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The Flash

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Posts posted by The Flash

  1. Text her to set up an appt. I saw her yesterday for the first time. She's spectacular. Her location is great and there's really nothing more that I can add that's not already been said. She's been offline because she's not yet got an internet connection.

  2. Wow. I've just noticed this thread. The quote in Slurp's message comes from a PM I sent him. I understand his point and I feel bad for not having shared my recommendation more widely. I'm a hobbiest who prefers to fly under the radar, for a range of reasons - first and foremost because I'd prefer not to leave an electronic trail of my activities. That said, Slurp's point is well taken. It's worth noting, however, that there's always more than one side to why a person might, or might not leave a review. On one occasion I left a glowing review for an SP and just happened to note that YMMV. She complained and I got a warning from the mod. On another occasion I left a review for someone, only to be berated privately by someone because this person did not agree. In other instances, I've been told by the SP that she did not want reviews. I feel sometimes that posting a rec opens a reviewer or reviewee to unwanted scrutiny. I'm a low key person and would prefer to remain that way. I do understand, though, that if there are no reviews, SPs might move one. This thread has definitely given me a lot to think about, for sure. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

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  3. I met this sweetheart today. Miel's very much as advertised. A genuine, down-to-earth lady, who puts you at ease and knows how to please! She's got her head on her shoulders and made me feel comfortable from the moment we spoke, before even meeting. Miel's definitely worth the time - the hour flew by and left me wanting more. She's the real deal and I'll certainly repeat.

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