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Posts posted by CourtesanCassandra

  1. heya, wondering if someone might be able to help me.


    I had my site frozen by my host, webs.com. They emailed me my EPP/transfer authorization key code when I requested it for my domain.


    I registered with escorts-site.com but they do not do a domain transfer. I'm not quite sure what to do here, as I purchased my domain name recently & I feel as if I've wasted money.


    Is there another web hosting site that isn't going to make a stink about the content of my site but will do a domain transfer?


    Any help would be appreciated as I've found this super frustrating & I'm not terribly computer saavy.

  2. I purchased a domain name through webs.com & just recently my website was banned due to the fact that my site has adult content. I didn't read the terms of service, but removed photos that they may deem in violation of their terms.


    I sent an email back stating that I wasn't soliciting for sex, that the services I offered were massage as well as domination. I've yet to hear back from them.


    I am wondering if any one else has had a problem like this in the past & if there is any advice. I am not sure if I am going to get my money back on the domain name or other services I purchased.


    Also, if anyone had suggestions on what kind of web hosting company wouldn't get their nickers in a not over the content of my site would be much appreciated.


    Thanks all.

  3. I'm daydreaming here, but...


    What if we did something very different for a change? Suppose we got a number of us together in, say, one of the Gulf Islands resorts--the ones with separate cabins, maybe--for a long weekend. We could invite clients to come and see us, all of us, for one, all-inclusive fee? They'd need to book in advance, and, depending on how many ladies are there, they'd need to book meetings with each of us (each man might meet with one of us on Friday evening, three on Saturday, one or two on Sunday or something). We could throw in some social time, be available for conversation and canoodling over dinner, drinks, meals, etc. And everyone could play. A lot.


    It wouldn't be like a stag party or frat house event. Unless some folks wanted to do that and some of the ladies were interested in it, that is. We could make it as up-scale and exclusive or as moderate as we like. We ladies work hard doing what we do best. The clients get to spend time with more than one of us. We all get along nicely....


    If it's done right, we could easily skirt any legal headaches. Swingers' clubs do this kind of thing all the time, after all.


    It would be expensive. To take full advantage of it would probably require some planning for most, but still.....


    What do you think?


    My goodness, how did I miss this? I'd totally be cool with that. I know, rather late reply, but I think this is a pretty good idea.

    • Like 1

  4. ''I was perfectly capable of setting up and running a home when I was 14, and if, say, it had been ordered differently, I might have thought, 'Now is the time to have a couple of children and when I am 30 I will go back and I'll get my PhD,''' she said.


    Huh. Interesting. I wonder what sort of support network she would have had. Funny she can go on about going back to school & getting her PhD when she is 30 is if it is that simple.


    I know the last thing I was thinking of when I was 14 was having kids & raising a family.


    Being a single momma in my early thirties can be stressful at times. And I was prepared when I had my child. I can't imagine at 14.


    And like Suzirider pointed out, what kid at 14 or 16 is gonna want to have the responsibility of being a father? And as for an adult taking on that role, it's rather creepy that an adult would want to have children with a 14 year old.

  5. Well if you happen to be in the Vancouver area, I know there are lots of spots downtown, but I'll tell you a couple of places on Commercial Drive that are good for martinis. One place that has live jazz nightly, is quite the happening little spot, called The Libra Room, www.libraroom.com. Also, there is a place called Clove further down, www.cloverestaurant.com. I quite liked their drink selection as well & they had a nice chai martini. Plus their appys are really good, the Ahi Tuna Ceviche is killer.

  6. Imagine this ... you have groped, fondled, licked, kissed, sucked, nibbled, fingered, and stroked (did I leave anything out?) and it is big finish time. The protective gear is on, the position has been decided and you get down to busines and then 2 minutes into it she says "are you almost done yet".

    This has happened to me twice with different SPs.


    I have to admit that my jaw hit the floor when you said this. I can't imagine saying that to anyone. And I'm floored that quite a few fellows relate the same or similar experience.


    I tend to lose track of time (good for my clients, heh!) especially when I'm having fun, which is pretty much most of the time.


    I also religiously turn off my ringer when I'm with a client. I did have a one time when I completely forgot & just before we got started, it rang. I've got a unique ring that sounds like cackling monkeys, so needless to say, we both started laughing & I apologized profusely as it had completely slipped my mind. That hasn't happened since.


    I find I can't book more than 2 clients in a day, otherwise I get a little frazzled. I want to be in a calm un-rushed frame of mind when I'm with my clients so we both can enjoy our time together.

    • Like 1

  7. Ya know, I find women of different shapes & sizes quite appealing. That's the beauty of them, the variety in curvage!


    That's too bad that some folks do feel the need to spread such baseless rumors. It shows their insecurities indeed.


    And for someone to call up an sp & call her an old hated whore show some definite instability on their part. Sorry you ladies have to suffer this.


    And Willow, on a side note, that red & white number with the white stockings & red bows on you is positively smashing ;)

  8. Well if you were in my neck of the woods (no pun intended... Or was it?) I'd offer my services between waxings. :-D


    I can't do the completely bare thing, but do wax a bit & trim here & there. But yes, I prefer having a bit of fur on my lady bits & definitely do enjoy a bit of bush on a gal meself. :)

  9. Hey Secret Admirer!


    Nah, I wouldn't call it a strange & rare fetish, there's lots of folks who like the unshaven look! That's the beauty of people's tastes, they're all different & I always enjoy hearing about other's personal preference.


    As for hair, I've always enjoyed a fella with a hairy chest. It's something to play with afterwards when we're laying there & chatting, heh. :D

    • Like 1

  10. The sp in question is not a single parent and claims that her SO takes the child away when she is accepting calls.


    My mistake, I'd made the assumption that the sp was a single parent.


    Even if this claim is true, doing incalls in the same appartment or house where a child lives is really messed up.


    I agree & as I said, working with a little one about is a very bad idea. I wouldn't do it. Common sense tells one that it's a bad idea, but unfortunately, not everyone has common sense.


    Not a good enough reason to justify sex work with a child present. I'm not saying that is the case here, but there's no circumstance ever that could justify it.


    I'm not trying to justify it at all. I'm just not trying to pass judgement on the sp in question (from what it sounds like, she does have resources & should have known better). I also didn't know what the sp's situation was.


    I said earlier that I don't agree with having a child present. I believe parading men in your home, whether they are clients or not, while your little one is around, leaves a very negative imprint on the child's psyche. I say this because of my own personal childhood issues.


    I also think it is foolish because first off, the child is in danger & second, the legal issues. I would not put myself in a situation where my child was in danger or where she could be taken away from me.


    When it comes to my little one, I'm never too careful. I don't even entertain male friends when she is home. I'm very careful as to whom I leave her with.


    I also stated earlier that I think it's a great idea to find solutions rather than putting your little one at risk, such as networking with other parents (that you trust), allotting baby sitting duties. I am lucky enough to have a group of fellow parents, including my family, where I can do this with.

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