to Ottawa and that she continues to work on my aching muscles, I would have to say that if you have not experienced a "firm massage" from Kelly then you don't know what you are missing...


    Kelly has been my favorite for a long time...


    Totally relaxed and weak in the knees sums it up!



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  12. I wish that I was 20-21 again and know what I have learned over the years about the "pursuit of happiness".


    Be yourself, be honest about your age and what you are looking for.


    I am sure that any of the fine ladies of CERB that accept you as a client will provide you with the experience you are searching for.


    Be honest and discrete and respectful, it goes a long way in this "hobby"



  13. Having been involved in the trades for years and always in search of good quality lumber I would suggest that you contact Lanark Cedar near Perth Ontario.


    They have been around for years and would likely be able to source what yuo are looking for.


    Nothing like the smell of "wood"...



  14. I am sure that a lot of CERB members that have seen Kelly will agree with me. Kelly is also certified as well.


    RMT level massage, I have some pretty serious health issues concerning muscles, ligaments and tendons in a surgically reconstucted shoulder and Kelly continues to work wonders...


    The ending is well anticipated...



  15. "Kelly On Cambridge", who used to be "Kelly On Kent" usually posts daily in the "Massage Providers" sub forum.


    I have seen Kelly many times over the years and highly recommend her services, call her and visit her and find out for yourself...Her massages are top quality!


    You can PM me for details.



  16. I have to agree with Skinflute in that some people are just to lazy to look for themselves always wanting some other member to answer their questions for them...


    Contributions and recommendations are the basis of how CERB works along with building a solid reputation as a respected member...


    It is tough to respect a "newbie" and want to help them out when they do not want to help themselves in the first place.


    CERB has been extremely helpful to me in my decisions as to which SP or MP I have chosen to visit. Why? Its due to the valued members who take the time to post recommendations and to add meaningful input to the threads in the various forums...


    Because thats the way CERB should be!




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  17. I fail to understand why some of the newer members of CERB continue to ask for information when it has already been given to them or they have the means at hand to find what they are looking for by using the various features of the Board such as the search functions.


    CAT was gracious enough to provide a link to a thread containing the information that the member was looking for. The member even commented on the thread back in January and now in May is looking for the same information.


    If the newer members were to take the time to learn about CERB and what its for and how it works it would eliminate a lot of the lazy questions...



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