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Posts posted by mchrissy2

  1. So, after all is said and done, I see they are still advertising and I haven't heard of anyone using their services. Anyone?

    RE: So, after all is said and done, I see they are still advertising and I haven't heard of anyone using their services. Anyone?

    Anyone want to take one for the team?


    Additional Comments:

    Some pics pass the tinyeye test (are not found on other sites) , some don't so possibly legitimate with a mix of fake photos.

  2. Only when I advertise on somewhere else will someone make a serious inquiry.


    CERB is my go to place and I tend to write reviews - but I follow the suggestion......unless I have something nice to say....I refrain (No negative comments)....and if the lady prefers I don't review, I refrain.


    I do not go to other boards, in particular BP - it's not generally reliable (had good and bad experiences there) - CERB has been pretty consistent and the opportunity to flag issues and to check with other hobbiests helps.

    • Like 1

  3. Foreplay can include everything from that first innocent bit of flirting , that look, the possibility but not the promise of more to come that then grows to more intimate teasing ...........

    Your start point will vary of course.......as will total duration.

    Some would call the date, with the giggling and the subtle touches....part of foreplay.

    Others would limit that to a more intimate setting........and actual touching.

    For myself, and I think most guys, who tend to be quite visual, foreplay can begin with that smile and that look...........to be very blunt........when mister winky wakes up..........foreplay has begun, at least for the guys.

    For women.........tends to be a somewhat longer process, but if you invest in that process, the payback tends to be there.

    Here's to foreplay, and play, and afterplay.....

  4. Some years ago - I call a local service from a hotel I was staying at. A beautiful young lady arrives and its a fantastic time. A little over a year later - i'm moved to that city and being introduced to some of the staff.......yup .....same young lady. We didn't acknowledge our earlier meeting other than with a knowing smile.


    Why ruin a good thing?

    I appreciated her discretion as I'm sure she appreciated mine. She still works there - Ive moved on.

  5. Was looking forward to spending some time with Lyka and she was conve niently located. I was not disapointed. When she opened the door - well.....she's a very beautiful woman and the pics really don't do her justice. A very nice. relaxing time.

    • Like 2

  6. Met with Miss Aeva several months ago in Fredericton. She came over to the hotel after a few back and forth tantalizing txt messages. AFter those messages the anticipation had built up for me and I was not disappointed. Dark haired and slightly taller than I, she held the promise of some good company and more. She came prepared with some very fetching clothing and was open to my suggestions. There's something about a woman who looks you in the eye as she's....welll....you know....I enjoyed this S/P and would put this experience among my top 5.

    • Like 3

  7. Hi everyone New to cerb seems like a great site

    Just wondering if anyone has seen Miss Avea in Fredricton


    I had the pleasure of Miss Aevas company a few months ago. It was quite pleasant. She came prepared and changed into a great outfit. She was open to suggestions (nothing too crazy) and didn't make me feel awkward in any way. Took me to the edge and back and when she left I had a smile on. As an added touch she then e-mailed me a nice note saying how much she enjoyed her time with me. Ditto for me. First time and I hope to repeat next time I'm around Freddy

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