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Posts posted by HappyJay

  1. Drove to Ottawa the second time... It looks like I was visiting other friends (even though I did enjoy seeing friends), but I knew that I actually wanted to see Julie.


    Again, time with Julie is so blissful, relaxing and fulfilling! I enjoyed each and every second in our 2-hour session, and I just wish time would stop for ever... Once more, words are so pale to describe Julie's beauty, her great personality, beautiful mind and the time with her.


    IMHO, she is such a fairy that can get you connected so well both spiritually and physically... a unique experience indeed.


    Thank you Julie, for each unforgettable time.


    Julie's wonderland is filled with treasures, and I just can't help but wanting to discover more and more (together with Julie :smile:) ...

  2. Ottawa's best attraction for me! And it is truly a privilege for me to see this beautiful "fabulous frolic"!


    I had the extreme pleasure seeing Julie on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at her incall place. I was greeted by this stunning sunshiny lady. It's my first visit, and I have not had a lot of experimentation with her, but everything I had with Julie is extraordinary, agreeing with or exceeding what has been described by others. I must agree with swampgas that Julie has a perfect combination of: a gorgeous body, a pretty face, and more importantly (at least to me), a great personality, and a beautiful mind. I also have to agree with Philander39, Julie is like sunshine, and literally lights up the place she is in. This is even so when the clothes are off! :shock::icon_smile: She is like an angel, but very down to earth, and so playful as well as approachable! What more can I (you) expect!!!???


    I want to keep all details to myself. Needlessly to say, I enjoyed every moment with Julie. She loves tea and so do I. It is very enjoyable (I may even say luxury) to have a cup of tea with her, in the beautiful afternoon sunshine. She is a fabulous kisser, loves touching and being touched ... By stealing what Julie has said on her site: "...words are simply inadequate for describing these things...", I would say that words are simply inadequate for describing how beautiful she is and how wonderful the time is with her! She deserves the "utmost respect and kindness"!



    Call me silly, crazy or whatever, I drove hours for seeing her only...

    For the same reason, I will keep driving to Ottawa ... :lol:



  3. Hi folks,

    My friend sent me a email about this amazing girl. I was very inspired by her courage and resolution, and I would like to share her story with you (if you don't know her story yet) - great cerbite folks.

    so who is Morgan? Here is from her website:

    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]A striking young woman, Morgan Van Breda is a person who was dealt a curve ball early in her life. At 23 years old, while on vacation in tropical Cuba, Morgan experienced a freak accident on a soccer field that would render half of her body paralyzed. Surviving the accident, Morgan was diagnosed as paraplegic â?? meaning, she had paralysis of the lower part of the body, including her legs.

    With great courage and dedication, she began a specialized physiotherapy program that has helped her tremendously in her recovery over the past few years. Refusing to be a victim of tragedy, Morganâ??s work has turned into a relentless fight to survive, restore her body to full capacity, and act as a beacon of hope for others in her situation.

    She has now dedicated her life to the pursuit of new and viable treatment options for people with spinal cord injuries â?? to help push beyond the boundaries and limitations â?? to heal â?? and be healed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    She will be taking the challenge to ride bike (with her two HANDS) across India (4900 km) in 7 weeks, from Jan. 29, 2011, to raise awareness and funds for spinal cord injuries and treatment.

    She might be well compared with our Terry Fox! She has a big dream too!

    As far as I know, she has not got much media attention yet. So please help and spread the story if you could.

    Here are her websites:


    If you want to donate, you can go to this site(there is link from Morgan's site too) :

  4. Good advice about the burn! Aloe vera is a wonderful plant. We always had one growing in the kitchen window when I was a kid.


    My offering: a cure for hiccups!


    As you lean over a sink, sip from a glass of water, from the wrong side of the glass--the far side. You'll probably spill a lot of water, but this always stops hiccups for me and for my kids.


    The recipe for hiccups I have learnt is to stun the person buy patting his/her back without noticing him/her. Almost 100% effective. hehe

  5. For serious burns, go to emergency for sure.


    I guess your burn is in a minor manner, Meg. People have mentioned great stuff like honey, aloe vera. I would warn off Alcohol too. Cold water/ice is best applied right after the burn, but after a few hours (6 I would say), better with other remedies. What if you don't have honey, aloe, tea tree, etc? You surely have one thing - toothpaste! Apply a thin layer of it to the burnt area and after it dries, wash it away carefully with cold water and reapply. - Caution! - This only for minor burns, for serious ones, the dried paste may make you feel painful if care is not taken.


