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Dead Things

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Posts posted by Dead Things

  1. I'm not really sure what to write here, so I'll just try to sum up that night with Sara. I had a business overnighter coming up to glorious Thunder Bay a few months ago - so I thought it might be a good idea to see an SP. It was to be my first time, and I honestly wasn't sure if I could go through with it. I didn't really know how to start looking, but I somehow stumbled upon CERB and read the very glowing recommendations left for SaraMQ. So I fired off an email to Sara inquiring as to her availability.


    Her legendary chattiness was apparent in her very first and very verbose email back to me. Generally speaking, I'm a man of fairly few words until I get some whisky in me. But Sara really brought out the chattiness in me. We exchanged numerous emails before our encounter - discovered a degree of music convergence, realized some odd coincidences, and a lot of flirting.


    The night of our encounter, I was shocked by how un-nervous I was. I mean, I definitely had nerves, butterflies, anxiety - but never did I have that "maybe this wasn't such a good idea" kind of regret I halfway expected to feel. It's likely that our lengthy email exchange prior to the night in question went a long way towards allaying any fear a first-timer like myself might feel.


    When Sara arrived, she looked gorgeous in a long, dark, beautiful dress - the kind more befitting of a woman going to the symphony than a woman going to, well, where she was going. She had brought a bottle of wine, but not a wine opener, and a call down to the hotel lobby bore no fruit. So we had to problem-solve together - and we did, eventually manage to get the wine open without making too much of a mess. The sense of "togetherness" this initial interaction created really set the tone for the rest of the evening perfectly - and, in retrospect, I really cannot think of a more perfect way to start the date!


    Since I had booked a 2-hour appointment, we spent the first hour chatting over wine and talking about - well, all kinds of things. You probably know by now that Sara is chatty, but what's more - she is a very likeable person, an easy person to have a conversation with no matter how chatty you yourself are. As a result, what happened during the second half of our date seemed completely natural. And that was one of my fears going into it, that it would feel contrived in some way, like we were just actors going through the motions. But that couldn't have been farther from the truth.


    Sara's segue from Pt. 1 to Pt. 2 of our date was a classic: "Let's make out now!" And boy, was I ready! The whole evening was so stimulating, so rewarding, so goddamn fun, and so exhausting; I think about it often. It remains so far my only encounter with an SP, so I cannot compare Sara to other professionals. But the way she so deftly makes doing her job seem nothing like a job at all is the characteristic I would most ascribe to SaraMQ.


    I realize this recommendation probably does not contain the type of details some of you may be looking for. I apologize for that - I'm just not the kind of guy who shares that stuff. But I've tried to describe what I believe makes SaraMQ just a wonderful person, so hopefully you will find my recommendation useful nonetheless.

  2. This morning, I saw rubber bullets and tear gas canisters fired on a street that I lived on up until June 3rd, some 24 days ago. That street is nowhere near any G20 events and a good 2 or 3 km east of downtown. When I think about the possibility of my three-year-old son being exposed to tear gas this morning, it absolutely infuriates me.


    Do I blame the cops? Of course not, in fact I think they've shown a great deal of restraint. Do I blame the protesters? Definitely not the peaceful protesters, and really not even the violent hooligans. They are pretty much going what they've always done at events like these, and what everybody should have expected. Do I blame the federal government who decided to hold the G20 in what may be the least well suited area in the entire country to host such an event, and literally shoved the G20 down Toronto's throat without consulting any local officials despite the warnings of what would happen? Abso-friggin-lutely!

  3. I for one look for recos on ladies and sometimes visit 2 or 3 boards to find one on a particular lady.


    We had a thread where lurkers were upset they couldn't get certain info shared with them here is a prime example for lurkers to step up.


    I just joined this board about a week ago because I was looking for a SP in a specific area and google brought me here. I am the kind of person who will dabble in the so-called hobby once or twice a year, if that. As such, I can't base my decisions on personal relationships or first-hand experience. Thank goodness for the recommendations on this site, that's all I can say. I haven't yet visited the SP I've chosen, but am really kinda retardedly excited about it because I know I've made the right decision and am going to have an awesome time with her!


    I, for one, will make the effort to reach that 5-post minimum in order to leave recommendations, because I know how helpful they were to me.


    And BTW, you guys have the best emoticons ever! :bddog:

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