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Posts posted by Gringo_Love

  1. Many great points made above about age, bruising, and the difference between the street and cerbites. We should also keep in mind those individuals from many parts of the world that are new to Canada and are experiencing a cultural and or language barrier. The leverage that some criminals have over some of these ladies (some of legal age and some not) is sickening and very difficult to determine in a visit or two (eg threats of violence against family members back home; similar tactics are used by NA gangs). There are so many concerns here that I think as a hobbyist that one ought have a very clear understanding of who they are seeing (eg established massage parlour or SP vs an unsubstantiated ad that seems a little shady). Hopefully there are no hobbyists that would want to see anyone involved in human trafficking. In the event that someone inadvertently encounters someone they believe or know to be involved in human trafficking, there is only one course of action they are morally compelled to follow.

  2. JOI - learn something new everyday. Sounds interesting. I'm just guessing here, but given that so far no MP's have jumped forward to offer this that they might be reluctant to do so without knowing you first. Maybe after you get to know an MP you could explore that a little. I would agree with whiteman that an SP might be willing to explore this with you right from the get go. Cheers.

  3. Ummmmmmm. Yup. Always wondered what it would be like. In 48 hours its not enough time to become a cerb girl....so I'm afraid i'd be somewhat of a loose girl. I'd be a gorgeous long - legged dreadlocks slender ebony beauty with nice full lips. All natural. I would drive all the men and women bonkers withmy teasing.


  4. Nice post RG. It just shows you that until all the facts are in front of you, you can't really form a reasonable response. It is the balance of what one does with their life that matters in the end. All of us have attributes and weaknesses and to judge one solely on one category or the other would be, as your questions point out, dangerous. Something to think about for sure....by the way when I contact cerb ladies I let them know that I am strong, gentle and well read ... and leave out the pigeon toes, balding, knock-needed, buck-toothed part of me. :)


  5. LOL...this is the craziest thread I ever read. Dukester...did you go and boldly get the massage or did you panik and settle for a haircut you didn't need...maybe even got them all cut. I hate bumping into other clients wherever I go so this place would totally skittle me....sounds like a hoot...are you here for a hair cut or a rub n tug or both???

  6. My take on this is age. I am older and occasionally I see a cerb lady. Omg. They all seem so young and I don't for a minute believe they would be interested in me. THAT sure helps with any mixed emotions I might have and it let's me enjoy the moment. I would not have been able to handle this as a younger guy. Now I don't worry about falling in love...I just worry about getting it up. LOL. Good luck.

    • Like 1

  7. Reviews for MA's are good. Butt, the big 'ol butt (sp mistake on purpose). Please don't go into details on your own sexual prowess. I for one assume that clients get hard etc. etc. etc. Everyone's experiences are going to differ with the same MA. Just a few sentences can convey alot about your overall experience, her abilities, personality, and general set up of the busness if relevant.





  8. OK... So I am totally old school... Like the previous poster I need to feel some sort of connection to my MA. I HAVE to like her for the experience to be any good for me. I hope that to some degree the feeling is mutual for her. I have booked a number of MA's and never gone back simply because there was no connection. Girl can be sexy as hell but if the interaction seems cold I won't be back. I generally try to connect through pm's first. I dont mind no response...to me that indicates either too busy or not interested. So far i have not received a rude response. I only see a couple of MA's and I will stick with them because they are SO NICE (Miss & Lisa specifically).


    Everybody try a little love.


    One Love.





  9. I can see why one might want to have them separate...but then again I kinda like to browse through and entertain the range of possibilities. At the moment I only see an MA. I have come across SP's that offer massages and have seen one for that purpose. Would an SP that offers massage have to post twice? Would this create any confusion? I think that once one gets into cerb and gets to know who's who then the difficulty passes. Not sure.. just offering a different point of view.

    Peace. Happy New Year.

    • Like 2

  10. Lol @olddog...that's the way to lighten up the thread and back onto bbbj's .... Seems to me that if you want safety then you play safe and study the risks (not opinions). If one prefers to give or recieve bbbj then hopefully they are doing so with knowledge and safe practices.

    • Like 2

  11. Here's a perspective from a cautious, and relative newbie. For me, I want to feel some kind of connection with the person that I am intimate

    with. I have yet to see an SP; although, I am interested. My experience

    Is with just a few MA's. I totally understand that all kinds of reasons can explain why a lady might not return a pm ... But it definately lessens my interest. If she responds really late then at least i feel its not out of indifference....just other stuff got in the way and thats totally cool. I try to start a dialogue at that point. If i dont hear back then I move on. If I ever do contact an SP I would likely behave the same way... One pm and then wait for a response..... If none comes then neither do I. :). I mean I would look elsewhere.

  12. hmmm...not sure where to start here...seems like we are all trying to say what is in other peoples minds...a tough thing at the best of times....a poll of some sort might help answer the questions but that too would present all kinds of problems...i think we can all speak for ourselves however...so do i have an asian fantasy...not really, though I do find some asian women very sexy and could fantasize about a specific woman...personally I like a really nice woman with a really nice booty....

  13. The other day I had a booking with Miss... it was a great experience. She is sooooo pleasant and sensual and made me feel comfortable in no time.  I enjoyed the entire experience...it felt very natural.  Miss is a very genuine person.  I will visit again when $ permit.   

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