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Sasha Queen

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Posts posted by Sasha Queen

  1. Somebody will make a statement (E.g. S/He says, ?Next person has long hair?). If the next person really has long hair, will say ?True?, otherwise ?False?. S/He'll then guess and make a statement about the next person. This way the statement will be directed to the next person.


    I?m starting first:


    Next person had a big O today.

  2. The person called from a blocked number. I always answer and ask them to contact me from an unblocked number or to give me a number to call back on.


    Will the police be able to do anything. I have had issuse with stalkers in the past and I knew there information and the police did nothing, but tell me that should be expected in my line of work.


    It is hard to go to the police when you know they feel like you brought this all on your self. Hopefully the new laws will change that.

  3. Have you ever been brousing and come across one of your own ads taylored to fit a different SP?


    Today I came accross an ad that had the same headline as me. I used a cool headline that it took me some time to create. (an original)


    I looked in to the ad to find not only is the headline stolen but the body of my ad as well. I was furious then I checked the picture in tineye and guess what...... Fake picture too.


    I also see that her age is getting younger and younger. I did message her to find out why she is using stolen ads and fake pictures? I realize she is young and maybe needs help being new to the industry and all.


    I did not get a response. I then asked her to take the ad down..... no response.


    Ladies what would you do if anything?

  4. There is an organization offering free hair cut and re-style.

    Here is the message I found on cl.


    Help kids with Cancer by donating some of your hair !

    ...... if you have length you are willing to cut so it can be donated to support kids with cancer then you are eligible for a totally FREE restyle haircut.

    We carefully discuss your new look before doing the haircut.

    Email to [email protected] for full details and to book your appointment

    Your support for the kids is really appreciated !!


    So if your hair is really long and your heart is really big, send an email.


    Just wanted to share that!

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  5. So like a month ago I went to get my hair done (Black). The very next day I had a meeting with a client at a hotel.


    So I arrive to the hotel and we jump in the shower. I tried not to get my hair wet but could not help it with all the shower play. Things get hot and bothered in the shower so we jump out and dry off.


    Off to bed to continue the hot action. We rolled and moved and rolled and moved. When it was all said and done I looked at the pillows (white) lol. there was little purple stripes on the pillow. My face turned bright RED.


    Lucky for me it was not such a big deal but really embarrassing.

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