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Posts posted by rdymango

  1. It's official. I'm smitten! It was only my second time at Vibe. In fact, only my second time with an MA and it was my first time with Jenni. I booked the day before, from out of town. I knew I was in for a long flight back home and decided it would be a good idea to spend some quality time with Jenni. Admittedly, I was a little nervous, as I am with anyone I meet for the first time. I was wary that her photos may be too good to be true or that she may not have the personality I find attractive. It took all of 2 seconds to realize that she's even more gorgeous than her photos and her personality is warm, charming, bright and a really positive energy. She gives a full body massage that is relaxing, firm and deep. My only regret is that I waited this long to see her. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since! I can't wait to see her again!

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  2. What a great experience to have met with Eva! She did everything and more that I had requested. She made me feel instantly at ease. The clicking of her high heels were an instant turn-on (not to mention everything else she was wearing). She provided an intimate, sensual, playful girlfriend experience. Even if I were to forget about the physical intimacy (which I never will!) she provides thoughtful conversation and is quite articulate, which I also find to be a major turn-on. I hope to see her again and often.

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  3. This recommendation is long overdue (sorry Megan). In a word, she's....delicious! I had a great time with Megan! My only complaint is that time goes too fast when you're with her. I had one request of her that she was kind enough to grant me. She came in wearing her winter coat. When she took it off, my jaw just about dropped to the floor. Her body is firm, soft and curvy in all the right places. And that's just her physical attributes! Personality-wise, she is fun, intelligent and a great sense of humour. I'm always nervous meeting someone for the first time and she did an amazing job of making me feel comfortable with her. It was a great 2 hours that I won't soon forget. She is masterful with her mouth and hands. Her legs feel amazing wrapped over my shoulders. Everything about her is dead-sexy. I'm especially fond of the way she uses her glasses to keep her hair out of the way when her mouth is working on me. More than that, I especially love the sound of her voice, her laughter and especially the noise she makes when she cums. Delicious! I hope to see her again and again and again....

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  4. I'm always filled with nervous anticipation meeting someone for the first time. Even when someone is highly recommended you never know if you're going to have a good connection with someone. Within moments, I was at ease with Rebecca. I had one request for clothing and she accomodated me and she looked amazing. She greeted me with a smile and a kiss. She really made me feel like I was having a GFE. It was intimate, passionate and exhausting! Her responses to my mouth and my hands were sensuous and electric. She is delicious. The way she looks up at you with her gorgeous eyes while she's pleasuring you is such a turn on. She feels amazing in multiple positions....69, missionary, spooning, doggy. Her orgasm is earth-shattering. 2 hours went by way too fast. I can't wait to see Rebecca again!

  5. What?!?! People test you during your session with them?? That is messed up! That just makes me want to slap some sense into people. If someone wants to test for intelligence, maybe they should be signing up for Mensa, or a Trivial Pursuit fan club. I could give a rat's ass about how educated an sp or mp is. I care about personality and being able to have fun conversation. Strip Trivial Pursuit perhaps? Now that I could get on board with!

  6. I dated a girl once who enjoyed greek, not just for the physical pleasure, but she said that it felt intimate on another level for her. She would say, "I can't fake ass! I can fake vagina, but I can't fake ass." It had absolutely nothing to do with dominance or pain. She always initiated and offered it when she was in the mood. And if there was ever any pain, we slowed right down or stopped altogether.

  7. I'm of the opinion that the ladies should absolutely have a no-show fee. If I had a meeting scheduled and was a no-show, not able to let her know that I can't make it, then I would feel a sense of obligation to pay her a little extra when I do meet up with her. A cancellation fee should be on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes shit happens and clients can't make it for whatever reason. I don't think it's too much to ask for just a text to let the lady know you can't make it. If nothing else, it's a simple professional courtesy. If I were an SP/MA, it would really tick me off if a client simply no-showed. I think it's totally reasonable to charge a no-show fee. If the client is unwilling to pay a no-show fee, then that client probably isn't worth having. And if the client is a no-show a second time, well two strikes and you're out...