    Don't feel embarrassed, Meg. That happens quite often. I can't remember how many times I have been burned by candles, all of them minor though. lol

  6. Hi all,


    We all enjoyed and continue benefitting from such a wonderful board. We love being cerbites. But ask to yourself: without CERB, without the hard work of MOD (and some other members too I believe), where are we now? where can we go to find such valuable info about good ladies (and gents too, lol)? Where could both the SPs and hobbyists discuss so openly and friendly?


    Few of us realized how huge the work is to maintain such a big community (current member no. is 25,530). I certainly don't grasp all the aspects, but simply thinking of maintaining the system, monitoring thousands of posts daily, dealing all sorts of issues, etc, will drive me crazy. Imaging doing it for years...


    MOD's yesterday's post instantly made me think that he was overloaded, maybe way too much, and for too long, but I (I guess many of you too) simply didn't know/notice it because most of the work is behind the scene. And we somehow take it for granted and continue enjoying our happy time....


    In the season of giving, :idea:the idea of donating some money to CERB came to my mind - This is to show our gratitude.- maybe setting up a fund? Like you love some free software developed by someone, you can donate some money to show your gratitude and help the developer to go further, the main purpose, as I can think of right now, is to make the forum a even better (don't take me wrong, this is already a terrific site, but one can always be better) community for us - like upgrading system when necessary, hiring an assistant (even if part-time one) to help in maintaining (to relieve some burden Mod has), etc, etc,


    I only have the idea though... I don't know how realistic my idea is... So I would love to hear what your gents/ladies have to say.


    Then if the idea were favoured, for donation method, I'd prefer Paypal. - I suppose most members would prefer anonymous if they choose to donate.


    This giving ought to be voluntary, and no minimum amount. There would questions about how to manage the fund if it were actually set up.


    Other issues? Comments? Thoughts?


    I am just throwing out a brick and would love to see stones and rocks out!

  7. ........

    Happy Jay: I would say, you deserve better and look elsewhere for a lady who will value you as much as you hopefully will value her. It comes down to good business practice and good manners! Please do not give up on hobbying because of this. This is not the norm, believe me!


    Good luck to you and welcome to hobbying. I hope you get to experience some good times.


    Thank u Angela. She has lost one possible regular client, I believe. I have been out of the blue and am contacting a better (best, IMHO) lady here. :boobeyes::grin:

    I feel very warm here in this community with a lot of mental support, encouragement and good advices. Thank u all! May all u happy and well!



    • Like 1

  8. Thanks all for commenting here. I appreciate them.


    You are not alone, HJ. I hate this particular part of the hobby. There's plenty of threads and posts on CERB about various aspects (and both sides!) of the "no-show" phenomenon ... it's something that is a part of reality and is not a problem that can ever be "solved". It will not go away for you once you become a veteran. Nor is a lady's reputation here on Cerb a guarantee by any means. The unexpected will always pop up in everyone's life every now and then.


    Having said that: as I've mentioned before on other no-show threads, I'm a firm believer in the Pareto Principle -- 80% of the no-shows are created by 20% of the ladies. So I do carefully remember exactly who has comprised my personal 20% (and their explanations). I judge my subsequent choices accordingly. Using this approach, your success rate in this area will improve.


    Wrinkled, Thank u for pointing out this and ur suggestions.


    I agree with our veteran members here, though I've been lucky, and the times I've TOFTT'ed have turned out to be some of my best. It's part of the excitement to try the unknown....

    I do agree with u, Cato. This is an exciting part of it. Maybe I am just out of luck.


    All the best to everyone!

  9. Hi everyone. I am kind of new here. Recently I have some frustrated experience and am wondering what I should do to enhance my experience or to avoid further frustrations. For gents with more experience, could u pls give some advice? Thank u very much.


    The problem is some SPs (hopefully only a few) kept her clients waiting/kept postponing and/or then was not able to make the appt. Out of my limited 5 appts, 3 made me waiting more than half an hour (as opposed to the pre-agreed time), among them, the worst 1 is postponed again and again and finally she was not able to make it, but without notifying me before&after. (initially I had an appt with her yesterday, but she failed to make it. I was so determined to see her (she has quite good rec here, remember) that I booked her again for the time 5pm today. After many text messages back and forth, confirming availability. I was very hopeful, but when at 4:30, she said she could not make 5pm, but 5:45 4sure, which I agreed. she said she would txt me when she was ready, which she never did. Even after I txt her concerning her absence, still no reply.- I called her, she didn't answer/reply.) Very frustrated! I actually went to her address, but without her apt no., I could do nothing. :(


    Don't ask me who she is. I decide not to tell. She must have her reasons. I don't want to put her into difficulty. Life is not easy for SPs, gents. I guess I am gentleman enough. lol. I do understand that emergencies do arise sometimes and either the client or the SP was not able to make his/her appt. But the most important thing, I think, is get informed/communicated well.


