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Posts posted by moonshine

  1. Pulled one today on a friend of mine. We had a threesome with a SP last week which was his first experience with a professional. Texted the guy this morning saying she sent me an email last night informing me she tested positive for chlamydia. He wasn't sure what that entailed so I led him on further, saying it's nasty, highly communicable and I hope you haven't had sex since. I knew he had and he tells me 3 different girls, no condom for any of them.


    I carried it on for about an hour and while it seems mean, serves the fucker right for not wrapping jimmy up. Especially when you don't even know what the effects of STD's are. That wasn't even the worst scare he got today - a girl he had unprotected sex with 2 months ago who he then pissed off, played a pregnancy joke on him for 4 hours, and she was really mean about it. Guy was a puking, neurotic mess.


    Hopefully for his sake, this April Fool's will make him a little wiser. Almost a mini intervention ;)

  2. If that is the case, then that is really sad. We are ALL grown adults here, every man has different taste. This is not high school anymore


    If this truly is the case then it's sad as someone cannot fully express their feelings.


    I remember reading a thread on another board in the past where they were discussing a larger lady's review. Of course the thread quickly turned negative where someone quoted "Fat chicks are like mopeds...they're fun to ride but you wouldn't want your friends to see you on." I hope this isn't the mentality here. Everyone has their own tastes where physical attributes are concerned.


    It is sad, but some people never grow up. Very common occurrance with the male species actually.

  3. I think in some cases, guys will hold back on a rec even if they had a good time because they think other guys might not feel the same way. So if a girl is older or not a spinner or whatever, they'll believe others won't find her attractive and they won't share their experience. Sort of like, "I don't mind that aspect about her, but all the other guys will." Maybe it might dash their credibility as a rec-giver and they're concerned it will affect their 'cred' amongst the boys...who knows?


    All the recs here need to be taken with a grain of salt anyways. Every encounter is subjective, every person has different tastes, and frames of reference can differ wildly depending on the writer. Sometimes they're not even close to truth because of these factors. Not to mention how much fluff gets thrown in that probably didn't happen in the first place. When you read a guy go on about making out with her for 20 mins, then going down on her for a half hour, then trying desperately to last those 15 mins with that awesome BBBJ being so difficult, then missionary, doggie, reverse cowgirl, conversation, tickling, shower, etc, etc, etc. And all of this happened in one great 1 hour appointment. Do the math. Whatever.

    • Like 1

  4. With all the talk of democracy, who the hell made the media consortium the ones who can decide who gets to debate or not

    I'm referring to the media banning the Greens from the debate, arguing they have no one in Parliament

    Well first, at least they are running candidates ACROSS CANADA unlike the Bloc which only runs in one province and gives a rat's a$$ about the rest of Canada (unless it suits their own political agenda)

    Second, democracy is about ideas, and when a corporate enterprise (the media) answerable to shareholders, not taxpayers, can shut those ideas down by barring their discussion, then democracy is doomed

    Third, now, justifiably so, the Greens are taking this to court. And that bill is going to be footed by...yup, the taxpayers

    Even though I'm not voting Green, maybe a question can be asked in the debates by Elizabeth May which requires accountability on the part of the PM, Opposition Leader etc etc etc.



    I hate it when it's assumed 3 guys got together in a back room, had a couple of beers, and randomly decided to ignore something without giving it any thought, then gave self-congratulatory high-fives to each other while giggling about how powerful they are.


    The media consortium came to a logical conclusion to include only parties with seats in the house. Yes the Green party has people running in all constituencies and they did get some of the popular vote. And personally I think they have enough of a presence to be included in the debate. However, if they set a precedent where the rules are bent, then it's a slippery slope where we'll eventually end up letting in any wingnut that got a vote and having 14 people in the room trying to scream over each other.

    • Like 1

  5. As long as the girl is there for me and we have fun together, doesn't matter. Seems awfully silly to be concerned what her relationship status is when I know she's been with John's 1, 2, 3, etc. since I saw her the last time.