  8. As much as I despise McDonald's they make an excellent cup of proper coffee.

    Am I still a true Canadian if I feel this way? lol


    Yes you are! And I totally agree!! I never would have thought that McDonald's would have a better coffee than Tim Horton's - but they do! Tim Horton's hasn't been the same since they stopped baking (frying?) donuts on the premises. Remember when you could smell the donuts being cooked when you drove by a Tim Horton's at 2:00am? And their donuts seem to be getting smaller. I'll take McDonald's coffee over Tim Horton's any day.

  9. Precisely the reason why I donate to Unicef. We need to help the people (especially the children) who cannot help themeselves, in the countries that do not have the wealth or infrastructure to help themselves.


    The other day, I had a granola bar delivered to my mailbox; a free granola bar sample along with a coupon. A few weeks before that, a sample of nutella was delivered to my mailbox along with a coupon. Here I am getting samples of food I never asked for delivered to my mailbox, meanwhile countless children are dying of starvation. Something's not right, there's a disconnect somewhere.


    Maybe if the makers of nutella and this granola bar donated a percentage of all revenue of these products to countries that need the help, maybe I'd buy their product! There has to be a way that capitalism can work to the benefit of everyone.


    On a different note, does anyone know how much of a philanthropist Steve Jobs was? (I geniunely don't know).

  10. I would have to agree with Phaedrus on the point of it not really being about the items on the menu. The menu items are good and all, but I think they're just a starting point really. I'm more concerned about the connection. That being said, you could perhaps offer stripteases, specific requests or roleplays, especially if you have specific outfits.


    I think it's pretty cool that you genuinely look forward to spending time with some of your dates. Personally, I think it'd be pretty amazing if an SP felt the same way about me, as opposed to it simply being part of the "illuision". It would make me feel like she's comfortable with me, feels safe with me, not to mention being great for my ego!

  11. I make an annual donation to Unicef at the end of every year, typically a percentage of my commission. And then I make additional donations whenever there is a major disaster, like the present drought in the Horn of Africa. I've always had a soft spot for wanting to help the children in countries that simply don't have the wealth and infrastructure to provide basic necessities for their children.

  12. I'm not sure the marriage troubles and the proposal were simply for ratings. Gene came across sincere and heartfelt in his proposal; he's just not that good an actor. And neither is Shannon, for that matter. I think alot of marriages go through some crises when the kids leave the house, so I'm not sure how much of it is simply staged for ratings. As for getting married, I understand the symbolic significance of getting married for Shannon and I understand why Gene found it so important not to get married. Honestly though; they've been together for twenty-something years. Whether he chooses to believe it or, he's been married for a loooong time (longer than most celebrity marriages!) If they ever got divorced, Shannon would get half and there isn't a lawyer in the country that could argue otherwise.


    On a completely different note, Gene and the band members should walk down the aisle in full KISS get-up!! Then he could spew fire when they're promounced husband and wife.

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  13. I'm in agreement with others who have mentioned their pet peeve is a dancer who won't bother to sit down and introduce herself. A big part of the sex appeal is the personality. If I'm going to open my wallet, I want to open it to someone who'll make the effort of at least trying to create the fantasy.


    Another pet peeve of mine (and I say this somewhat tongue in cheek)...


    ...so often the waitresses or shooter girl are hotter than the dancers!! Sometimes I'll spend my time checking out the shooter girl! What is up with that?!?!

  14. If I were to put myself in an SP's shoes, I suspect I wouldn't be as "into the moment" if it was sitting in the back of my mind whether or not this client was going to pay for my services. This is not a business transaction where there is recourse like sending someone to collections or court for moneys owed for services. This is a personal business transaction and the sooner you take care of the business transaction, the more likely you are to have a succesful personal transaction. "More likely" being the key term because SP's don't offer money back guarantees. I suspect the likelihood of you having a really great time with your SP is diminished if you hold back on the donation until the end. That being said, I've been burned a few times and just have to cough it up to "live and learn." I've also been burned in retail transactions where I've felt ripped off and when I can't get my money back, I simply don't go back. SP's are in the business of people and sometimes people just don't click; sometimes people aren't as advertised; sometimes you just catch them on a bad day. Pay up front and you'll improve the likelihood of both of you enjoying your time together.

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