    I am starting asking myself: Why this happened to me? Is it bcos I am a newbie/new client, so I am of not that importance? For those veterans, did u have similar experience in the beginning? what's ur suggestions/advices for avoiding such bad experiences? Thank u very much for anything u could say.

    all the best.

  10. It seems Kingston is a quiet place, as can be inferred from the board. Indeed we only have a handful of girls here (too bad for Kingstonians), and most of them are active only on CL.


    A lady called "Mysty" on CL got my attention. It is interesting to read her her ads, she seems humorous and amusing from her words. It seems she has been in the business for sometime (she is about 33y/o, and I can search her ads up at least half a year on CL), but I couldn't find any info about her here at CERB. Has any gentleman here had a chance meeting her up? And what's your experience? I would appreciate if you could share some info with me. PM me pls. Thank you very much!

  11. Yes, "by pimps" is of course the key to this phrase. There are plenty of laws besides "living on the avails" with which to prosecute true pimps: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=165748#post165748


    Sex Workers must be free to use their earnings to support members of their family, significant others, or anyone else of their free and uncoerced choosing, without criminalizing those they love and support -- and who in turn love and support them in a non-exploitative manner. Just like any other worker, and human being, can do so.[/B]


    You are absolutely right!!!

  12. I totally agree with what you have said. Well done!

    The following are pieces of the an article regarding the pros and cons of the Swedish model of prostitution law.


    It?s not uncommon for women in low paying service and secretarial jobs to turn tricks on the weekends or for a women trying to put herself through university to free lance dance at her local strip club. Stripping, writing pornography, nude photos, internet webcams, porn films, escort services, massage parlours, phone sex, peep shows, personals ads, street prostitution ? you name it, it?s a women dominant business; it?s also one of the only businesses where women can make more than men.


    Swedish supporters argue that the new system has sponsored more collaboration between the police and social services and therefore more sensitive treatment of prostitutes. While this might be the case in some instances, violence from clients has reportedly increased. A recent Norwegian government sponsored study found that in Sweden, "? violence is an everyday occurrence for women involved in prostitution. Women tell of violence in the form of major attacks, rape, threats with knives and with being locked up. Obviously, being locked up for very serious offences.


    Proponents of the Swedish model argue that women are more likely to report crimes such as these to the police. Swedish sex work activist Rosinha Sambo, on the other hand, dismisses this outright and claims that sex workers are actually less likely to call the police because if fellow workers and clients find out, the prostitute will become stigmatized and clients will be afraid to visit her.


    Prostitutes talk of the new tougher existence that they face on the streets. The decreasing numbers of clients (through fear of arrest and clients seeking prostitutes in neighbouring countries) creates a more competitive market where women need to reduce their rates and are more likely to agree to sex without protection. Reports also indicate that due to the negative social stigma attached to prostitution and the greater risks for the clients, the so-called more ?normal? clients (i.e. non-abusive men looking for fairly straight sex) are no longer purchasing services and what?s left are the aggressive men who are interested in rough sex and other higher risk behaviours . Women are also forced to make split second decisions about whether to accept a client?s offer as any conversation in public could lead to his arrest. This effectively puts women in the situation of having to protect her clients and doesn?t allow her the necessary time to assess the situation using her learned intuition to get a sense of her safety.


    Effectively, Swedish prostitutes and others are arguing that since the laws on the purchasing of sexual services have come into play prices for services have decreased, sex without condoms and violence have increased, clients are forced to go to neighbouring states, and the industry has been pushed further underground.


    The Swedish system seems to be working fine for politicians and the feminist movement but reportedly not for the sex workers.

    The implications of having a criminal record for prostitution-related offences can have a devastating effect on people's lives, preventing them, for example, from getting a job once they decide to leave the trade.


    The incidents of street prostitution (or at least it visibility) has plummeted since the introduction of the tough prostitution laws in Sweden, though such statistics are being argued. Same argument exists for human trafficking as the criminal are now seeking easier markets like neighbouring countries.


    My views:


    I believe that both the Swedish model of prostitution law and the liberal German/Dutch prostitution laws are unworkable and not proper for Canada or anywhere else. I believe while governments must combat the dark aspects of prostitution more vigorously and must put aside sufficient funding and law enforcement resources to fight off forced prostitution, underage prostitution, pimping and human trafficking as well as legislating harsh (up to several years) for human sex traffickers especially those pimping and forcing the underage as well as those clients who knowingly hire the underage or forced prostitutes, however, the voluntary prostitution between consenting adult should be likely legalized and regulated. Those who want a change or out must be supported socially and financially and special government sponsored programs must be introduced to assist those sex workers for their safe transition to a new profession. Sex workers must be able to report violent clients as well as pimps to law enforcement without the fear of being prosecuted. A media campaign must commence to educate the public about sex workers and remove the stigma associated with sex workers and their profession in our society.