    Probably creeps me out more reading a rec here and seeing she's been with some guy I think is a little odd. At least with the SO I have no frame of reference ;)

  6. All this sounds like to me is a guy wanted to be something more with a girl who only ever looked at him as a friend. Little too much speculation going on about her with zero information, and then some congratulatory responses on getting rid of her without knowing if that was a sour response to not getting what he wanted.


    It's stuff like this that makes me embarrassed to be a guy sometimes.

  7. I would suggest checking out Berlin. From what I hear' date=' she's seen quite a few clients with mobility issues, etc.[/quote']


    I could be wrong but it came across to me that his mobility issues were related to working from home, so he's stuck there during the day - not from a physical disability.

  8. Definitely 'Other' for me. It has to be package deal with most of the options. The personality answer and the like are just a little too PC for my liking - physical attraction is a huge factor, yet a mental connection accentuates the whole expeience.


    I've been known to repeat with a few beautys that were exceptonally talented between the sheets, all the while not being gaga over what's behind those pretty eyes. A really cool lady is awesome in general, but that only goes so far to compensate for a lack of eye candy. Kinda like a mediocre song with great lyrics . I'm a boy, I was built this way.

  9. this is one of my biggest fantasies.....naughty schoolgirl.


    Mmm....schoolgirl outfits! Gotta love 'em! :bigclap:


    Never been one for role-playing so not interested in that but man, whenever a bar has their waitresses decked out in those outfits, I go back!

  10. Aren't they the same thing? I'm straight as well, so the thought of either one of those going into my mouth is...whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, hold on a second! Totally skimmed over that question, it's not Cock vs Penis! Coming here I guess I was expecting a different type of questionnaire for some reason :confused0024:


    Coke all the way, not even an option in my books. Hell, I don't even like mixing alcohol with it, it's perfect on it's own. Although that reminds me of Cherry Coke - loved that stuff, but can you still get it anywhere? It used to be that it was one of those products inconsistently showing up here and there, but I haven't seen it anywhere for a very long time now. Shitty.

  11. The study indicated that previous "psychological distress was only modestly associated to post-coital dysphoria", so this is not neccessarily a product of abuse.


    The answer is quite simple and has been shown in other studies. Sex and orgasms increase the dopamine levels in your brain and naturally they have to return to normal. The brain compensates the rush by "bringing you down" in order to do this. Since everyone's chemistry is different, the come down will be more extreme in certain individuals - not unlike a drug binge where you have artificially created a high, then it wears off sending you into a downward spiral of depression.


    Too much sex (or specifically, orgasms) can throw your mind out of kilter and act very similar to narcotics where you crave more and crash harder. Sometimes when you come down and hit those blues, your solution is to get back up again with more sex, continuing the cycle and possibly making it worse.


    This won't apply to everybody out there, much like depression itself. It's all linked together though, this is why many people have diminished desire and sexual functionality problems when using anti-depressants.

  12. It's like any relationship you enter in life - there are never any guarantees they'll be around forever. If you spend enough time with the boy, you'll become attached and you have to treat him like anyone else close in your life.


    Thinking about what might happen only gives you unnecessary grief. I have a young one with my ex and she recently had a baby with someone else. I don't agree with how she parents a lot of the time and it's hard seeing my kid grow closer with his new step dad that he now shares a brother with. But my child is loved by everybody and is happy; he loves spending time with me and I live for every moment that I have him. I have wondered how odd it would be if say my ex died, and here you have brothers with no mom from 2 different dads. How would that work? It's likely that they wouldn't see each other very often after that.


    There's no point getting bent out of shape over something that could happen. Just love the kid and have fun!

  13. Until some maverick comes along that is inspirational with fresh new ideas and has a different take on being a politician, I refuse to give one shit about it. The current state is littered with the old boys club playing by the old boys rules and failing desperately at accomplishing anything other than speaking at length while saying nothing.