    The fact remains that though likely most street sex workers are forced into prostitution (by their pimps or needs like drug addictions,?) however, there are also many other sex workers (mostly using internet and review boards) who voluntarily have chosen the profession and who are working in a clean safe environment and enjoying their work too and the law must separate between the two. Bringing harsh punishment for both types of prostitution is unfair, illogical, undemocratic, counter-productive and totally unacceptable in progressive societies such as Canada. It only serves the politicians to show off their good face or intentions and feminists who have clearly misunderstood the meaning of feminism which is about equality not unequal treatment of sexes when sex workers (overwhelming majority are women) are free from prosecution and their clients (overwhelming majority are men) are being harshly prosecuted.


    Additional Comments:

    You said it! Exactly to the point!

    Why does no one see the complete ridiculousness of the Swedish model?


    If prostitution is violence towards the sex worker him/herself, then why is it still okay to sell sex? And since when does it make any sense to criminalize the buyer?


    The Swedish model went into place without any consultation with sex workers, and in the official Swedish language, they do not make any distinction between forced and voluntary, all prostitution is understood as violence against women. They claim to be the most gender neutral, feminist country, but they did not even consider speaking to the sex workers themselves. The Swedish model is yet another example of policy and law makers deciding what is best for us, and treating us like children.


    In the first year, police used video cameras to collect evidence and harass clients, which meant they had to film both the exchange of money and the sex itself and many workers felt that even though they weren't doing anything illegal, this was being used to violate their integrity.


    The street clients become more stressed and want to complete the negotiation process as quickly as possible to avoid getting caught and it becomes difficult to assess if the person is a good client if she is supposed to just jump into the car without any negotiation.


    Many of the "good" clients have turned to indoor workers to avoid getting caught, leaving the street workers to deal with the clients who don't care about getting caught, usually because they already have a criminal record. Prior to the law criminalizing clients, they could refuse these clients, but now they cannot afford to. It comes as no surprise then that they are exposed to more violence now.


    The decrease in the number of clients for street workers has made them more desperate and more likely to accept unsafe sex practices. And since the police look for condoms as evidence of sex, this is a strong incentive not to carry condoms.


    So basically, the Swedish model sucks and only forces prostitution further underground. Give your head a shake lady (Joy Smith), you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

  13. Hi all. THanks for all the discussions. I am better educated now. I think the Ontario court ruling was absolutely right and I am applauding for it. We definitely should voice our concern/opinions and try to prevent such a law to surface to criminalize all sex workers. I will email my MP...:boobies:


    Additional Comments:

    Thanks a lot for Mod to clarify this.


    No, that is like telling a store they have to keep detailed records of every customer why buys a can of pop. If you make under (I think it's 30K) a year you do NOT need a business license. Anything above that requires a HST number and business number (Registered business - about 80.00 in most municipalities). Claiming taxes has a LOT of benefits (Especially if you want to buy a house, get a loan for a car, etc...)


    Right now legally you should own a business if your doing over (again I think it's 30K) what could happen with decriminalization (or other changes that remove the living off the avails laws) the cities and towns could make new by-laws that would require you to have a registered business, pay for a license, work within some insane guideline they have, etc... cities and town by-laws are often abused (especially with adult business's as stripclubs have had to deal with - zoning, hours of operation, signage laws, etc... ALL BAD and ALL taking the rights away from the companies)



    Yes and No... If you work out of the same apparentment your "Room mate" would be changed with being in a common bawdy house for sure. The police may ask you if she/he knows what you do, may ask if you give them any money, may ask if you pay the rent and they live for free... things like that. Things that would prove they are befitting from the proceeds you collect from prostitution.


    It's very hard (It may even be impossible) for them to stick "living off the avails of prostitution" without a prostitute herself going on record stating that they give that person money.


    Unfortunately this is why the law is so ineffective to what it was originally intended for... to get rid of pimps. This is why pimps get away so easily as the ladies are often afraid to go to the police and testify against the pimp and without the ladies accusation they have a very hard time proving that he/she was living off the avails.


    Drivers on the other hand... are often charged with living off the avails, Agents (agency owners) are more easily charged then street pimps as they don't hide in the dark alleys of the streets like most of the street level pimps.... and most of them are not heavy handed drug wheeling slimeballs. (I did say most - as bad people exist in every business and escort prostitution is no exception unfortunately the powers that be group streetwalkers and escorts in the same GROUP and are ignorant and uneducated to the fact that things are VERY DIFFERENT).

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