    But great people don't go into politics anymore, it's only people who want to be politicians. I am praying to see the day when a brave new voice doesn't stoop to sound bites, avoids the extreme posturing that the other parties are completely wrong, and can express their own ideas without slamming the oppositions to get their point across.


    It's all bullshit and they think it works - but it doesn't. For sure, most people walking up to the ballot box on election day are pretty stupid and/or uninformed since they either have their original bias swaying them, or fell victim to the simplicity of the 30 second soundbite on 1 or 2 issues. Sad to say it, but I know more about politics than 90% of people out there and I don't know shit, I really don't. But if you keep treating people like they are stupid and need to be spoonfed, they won't change because nobody is giving them a reason to.


    That's where inspiration comes in. Will I ever see it in my lifetime? Good question. Until then, fuck 'em, I'm not playing. To anyone that wants to tell me that I have no right to complain by not participating, that's ok because I don't complain anyways. I can find some other topic of conversation to bore me more to death than politics. Religion's a good one for that too.

  14. Back to the topic of the thread, please.


    Did anyone catch APTN's interview with Bruce Carson which aired on the APTN network, last night at 6:00 p.m.


    When the investigative journalists blindsided him with certain critical information regarding his fiance Michelle McPherson you could see he was struggling to stay composed. It is not pleasant to see someone's life come crashing down around them.


    I hope that we won't be reading anymore of those "poor Leanna" threads anymore.


    The parallels between this and the Darquise Johnson/Doug Macklem story are becoming more evident every time this story is updated.


    Just watched the APTN piece online. Wow.


    If this unfolds in the direction it appears to be headed, this is not going to end well for any of the parties involved.


    Full video here.


    Additional Comments:

    The man in the shadows is no mystery man, what is a mystery is why his name is not being uttered.


    Exactly. This could very well be the lynchpin right here, why the secret?

  15. She picked the right name because everyone that she has seen has called me back and said she was great. She is truly a sweet girl and a true GEM :)

    Kisses Tracey...


    That doesn't surprise me in the least; I've had the pleasure of her company several times now and on top of being incredibly sweet, she's by far one of the best experiences I have ever had. Might be even better now that she is not affiliated with that other agency she started with, they were terrible (which is why I left the name out in the first place).

  16. Good lord, saying 'poor girl' here is a complete oxymoron. And regardless of whether or not there was anything illegal going on, the fact that she was an escort is integral to how all of this came to be in the first place. Do you think this couple met at a mixer for affluent, influential, retirement-aged men and barely out of their teens Paris Hilton wannabe's?


    If she wasn't an escort, most here reading this story would be whispering 'golddigger' under their breath. But no, instead it's a tragedy about the media outing a girl who was once a popular SP here. And she's been tied to this man for a least a few months as a fiancee, as a homeowner, with a Mercedes - yet when did her website with pictures clearly showing her face go down? How monumentally stupid are these people?


    Poor girl my ass. This story has more than a few similarities to the recent Macklem drama. The blatantly callous and malicious aspect is missing, but the age old fable of foolish men with money and a simple young girl using sex to get into that life of luxury is all there.

    • Like 5

  17. I think he is aware since he clearly said things might be better with the liberals in power. You quoted it but doesn't appear that you actually read what was written.


    Jason, you are aware that if Harper and his thugs ever get a majority, and attention ever turns towards your line of work, that he can make your life very difficult.


    It's only a matter of time, before these religious nut jobs, turn there tough on crime agenda against u so tread carefully on which party is in your best interest. *hint* the Tories are not your friend.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  18. There's no definition at all from what I've found. Experienced lots of variance regarding service quality within a certain rate range, yet oddly enough the most amazing times I've had was at the low end and most of the highest end were awful. Had nothing to do with expectation or what my perception the extra $ was for, it's just how they turned out.

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